Sunday, May 31, 2009

June 1-5

The Graduation Ceremony is over and my life can return to some a semblance of normalcy.

Thank you for your patience over the last couple of weeks.

As of Monday, there are 10 classes left (8 for C.Civ. 12 as your final exam is during the last two classes. Now is the time to begin preparing for the final examination.

1) Be sure all assignments are complete.
2) Start studying for the final.

Use this blogsite to see what work we will be doing and note homework assignments. I will give advance warning about tests here and inform you of their mark breakdown. Things static -- not requiring regular change -- will be posted on the website. This blogsite will have the changing material -- lesson plans and links to particular assignments. If something is underlined on the blog, it means that you can click on it to see a copy -- this could be a pdf document, PowerPoint, music or a video.

Use this blog to see what is coming up each week. I will usually post it on Saturdays for the following week. If you are away, you can check up on what you are missing. There is no reason for you not to know what is happening. If you do not have an Internet connection, you know someone who does. If too ill to work while away, be sure to attach a note from home to any overdue work when you hand it in and I will most likely waive any late deduction.

If you can't read the PowerPoint material on your computer, download PowerPoint Viewer from Microsoft. It is free.

Sutherland has a license to access Discovery Education's video collection. Students may download or stream videos from the collection by going to . Use the passcode posted in the classroom and on your course outline to register. If you have lost it, see me, or e-mail me, for this information. Students are licensed to include this content within their own creations.

Social Studies 11 Honours

To save time, I will test "Government" as a single unit in, probably, the 2nd from last class. This will be a very big test with an extensive multiple-choice component. The subjective section of the exam will have to be shorter than usual to allow for this -- but you will need to study for subjective writing for the final exam in any case. A minimum of 50 flash cards will be needed to earn 5 bonus marks for this test. I will post the mark breakdown when I've written the test.

  • Monday, June 1 - Reminder of Senate outline due Tuesday and political party essay due Wednesday. Discussion of Senate issues and past suggestions for reform. The role of the Queen/Governor General and Prime Minister. Read “Constitutional Monarchy” on p. 222-224 & "The Governor General" on p. 234. Identify points for and against getting rid of the Queen and Governor General. Should Canada become a Republic? Why or why not? Identify 3 reasons for and 3 reasons against doing so. Look at the Monarchist League of Canada and the Canadian Monarchist Online websites for arguments supporting the monarch; see Citizens for a Canadian Republic for arguments against retaining the monarchy. There has also been an active debate in Australia and New Zealand on this topic. Web searches would yield useful information.
  • Tuesday, June 2 - Hand in Senate essay outline. Take up homework. Discuss the role of the PM., Cabinet & the bureaucracy. Discuss lobbying -- how to influence the government to pass favourable laws. We will look at the background material for, but not do, the lobbying assignment. Read pp. 258-267. Do #1-2, p. 264. Do #1-3, p. 267.
  • Wednesday, June 3 - Take up homework. Overview of the Judiciary - PowerPoint - go to the section on the Judiciary. Comparison of Adversarial and Inquisitorial systems. Read pp. 270-275. Do #1-3, p. 275.
    Thursday, June 4 - Take up homework. Video’s on the court system. Create a chart showing the hierarchy of BC courts. 2. Identify the positions of court officians and note the roles that they play. Read pp. 277-288. Do #1-3, p. 280, & 1 & 4, p. 288. Please bring your red Government text to class next day -- along with your blue text.
  • Friday, June 5 - Take up homework. Introduce concept of Human rights – examine text p. 294. List what you expect fundamental rights to be in Canada - Think-Pair-Share. Use Government text p. 60 to list Schweitzer’s list of fundamental rights. Government text pp. 152-158. Examine the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - see PowerPoint; The Constitution. Summarize each of the key sections in your notes. Effect of passing the Charter on Canadian law -- all laws in Canada must conform unless passed using the notwithstanding clause or if they can withstand a challenge based on their being within reasonable limits. If we did not go over essay writing last class, we will do so today. Read pp. 292-312. Do #1, p. 297, #2-3 sidebar p. 303, #1 & 3, p. 304, #3, p. 308 & #2, p. 312.

History 12

The Plan for the final unit is available, as are the questions. Essay #3 is now overdue. We delayed the due date for the questions until this week. I expect them by Wednesday -- up to #50; this is reduced from the original requirement of #62. They will be marked out of 30. It is essential that you complete the rest of the questions to study for the final. I have to submit a year end class mark for you before the course is finished, so this is why I will not collect the remainder.

Remember, it is essential that you start preparing for the final exam -- whether you write the school or provincial exam, preparation is identical. The only real differnce is that the provincial has twice as much weight: 40% of your over-all mark if you take the Provincial and 20% if you take the school exam. The school exam will mirror the Provincial in layout and content. The best way to prepare for this exam is to actually write a previous exam. Link to any grade 12 minstry exam material from here or directly to the History page. Look at all of the material here - make sure you look at the table of specifications to see where the marks will be assigned. The key verbs used on the exam ensures you know what you are being asked to do, and the scoring criteria tells you what the markers are basing their marks on. The more comfortable you are witht the exam and its composition, the better you will do. Be sure to write the sample exams.

Comparative Civilizations 12

The Mannerism and Reformation small packages should be handed in by Wednesday.

I have changed my mind again about testing. With so little time left, and not wanting to use three entire blocks for testing in the final week. We will have a Renaissance to Reformation test on Friday, June 5. Baroque material will be on the final exam and not a unit test.

The unit test will have the following mark breakdown: 20 Slide Identification - identify the art work and artist (40 marks); 45 multiple choice questions (45 marks) and 3 from a choice of 6 long answer questions (18 marks). The total value of the test is, therefore, 101 marks.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

May 25-29

Please excuse me if I seem edgy and irritable this week. I'm busy with ceremony preparation -- and of course every day work must also still carry on. Once the graduation ceremony is over, life can return to normal.

I am not available for extra help at all othis week as I will spend every available moment working Scholarship Committee work and on the script for scholarship presentations for Friday night.

As of Monday, there are 15 classes left (13 for C.Civ. 12 as your final exam is during the last two classes.

Now is the time to begin preparing for the final examination. 1) Be sure all assignments are complete. 2) Start studying for the final.Use this blogsite to see what work we will be doing and note homework assignments. I will give advance warning about tests here and inform you of their mark breakdown.

Things static -- not requiring regular change -- will be posted on the website. This blogsite will have the changing material -- lesson plans and links to particular assignments. If something is underlined on the blog, it means that you can click on it to see a copy -- this could be a pdf document, PowerPoint, music or a video.

Use this blog to see what is coming up each week. I will usually post it on Saturdays for the following week. If you are away, you can check up on what you are missing. There is no reason for you not to know what is happening. If you do not have an Internet connection, you know someone who does. If too ill to work while away, be sure to attach a note from home to any overdue work when you hand it in and I will most likely waive any late deduction.

If you can't read the PowerPoint material on your computer, download
PowerPoint Viewer from Microsoft. It is free.

Sutherland has a license to access Discovery Education's video collection. Students may download or stream videos from the collection by going to . Use the passcode posted in the classroom and on your course outline to register. If you have lost it, see me, or e-mail me, for this information. Students are licensed to include this content within their own creations.

Social Studies 11 (Honours)

We have finished History and are now in the Government Unit. To save time, I will test "Government" as a single unit in, probably, the 2nd from last class. This will be a very big test with an extensive multiple-choice component. The subjective section of the exam will have to be shorter than usual to allow for this -- but you will need to study for subjective writing for the final exam in any case. A minimum of 50 flash cards will be needed to earn 5 bonus marks for this test. I will post the mark breakdown when I've written the test. Given the circumstances, do not expect me to post it this week.
  • Monday, May 25 - Take up #1-5, p. 11 & #1-6, pp. 15-16 and the ideologies practice sheet. Survey of who took the Political Compass quiz - if you did not do this over the weekend, you must do so for Tuesday's class. Video clip. PowerPoint – “Ideologies”. Other ways to show political spectrum & Ideologies summary sheet. More practice with ideologies. Smith & Marx handout. The following reading is completely optional: For an interesting American article on the difference between Lefties and Righties, see Patricia Cohen's New York Times Article: "Across the Great Divide; Investigating Links Between Personality and Politics."
  • Tuesday, May 26 - Take up homework. Lecture/discussion – from ideologies to political parties – national parties in Canada. Read Counterpoints pp. 255-258. Do #3 & 4, p. 258. For homework over the last weekend, you took an online quiz to identify your political viewpoint. To see which Canadian political party comes closest to your views (2005 comparison - according to this organization), link here and see if this is what you expected. Interested in pursuing this further? Try some more tests -- mostly American -- to see where you stand.
  • Wednesday, May 27 - Take up homework. Placing parties on the political spectrum. PowerPoint. BC & Canadian political parties. Read Counterpoints pp. 249-258. Do #1-5, p. 253, #4, p. 258 & sidebar #1-3, p. 257. Read sidebar in Counterpoints pp. 256-257. Do #1-3, p. 257. Read Government pp. 88-97. Do #4, p. 97. Research Canadian federal political parties. Essay Assignment: 24 marks (1 x 6 composition & 3 x 6 content) Which political party would you support in the next federal election? Why? Find political party information at Elections Canada's registered political parties page.
  • Thursday, May 28 - Take up homework. Begin Legislative Branch - focus on the House of Commons. Filmstrip & note-taking. Be sure to look at the Parliament of Canada website. Download, read and study from the Guide to the House of Commons. Handout – The Work of MPs (See also On the Job With a Member of Parliament) and questions. Read pp. 226-233 sidebar. Do #1-3 on p. 231 and #1-3 in the sidebar on p. 233.
  • Friday, May 29 - Take up homework. Filmstrip or video & questions or note-taking on Parliament. Complete material from last class. The Senate – Pros and cons of present setup (Be sure to look at the Senate material at Mapleleafweb). Handout – newspaper article. Essay Outline Assignment. Without actually writing the essay, create an outline for an essay on th topic: "What should be done with the Canadian Senate? Should we abolish it? Reform it? or leave it as it is?" 10 marks, due Tuesday (remember, your political party essay is due on Monday).

History 12

The Plan for the final unit is available, as are the questions.

Remember, it is essential that you start preparing for the final exam -- whether you write the school or provincial exam, preparation is identical. The only real differnce is that the provincial has twice as much weight: 40% of your over-all mark if you take the Provincial and 20% if you take the school exam. The school exam will mirror the Provincial in layout and content. The best way to prepare for this exam is to actually write a previous exam. Link to any grade 12 minstry exam material from here or directly to the History page. Look at all of the material here - make sure you look at the table of specifications to see where the marks will be assigned. The key verbs used on the exam ensures you know what you are being asked to do, and the scoring criteria tells you what the markers are basing their marks on. The more comfortable you are witht the exam and its composition, the better you will do. Be sure to write the sample exams.

  • Monday, May 25 - Indroduction - music video A Walk in the Light Green (I Was Only 19). Vietnam War lecture material concluded (base notes). Video (as much as we can see in the time remaining): CNN Cold War episode, Vietnam 1954-1968 (Episode 11). Please watch the remainder if we are unable to see all of this in class. You MUST also watch one other episode from the series to see how the Vietnam war ended - Cold War - Detente (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5) - available on Youtube.
  • Tuesday, May 26 - The USA (domestic) Since 1945 (base notes). Note: look at Britain's SchoolHistory's revision material for this topic. Look at Susan Pojer's PowerPoint on 1950's America. Watch this short video (7 minutes) with images and protest songs (mostly Bob Dylan) about the civil rights movement. Watch the 11 minute video of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I have a dream" speech. See other Civil Rights videos at the PBS site - Eyes on the Prize. Link back for other material.
  • Wednesday, May 27 - USA (domestic) Since 1945 - continued.
  • Thursday, May 28 - So much for pre-planning. Almost the entire block was lost to the Grad Rehearsal.
  • Friday, May 29 - We got up to President Carter in our USA Domestic material.

Comparative Civilizations 12

The Hero as Artist package is due next Wednesday, May 27. Do not procrastinate. The weekend after next will be busy for all of you!

To avoid testing around Grad Weekend, I will test the Renaissance Units/Mannerism and the Reformation/Baroqe material together. This should take us to around June 8 before the next unit test.

The two small packages - on Mannerism & the Reformation, should be submitted together By Wednesday of next week.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

May 19-22

Things static -- not requiring regular change -- will be posted on the website. This blogsite will have the changing material -- lesson plans and links to particular assignments. If something is underlined on the blog, it means that you can click on it to see a copy -- this could be a pdf document, PowerPoint, music or a video.

Use this blog to see what is coming up each week. I will usually post it on Saturdays for the following week. If you are away, you can check up on what you are missing. There is no reason for you not to know what is happening. If you do not have an Internet connection, you know someone who does. If too ill to work while away, be sure to attach a note from home to any overdue work when you hand it in and I will most likely waive any late deduction.If you can't read the PowerPoint material on your computer, download PowerPoint Viewer from Microsoft. It is free.

Sutherland has a license to access Discovery Education's video collection. Students may download or stream videos from the collection by going to . Use the passcode posted in the classroom and on your course outline to register. If you have lost it, see me, or e-mail me, for this information. Students are licensed to include this content within their own creations.

Social Studies 11 Honours

Your Family History/Immigration assignment is due on Tuesday. (See also the International Students' Version and First Nations Students' Version ) is due next Monday - May 18 (See also the BBC's pedigree sheet - a rough form to serve as a starting point for your own pedigree).

Expect a unit test on Canada since World War II on Thursday. The mark breakdown will be as follows: 43 multiple choice (1 mark each), 5 definitions (2 marks each) and 3 from a choice of 4 long answer questions (6 marks each). The total is, therefore, out of 71 marks. 30 flash cards will earn 5 bonus marks.

  • Tuesday, May 19 - Take up #1-6, p. 216. Video segments from Canada; A Peoples' History - the following episodes: "Taking Back the Past" and "Land and Nation." Complete the PowerPoint on Land Claims and the Indian Act. Create a time line (click here to download blank) with two columns, with the following titles - Landmark Events in Canadian Autonomy and Landmark Events in Canadian Social Change. Go through the History portion of your book to identify events to include in your Time Line. 10 marks - due Thursday. Do the sidebar on p. 211. Read and do #1-2 in the sidebar on pp. 212-213. Also pp. 304-306. Do#1-2, p. 306.
  • Wednesday, May 20 - Take up any problems with timeline creation. Complete any unfinished material on land claims and the Indian Act. Also, describe what you think Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun is trying to show in his painting Despotism in Canada on the last slide of the PowerPoint (minus all of the print, obviously). Begin Government material. Is there a need for government? Stranded on an island scenario. Handout: What is Government? We will take this up on Thursday.
  • Thursday, May 21 - Unit Test: Canada since World War II. Complete the government assignment from Tuesday. Sign out Government text (used only for the "Ideologies" chapter.) Read pp. 1-6, do #1-4, p. 6.
  • Friday, May 22 - Take up What is Government questions and #1-4, p. 6. Introduction to Ideologies. Origins and the Political Spectrum. Read pp. 7-15. Do #1-5, p. 11 & #1-6, pp. 15-16. To identify your own ideology, take the online Political Compass quiz.

History 12

The Plan for the final unit is available, as are the questions.

If you have time, watch some of the Cold War videos linked to in my Googlevideo and Youtube directory. You absolutely have to watch Threads, a 1984 British film on the likely effect of nuclear war - brilliant and terrifying. Another equally frightening documentary on nuclear war is A Guide to Armageddon (Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3), which documents the effects of a one megaton explosion over London, England. This is less than 30 minutes in length.

Remember, it is essential that you start preparing for the final exam -- whether you write the school or provincial exam, preparation is identical. The only real differnce is that the provincial has twice as much weight: 40% of your over-all mark if you take the Provincial and 20% if you take the school exam. The school exam will mirror the Provincial in layout and content. The best way to prepare for this exam is to actually write a previous exam. Link to any grade 12 minstry exam material from here or directly to the History page. Look at all of the material here - make sure you look at the table of specifications to see where the marks will be assigned. The key verbs used on the exam ensures you know what you are being asked to do, and the scoring criteria tells you what the markers are basing their marks on. The more comfortable you are witht the exam and its composition, the better you will do. Be sure to write the sample exams.

  • Tuesday, May 19 - Complete Deterrence & Nuclear War (base notes). Download and study the summary sheet "Nuclear Treaties." AV - Notes on Nuclear War, from Gwynne Dyer's seminal 1980's documentary series War. Watch CNN's 46 minute Cold War; M.A.D. to see terrifict coverage of the nuclear convlict between 1960-1972. Another very interesting episode is Cold War; Star Wars. For a wealth of information on nuclear issues, visit the Federation of American Scientists' nuclear issues webpages.
  • Wednesday, May 20 - British & French Decolonization in Africa & Asia (base notes). If you have time and want to get beyond the simple notion of a heroic struggle for independence, watch the Italian (with English subtitles) documentary Africa Addio. Decolonization was accompanied by horrific brutality on both sides. This has implications for white South Africans since the end of apartheid too.
  • Thursday, May 21 - Continue British & French Decolonization (base notes). Begin Indochina & Vietnam (base notes). Watch the first part of a video on Kwame Nkrumah -- which gives a 4 minute background to African decolonization. Watch the classic French film The Battle of Algiers to see the difficulty of France giving up Algeria in the face of Colon - settler - resistance.
  • Friday, May 22 - Indochina & Vietnam (base notes). You must watch the CNN Cold War episode, Vietnam 1954-1968 (Episode 11). On your own, watch Dien Bien Phu - a film of a little under 1 hour, on the decisive battle leading to France's withdrawal from Vietnam and the rest of Indo-China. Hearts and Minds is a documentary dealing with the importance of the importance of winning support for the war in order to successfully fight it. The Tet Offensive deals with the dramatic Viet-Cong & North Vietnamese offensive that broke American public belief in the likelyhood of American victory in the war. Vietnam; The Last Battle looks at the collapse of the South and the end of the conflict. Take 7 minutes to watch Last Word; Dith Pran - the subject of the stunning 1984 film The Killing Fields, which told the story of the murderous Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia. For a right-wing view of the Vietnam War, that opposes the interpretations of America's PBS history of the war (Vienam; a Television History - see episode 1 online - introducing the series, but mainly dealing with the French) currently the mainstream view, watch the Charlton Heston narrated Vietnam War; the Real History. This is a "cold-warrior" viewpoint.

Comparative Civilizations 12

The Hero as Artist package is due next Wednesday, May 27. Do not procrastinate. The weekend after next will be busy for all of you!

To avoid testing around Grad Weekend, I will test the Renaissance Units/Mannerism and the Reformation/Baroqe material together. This should take us to around June 8 before the next unit test.

  • Tuesday, May 19 - Monty Python's Pope & Michelangelo. Introduction to High Renaissance Painting (notes). Michelangelo (notes) - painting, sculpture and architecture. Work on the Hero as Artist package. See a Unitedstreaming video on Michelangelo (you will need to login). If you are interested in Michelangelo's sketches, watch this video from the British Museum (40 minutes). You might also look at a video about his sculptures (5 minutes).
  • Wednesday, May 20 - Da Vinci PowerPoint. Work on the package. If you are interested in Dan Brown's books -- and the da Vinci Code in particular, you might enjoy Professor Ward Gasque's University of California lecture The da Vinci Code - Fact or Fiction.
  • Thursday, May 21 - Bramante and Raphael (notes - see also the diagram showing who the models were in The School of Athens). Sister Wendy video segment. Work on the package.
  • Friday, May 22 - Titian. Sister Wendy on old Titian. Work on the package.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

May 11 to 15

Things static -- not requiring regular change -- will be posted on the website. This blogsite will have the changing material -- lesson plans and links to particular assignments. If something is underlined on the blog, it means that you can click on it to see a copy -- this could be a pdf document, PowerPoint, music or a video.

Use this blog to see what is coming up each week. I will usually post it on Saturdays for the following week. If you are away, you can check up on what you are missing. There is no reason for you not to know what is happening. If you do not have an Internet connection, you know someone who does. If too ill to work while away, be sure to attach a note from home to any overdue work when you hand it in and I will most likely waive any late deduction.

If you can't read the PowerPoint material on your computer, download PowerPoint Viewer from Microsoft. It is free.

Sutherland has a license to access Discovery Education's video collection. Students may download or stream videos from the collection by going to . Use the passcode posted in the classroom and on your course outline to register. If you have lost it, see me, or e-mail me, for this information. Students are licensed to include this content within their own creations.

Social Studies 11 (Honours)

Your Family History Assignment (See also the International Students' Version and First Nations Students' Version ) is due next Monday - May 18 (See also the BBC's pedigree sheet - a rough form to serve as a starting point for your own pedigree).

Our next unit test will be on Post-War Canada and is a week or so away. We are also breaking into the History unit with some Government material, just before the provincial election on May 12.

  • Monday, May 11 - Elections lesson – day 2. Various voting systems. BCSTV animation. Assignment: What electoral system do you feel is best? Why? (due Wednesday. About 1 page). Read pp. 172-181. Do #1-4, p. 176 and #2-4, p. 182.
  • Tuesday, May 12 - Take up pp. 172-181. Do #1-4, p. 176 and #2-4, p. 182. Begin PowerPoint -- The Quiet and Not-So-Quiet Revolution and questions. Watch "Winners & Losers," "Time for Change" & "Maitres Chez Nous" from Canada; A Peoples' History. Read pp. 184-189. Do 1 sidebar, p. 1865; #1-4, p. 187; #1-3, p. 189. Make sure you have completed the electoral systems assignment from Monday.
  • Wednesday, May 13 - Take up 1 sidebar, p. 1865; #1-4, p. 187; #1-3, p. 189. Material from Canada; A Peoples’ History ("Vive le Quebec Libre," "Language Wars", the "Choice" - questions). Continue PowerPoint and questions. Read ppl 190-200. Do #1-5, p. 194, sidebars p. 192 & 194, #1-7, p. 200 and sidebars 8-4 and 8-5, p. 196.
  • Thursday, May 14 - Take up #1-5, p. 194, sidebars p. 192 & 194, #1-7, p. 200 and sidebars 8-4 and 8-5, p. 196. Complete the PowerPoint and questions and, if time, see remaining material from Canada; A Peoples’ History, the final segment: "Night of the Long Knives." Read pp. 201-206. Do #1-5, p. 206 & sidebars p. 205.
  • Friday, May 15 - Take up #1-5, p. 206 & sidebars p. 205. (If we did not complete this yesterday, finish the PowerPoint and questions and see any remaining material from Canada; A Peoples’ History, including the final segment: "Night of the Long Knives." Begin PowerPoint: "Land Claims and the Indian Act." Read pp. 206-216. Do #1-6, p. 216.

History 12

The Plan for the final unit is available, as are the questions.

If you have time, watch some of the Cold War videos linked to in

my Googlevideo and Youtube directory. You absolutely have to watch Threads, a 1984 British film on the likely effect of nuclear war - brilliant and terrifying. Another equally frightening documentary on nuclear war is A Guide to Armageddon (Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3), which documents the effects of a one megaton explosion over London, England. This is less than 30 minutes in length.
  • Monday, May 11 - Video - India; The Brightest Jewel - from the 20th Century History series (sorry, not available online). Decolonization India (base notes). Decolonization India (base notes). A nice short (under 10 minute) history of partition and the endless conflict that followed it can be found here. If you are prepared to install Veoh on your computer, you can see the entire BBC documentary The Day India Burned (I had to uninstall as it conflicted with another programme. You might not have this difficulty). The first 23 minutes of the documentary can be be found elsewhere. Another excellent, longish, documentary is The Last Days of the Raj (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9)Time for a movie? Watch Partition -- available in its entirity on Googlevideo.
  • Tuesday, May 12 - The Middle East to 1956 (base notes). Video clip from the 20th Century History series - if avalable. Click here to see what Arab leaders at the time said about Palestine. Watch the BBC documentary The Birth of Israel. For those really interested in the Middle East - try The 50 Years War; Israel and the Arabs (chunked into 29 parts, I just link to the Youtube directory for its parts). There is a nice BBC documentary on the 1956 war - The Other Side Of Suez 1956 (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9).
  • Wednesday, May 13 - Complete the Middle East to 1956. If time, begin video Mr. Kennedy & Mr. Khrushchev (sorry, not available online). If time, Begin the Cuban Missile Crisis (base notes). Be sure to watch CNN's Cold War; Episode 10; Cuba 1959-1962. Thirteen Days is a decent Hollywood treatment of the crisis, though it is a little loose in dealing with people and events -- not enough to worry about messing up your knowledge for the final exam though.
  • Thursday, May 14 - The Cuban Missile Crisis - continued (base notes). If we get through this material in time, I will begin the nuclear war material. If you have almost two hours available, get in the mood for our lectures on nuclear war by viewing Threads, a British docudrama from the 1980s about a nuclear war -- banned from British TV at the time, it is a highly praised production that gives a frightening, but important view of what such a war might be like. For a straight-forward documentary 0n what would happen to a city hit by a nuclear bomb, watch Nuclear War; A Guide to Armageddon - this links to the first episode, go to the sidebar to link to the other segments.
  • Friday, May 15 - Deterrence & Nuclear War (base notes). Watch a 1 1/2 minute film and animation sequence on the Hiroshima bombing -- from a BBC documentary (1 1/2 hours). A longer 9+ minute segment is also available on Youtube.

Comparative Civilizations 12

Work hard on your packages -- your next unit test is still several weeks off.

  • Monday, May 11 - Durer (notes). Sister Wendy - The Northern Renaissance painters. Work on the package.
  • Tuesday, May 12 - Hero as Artist Package assigned. Filmstrip or video (if filmstrip unavailable). Work on the new or old package. Hand in the Man the Measure of All Things package by 4:30 p.m. Wednesday.
  • Wednesday, May 13 - Begin the video: The Agony and the Ecstacy. Work on the package.
  • Thursday, May 14 - Continue The Agony and the Ecstacy. Work on the package.
  • Friday, May 15 - Introduction to High Renaissance Painting (notes). Michelangelo (notes) - painting,sculpture and architecture. Work on the Hero as Artist package. For a little levity, watch Monty Python's Pope & Michelangelo. See a Unitedstreaming video on Michelangelo (you will need to login). If you are interested in Michelangelo's sketches, watch this video from the British Museum (40 minutes). You might also look at a video about his sculptures (5 minutes).

Saturday, May 02, 2009

May 4 - 8

Things static -- not requiring regular change -- will be posted on the website. This blogsite will have the changing material -- lesson plans and links to particular assignments. If something is underlined on the blog, it means that you can click on it to see a copy -- this could be a pdf document, PowerPoint, music or a video.

Use this blog to see what is coming up each week. I will usually post it on Saturdays for the following week. If you are away, you can check up on what you are missing. There is no reason for you not to know what is happening. If you do not have an Internet connection, you know someone who does. If too ill to work while away, be sure to attach a note from home to any overdue work when you hand it in and I will most likely waive any late deduction.

If you can't read the PowerPoint material on your computer, download PowerPoint Viewer from Microsoft. It is free.

Sutherland has a license to access Discovery Education's video collection. Students may download or stream videos from the collection by going to . Use the passcode posted in the classroom and on your course outline to register. If you have lost it, see me, or e-mail me, for this information. Students are licensed to include this content within their own creations.

Social Studies 11 (Honours)

There is an ongoing assignment. This is the Family History Assignment (See also the International Students' Version and First Nations Students' Version ) - which will not be due until mid May. (See also the BBC's pedigree sheet - a rough form to serve as a starting point for your own pedigree).

Our next unit test will be on Post-War Canada and is a couple of weeks away. We will also break into the History unit with some Government material, just before the provincial election on May 12.

Please note: I've changed the plan for this Friday and the following Monday and will insert material ordinarilly taught in the Government unit. With the Provincial election on May 12 -- I will handle elections at this time.

  • Monday, May 4 - Take up sidebar questions pp. 140, 141 #1-2, 143 #3, 145 & #1-6, p. 146. PowerPoint Post 1945 Canada. Material from Canada; A Peoples’ History; Comfort & Fear. ("Boom," "Seeing Red," "On Guard for Thee" and "The Shadow of Nuclear War" - questions). Read pp. 146-150. Do #1-4, p. 150.
  • Tuesday, May 5 - Take up #1-4, p. 150. PowerPoint Post 1945 Canada. Material from Canada; A Peoples’ History; Comfort & Fear. ("First Tremors," "A Prairie Storm" & "The Fight for Medicare" - questions). Read pp. 150-156. Do #1-5, p. 156 & sidebar #1-4, p. 155. If you have the time, Watch the stunning British Documentary Nuclear War: A Guide to Armageddon (Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3) to understand the stakes of nuclar confrontation. Another rivetting show on nuclear war is Threads, a BBC production about what would happen to a community if nuclear war occurred. I link to these and other Cold War videos in my Googlevideo and Youtube directory.
  • Wednesday, May 6 - Take up #1-5, p. 156 & #1-4 in the sidebar, p.155. PowerPoint Post 1945 Canada. segments from Canada; A Peoples’ History. (Material not completed in the previous two classes). Read pp. 157-158. Do #1-4, p. 158.
  • Thursday, May 7 - Take up #1-4, p. 158. Continue PowerPoint Post-War Canada. Read pp. 160-172. Do sidebar, p. 167, #2-6, p. 167, & #1-5, p. 172.
  • Friday, May 8 - Elections handout. Elections in Canada – The first-by-the-post system. (If time; proportional representation too). Note: after we complete the 2nd elections lesson, you will write a 1 pagish, 10 mark assignment on what electoral system you think is best and why.

History 12

The Plan for the final unit is available, as are the questions.

If you have time, watch some of the Cold War videos linked to in

my Googlevideo and Youtube directory. You absolutely have to watch Threads, a 1984 British film on the likely effect of nuclear war - brilliant and terrifying. Another equally frightening documentary on nuclear war is A Guide to Armageddon (Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3), which documents the effects of a one megaton explosion over London, England. This is less than 30 minutes in length.

Yipes -- a change in plan for the end of this week. I forgot about the Counterattack Assembly on Thursday. Mia culpa.

  • Monday, May 4 - Finish Mao and the Revolution in China (base notes). Video on the early Cold War, from the 20th Century History series: Cold War Confrontation (sorry, unavailable online).
  • Tuesday, May 5 - The United Nations (base notes).
  • Wednesday, May 6 - Begin the Soviet Union & Eastern Europe to 1956 (base notes).
  • Thursday, May 7 - We will continue with the lecture in any time that remains. We will also attend the Counterattack Assembly
  • Friday, May 7 - Complete the Soviet lecture to 1956 . Video & Questions - The Cold War; Episode 6; Reds (You can see CNN companion material online). However, there is also an earthquake drill scheduled for this class -- "The Big One at One." Watch anything we miss online!

Comparative Civilizations 12

Our Medieval Unit Test completed, we are several weeks away from the next test on the Renaissance.