Saturday, December 11, 2010

December 13-17

Contact me by e-mail at:

Things that are static -- not requiring regular change -- can be found at my website:, I'm afraid I do not update this regularly. I spend most of my time keeping the blog up to date.

This blogsite will have all of the changing material -- lesson plans and links to assignments. I will try to ensure that all assignments are posted here.If you see something underlined, it means that you can click on the item to have it appear. I will do this for all pdf documents, PowerPoints, videos, and even some music.

Sutherland has renewed its license with Discovery Education Streaming services and all of the Discovery videos and video clips are available for student use. If you established an account in previous years, you can access it using your existing login name and password. If you do not yet have an account, get the code from the poster at the front of my classroom (sorry, I cannot post this online) and enroll. Use is free and students have copywright privileges; you can use chunks within your presentations legally.

My tutorial times are officially 3:10 to 3:30 on Mondays and Fridays, however I am available most days before school, at noon and after school. Drop by or make an appointment if you need guaranteed time. I will respond to e-mails within a day at worst.

Click here for pictures of the Grad Dinner Dance.

Social Studies 8

Block 3 students - be sure to get DPA (Daily Physical Activity) sheets in.

Remember -- the Chapters 3-5 Test has been put forward to Monday -- as announced in class!

Expect the mark breakdown to be as follows: 50 multiple choice questions ( 1 mark each) and 4 long answer questions from a choice of 7 possibilities (6 marks each). The test total is, therefore, out of 74 marks. At least 35 flash cards will be needed to earn the full 5 bonus marks available.

  • Monday, December 13 - Unit Test on Chapters 3-4-5 -- The Middle Ages. Read pp. 134-138. Do #1-7, p. 138.
  • Tuesday, December 14 - Take up homework. Introduction to the Italian Renaissance. Watch: The Medici -- Godfathers of the Renaissance; Birth of a Dynasty. 1. How did the Medici come to dominate Florence? 2. How did they help bring about a flowering of interest in ancient learning and modern art and architecture? 3. What was the relationship between artists and patrons in Florence during the renaissance? 4. How did Brunelleschi change Western art? 5) How did Cosimo bring knowledge from the outside world to Florence? Read pp. 139-143. do #1-5, p. 143.
  • Wednesday, December 15 - Take up homework. Watch this video clip from James Burke's The Day the Universe Changed; Point of View. Questions: How did Brunelleschi and Alberti change the art of painting? Watch Sister Wendy 0n Renaissance artists. 1) Name at least one major work by each artist she deals with. 2) Explain why each artist is considered great. Read pp. 143-147. Do #1-4, p. 147.
  • Thursday, December 16 - Take up homework. Watch Zeffireli's version of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet (sorry, I can't seem to find an online version for you this year). Describe the renaissance world shown in the movie. How did the lives of upper middle class families then differ with the lives of the same kind of people today? Be sure to think about family relationships, work, interests and lifestyles. No homework today!
  • Friday, December 17 - Complete Romeo and Juliet and note-taking. Play around with the Shakesperian Insult Kit. Enjoy the Christmas holidays without Social Studies homework.

Social Studies 11

There is a major research assignment underway, the Family History - Immigration Assignment (With additional options for International and First Nations students. Click here to get a sample pedigree sheet. ) The due date for this work is not until right after the Christmas holidays, to allow plenty of time for research and discussion with family members.
The Geography textbook 21st Century World is available online. Just click on the title to access the table of contents.

Your unit test on Post-War Canada will be on Thursday, December 16. The test will be arranged roughly as follows:
43 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 5 definitions (2 marks each) and a choice of 3 from 5 choices (6 marks each). The test is, therefore, out of 71 marks. 30 flash cards are needed to earn 5 marks.

  • Monday, December 13 - Take up #1,2, 4 & 5, p. 194, #1,34 & 5, p. 197 and 1, 2 & 4, p. 200. Watch the following segments of Canada; A People's History: "October Crisis", the "Choice," - questions and "Night of the Long Knives" - questions. More PowerPoint - The Quiet and Not-So-Quiet Revolution. Be sure to see anything we are unable to complete in class.
  • Tuesday, December 14 - Take up homework. Begin PowerPoint: "Land Claims and the Indian Act." Read pp. 201-207. Do #1-5, p. 204 and 1-5, p. 206.
  • Wednesday, December 15 - Take up homework. Watch video segments from Canada; A Peoples' History - the following episodes: "Taking Back the Past" and "Land and Nation" and questions. PowerPoint on Land Claims & the Indian Act. Anything we are unable to complete in class, you will need to view on your own. Read pp. 208-216. Do the sidebar on p. 211 & #1-2, p. 213 and #2-6, p. 216.
  • Thursday, December 16 - Unit Test on Post-War Canada. Sign out Geography text The 21st Century World. Read pp. 6-11. Do #1-5, p. 11.
  • Friday, December 17 - Introduce Geography portion of the course. PowerPoint for Ch. 1 - Geography. If there is anything from the PowerPoint that we do not complete, you will need to look this over for yourself over the break. Be sure to work on your Family History/Immigration Assignment over the break. It will be due at the end of the first week we are back after the holidays!

History 12

Questions for Topic #4.

Essay #3 - Due the last week of classes before Christmas.

Plan for Topics #5 & 6.

Questions for Topics #5 & 6.

There will not be a unit test on topics 5 & 6. However, expect significant weight on this material on the final exam. You will submit work to #62 of the questions in January. The I may collect some of the remainder in the final week -- we will determine this after the Christmas holidays. The problem I have is that all marks must be finalized by the last week of classes, so you know your mark going into the final exam.

Saturday, December 04, 2010

December 6-10

Contact me by e-mail at:

Things that are static -- not requiring regular change -- can be found at my website:, I'm afraid I do not update this regularly. I spend most of my time keeping the blog up to date.

This blogsite will have all of the changing material -- lesson plans and links to assignments. I will try to ensure that all assignments are posted here.If you see something underlined, it means that you can click on the item to have it appear. I will do this for all pdf documents, PowerPoints, videos, and even some music.

Sutherland has renewed its license with Discovery Education Streaming services and all of the Discovery videos and video clips are available for student use. If you established an account in previous years, you can access it using your existing login name and password. If you do not yet have an account, get the code from the poster at the front of my classroom (sorry, I cannot post this online) and enroll. Use is free and students have copywright privileges; you can use chunks within your presentations legally.

My tutorial times are officially 3:10 to 3:30 on Mondays and Fridays, however I am available most days before school, at noon and after school. Drop by or make an appointment if you need guaranteed time. I will respond to e-mails within a day at worst.

Click here for pictures of the Grad Dinner Dance.

Social Studies 8

Block 3 students - be sure to get DPA (Daily Physical Activity) sheets in.

Students have quite a bit on their plates with the major project due soon. I'm going to add chapter 5 to the next unit test to put off the date a little longer still - I expect it to be on Tuesday, December 14. It will include chapters 3-4-5. Expect the mark breakdown to be as follows: 50 multiple choice questions ( 1 mark each) and 4 long answer questions from a choice of 7 possibilities (6 marks each). The test total is, therefore, out of 74 marks. At least 35 flash cards will be needed to earn the full 5 bonus marks available.

Medieval Research Project. Part 1. Part 2. is due on Monday. Please note: If you are using "Bibme" to generate your bibliography, you do not need to have a bibliographic information gathering form -- it is done on the website!

  • Monday, December 6 - Hand in your Medieval Projects. Take up Magna Carta homework.Introduce unification of France. Look at map on p. 81 of Patterns of Civilization. Land was added to the Royal domain because nobles were decimated by the Hundred Years War (which we will study more later) - and having their land revert to the King, and the development of a distinctly French & English nationalism (See this summary of the end of the Hundred Years War) and French Kings gained much control over the Church in France. Introduction to the "Struggle Between Popes and Emperors."Hosford Atlas, pp. 25 and 30. Assignment: 10 marks, due Thursday -Medieval Newspaper (See also the newspaper example) - after Medieval Research Assignment - due Thursday(Alone or in pairs). Read p. 82-84. Do #1-6, p. 84.
  • Tuesday, December 7 - Go over homework Watch Part 5 of The Rise and Fall of Islamic Spain(Click here for the full documentary, almost 2 hours.). Questions: 1) What happens to the reconquered people of Granada after the Christian reconquest? Read pp. 85-87. Do #1-6, p. 87. Interested in the Inquisition? Try these two documentaries: Secret Files of the Inquisition; Part 1, and Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4. And now for something completely different -- Monty Python's "Spanish Inquisition" and here for another episode. Please note: I deleted the filmstrip we were to watch today as the equipment is not functioning. However, it was brought to my attention that I neglected to assign the readings on pages 77-81 last week -- along with questions #1-6 on p. 81. The time not used for the filmstrip (about 20 minutes) was given, in class, to complete this material.
  • Wednesday, December 8 - Take up #1-6, p. 87. Introduction to the Plague. Page 42 of Hosford Atlas. Pint Size History; the Black Death. Watch History's Turning Points; 1347 AD; The Black Death. 1. Where did the Plague originate? 3) What did Medieval Europeans think caused the disease? What really caused it? 4) How did the Plague spread throughout Europe? 5) How did Medieval people deal with the disease? 6. What were the lasting effects of the Plague? Interested in the Black Death -- watch the History of Britain; King Death (1 hour). We will watch just a 10 minute excerpt from the video.Assignment: Imagine that you are a witness to the Plague. Write an account of its coming and its effects. 10 marks. Due Friday. Medieval newspaper assignment due next class.
  • Thursday, December 9 - Hand in Medieval Newspaper assignments. Introduction to the Hundred Years War - Hosford Atlas, page 43. We will watchBattles that Changed the World; Agincourt. 1) How did the Hundred Years' War damage both England and France? 2) How was it that a smallish English army defeated a much larger French force at Agincourt? 3) How did new weapons undermine the power of knights and lords? Introduction to heraldry - handout. Design and produce on a sheet of blank paper a personal coat of arms. For vast amounts of information on heraldry, visit the Society for Creative Anachronism's website. See also a detailed descriptionfrom Otis Norman Crandall. Time for a movie? If you have the time, watch Battlefield Detectives; Agincourt's Dark Secrets (You need to install Veoh for this - check with your parents as it does affect other programmes - I only have it on one of my computers because of Veoh's sometimes annoying changes).
  • Friday, December 10 - Collect coats of arms and Black Plague assignments. Look at Hosford Atlas, "Agents of Change" pp. 45-47. Watch The Western Tradition; Episode 23; the Late Middle Ages. (You will need to register to access this site, but don't worry -- it is American public television and you will not be pestered with junk mail after doing so). While watching, answer the following question: What changes were happening to life in the late Middle Ages? why? Introduction to the "Babylonian Captivity" when there were multiple popes at one time. See p. 44 of the Hosford Atlas. Read pp. 134-138. Do #1-7, p. 138.
Social Studies 11

There is a major research assignment underway, the Family History - Immigration Assignment (With additional options for International and First Nations students. Click here to get a sample pedigree sheet. ) The due date for this work is not until right after the Christmas holidays, to allow plenty of time for research and discussion with family members.
  • Monday, December 6 - Take up sidebar questions pp. 140, 141 #1-2, 143 #3, 145 & #1-6, p. 146. Watch videos (sorry, unavailable online) from Canada; A Peoaple's History; Comfort and Fear. "Boom," "Seeing Red," "On Guard for Thee" and "The Shadow of Nuclear War" -questions." This is material that we did not get to last week. Continue PowerPoint Post 1945 Canada. Read pp. 146-150. Do sidebars p. 146 & #1-4, p. 150. If you have the time, Watch the stunning British Documentary Nuclear War: A Guide to Armageddon (Part 1, Part 2& Part 3) to understand the stakes of nuclar confrontation. Another rivetting show on nuclear war is Threads, a BBC production about what would happen to a community if nuclear war occurred.
  • Tuesday, December 7 - Take up homework. PowerPoint Post 1945 Canada. Material from Canada; A Peoples’ History; Comfort & Fear. ("First Tremors" "A Prairie Storm" & "The Fight for Medicare" - questions)," Read pp. 150-158. Do sidebar, #1-3, p. 155, #1-5, p. 156 & #2-4, p. 158.
  • Wednesday, December 8 - PowerPoint Post 1945 Canada. Material from Canada; A Peoples’ History; Comfort & Fear. ("Material from Canada; A People’s History (“A Question of Equality,” “A Changing Face,”and “The Computer Moves In” and questions). Read pp. 160-172. Do #2-6, p. 167, & #1-5, p. 172.
  • Thursday, December 9 - Take up homework. Finish any PowerPoint material not completed. Material from Canada; A People’s History("Time for Change" & "Maitres Chez Nous" - questions). Read pp. 172-187. Do #1-4, p. 176, #2-4, p. 182, and 2-5, p. 187.
  • Friday, December 10 - Take up homework. PowerPoint The Quiet and Not-So-Quiet Revolution. Watch "Vive le Quebec Libre," "October Crisis", the "Choice" - questions. Read pp. 191- 200. Do #1,2, 4 & 5, p. 194, #1,34 & 5, p. 197 and 1, 2 & 4, p. 200.
History 12

Questions for Topic #4.

Essay #3 - Due the last week of classes before Christmas.

Plan for Topics #5 & 6.

Questions for Topics #5 & 6.

There will not be a unit test on topics 5 & 6. However, expect significant weight on this material on the final exam. You will submit work to #62 of the questions in January. The I may collect some of the remainder in the final week -- we will determine this after the Christmas holidays. The problem I have is that all marks must be finalized by the last week of classes, so you know your mark going into the final exam.

  • Monday, December 6 - CNN/BBC's Cold War videos. "Episode 6; Reds" (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5,). "Episode 7; After Stalin" (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5,).
  • Tuesday, December 7 - Video - India; The Brightest Jewel - from the 20th Century History series (Part 1, part 2). Decolonization India (base notes). Decolonization India (base notes). A nice short (under 10 minute) history of partition and the endless conflict that followed it can be found here. If you are prepared to install Veoh on your computer, you can see the entire BBC documentary The Day India Burned (I had to uninstall as it conflicted with another programme. You might not have this difficulty). The first 23 minutes of the documentary can be befound elsewhere. Another excellent, longish, documentary is The Last Days of the Raj (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6,part 7, part 8, part 9)Time for a movie? Watch Partition -- available in its entirity on Googlevideo.
  • Wednesday, December 8 - The Middle East to 1956 (base notes). Video clip from the 20th Century History series - if available. Watch the BBC documentary The Birth of Israel. For those really interested in the Middle East - try The 50 Years War; Israel and the Arabs (chunked into 29 parts, I just link to the Youtube directory for its parts). There is a nice BBC documentary on the 1956 war - The Other Side Of Suez 1956 (part 1, part 2, part 3).
  • Thursday, December 9 - Complete the Middle East to 1956. If time, begin video Mr. Kennedy & Mr. Khrushchev (sorry, not available online). If time, Begin the Cuban Missile Crisis (base notes). Be sure to watch CNN's Cold War; Episode 10; Cuba 1959-1962 (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5). Thirteen Days is a decent Hollywood treatment of the crisis, though it is a little loose in dealing with people and events -- not enough to worry about messing up your knowledge for the final exam though.
  • Friday, December 10 - The Cuban Missile Crisis (base notes). If you have almost two hours available, get in the mood for Wednesday's lecture on nuclear war by viewing Threads, a British docudrama from the 1980s about a nuclear war -- banned from British TV at the time, it is a highly praised production that gives a frightening, but important view of what such a war might be like. For a straight-forward documentary 0n what would happen to a city hit by a nuclear bomb, watch Nuclear War; A Guide to Armageddon - this links to the first episode, go to the sidebar to link to the other segments. You might also look at Defcon 2 - Cuban Missile Crisis (Part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6).

Saturday, November 27, 2010

November 29-December 3

Contact me by e-mail at:

Things that are static -- not requiring regular change -- can be found at my website:, I'm afraid I do not update this regularly. I spend most of my time keeping the blog up to date.

This blogsite will have all of the changing material -- lesson plans and links to assignments. I will try to ensure that all assignments are posted here.If you see something underlined, it means that you can click on the item to have it appear. I will do this for all pdf documents, PowerPoints, videos, and even some music.

Sutherland has renewed its license with Discovery Education Streaming services and all of the Discovery videos and video clips are available for student use. If you established an account in previous years, you can access it using your existing login name and password. If you do not yet have an account, get the code from the poster at the front of my classroom (sorry, I cannot post this online) and enroll. Use is free and students have copywright privileges; you can use chunks within your presentations legally.

My tutorial times are officially 3:10 to 3:30 on Mondays and Fridays, however I am available most days before school, at noon and after school. Drop by or make an appointment if you need guaranteed time. I will respond to e-mails within a day at worst.

Click here for pictures of the Grad Dinner Dance.

Social Studies 8

Block 3 students - be sure to get DPA (Daily Physical Activity) sheets in.
Students have quite a bit on their plates with the major project due soon. I'm going to add chapter 5 to the next unit test to put off the date a little longer still - I expect it to be on Tuesday, December 14. It will include chapters 3-4-5. Expect the mark breakdown to be as follows: 50 multiple choice questions ( 1 mark each) and 4 long answer questions from a choice of 7 possibilities (6 marks each). The test total is, therefore, out of 74 marks. At least 35 flash cards will be needed to earn the full 5 bonus marks available.

Students should be working on the Medieval Research Project. Part 1. Part 2. The due date has been extended to Monday, December 6.

  • Monday, November 29 - Writing point-form outlines. Library research block
  • Tuesday, November 30 - Library block. We will take attendance at class before heading there.
  • Wednesday, December 1 - Take up #1-6, p. 74. Complete Terry Jones' The Crusades; Pilgrims in Arms. Questions: 1) What started the First Crusade? 2) What did crusader knights hope to gain? 3) Why did peasants join the crusade? 4) Why were Jews persecuted in Medieval Europe? 5) How did the "Peoples' Crusade" end? 6) What was the relationship between the crusaders and the Byzantines? Watch Episode 2: Jerusalem, and do the questions on the 2nd screen: 1) What equipment did a night on the first crusade take with him? 2) What hazards did crusaders face and was it likely that a crusader would survive the 1st Crusade? 3) Why did Baldwin leave the main crusader group to go to Edessa? 4) How were fortified cities attacked by the crusaders? 5) What happened at Marat? 6) Did Christians in Jerusalem need rescuing? Explain. 7) How did the Crusader's treat the inhabitants of Jerusalem when they took the city? Work on your reports.
  • Thursday, December 2 - Complete Jerusalem video, if not completed in class and take up the questions (See Wednesday). Note: This is some of the most important material we will look at in History this year. It ties in the distant past with the world today. Video: Christianity; A History; The Crusades. Why does the word "crusade" upset Muslims in the Middle East? Do western leaders today seem to understand this view? Go online and read the Hosford Atlas Crusades material, pp. 27-28. Crusades Map Assignment, due next class; 10 marks.
  • Friday, December 3 - Take up homework. Finish the video from last class if we did not do so. Introduction to the "Growth of Royal Power in England and France." Video clip; WilliamI of England. 1) Why did William of Normandy invade England? 2) How were 7,000 Normans able to control 2 million Anglo-Saxons? 3) How did this change life for England's inhabitants? Mr. Zoller's Video Podcasts; the Magna Carta. Questions: 1) How did English Kings after the Norman conquest centralize power in the King's hands. 2) How did Magna Carta change this? Sidebar on Magna Carta in Patterns of Civilization, p. 80 & handout questions for homework - pick up a paper copy after school if you cannot access online.
Social Studies 11

There is a major research assignment underway, the Family History - Immigration Assignment (With additional options for International and First Nations students. Click here to get a sample pedigree sheet. ) The due date for this work is not until right after the Christmas holidays, to allow plenty of time for research and discussion with family members.

The next unit test will be on Wednesday, December 1. Expect the mark breakdown to be as follows: 45 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 5 definitions (2 marks each) and 3 from a choice of 5 long answer questions (6 marks each). The total is, therefore, out of 73 marks. 5 bonus marks are available if you submit more than 25 flash cards done as required.

  • Monday, November 29 - Take up "Looking Back" #2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 14, p.129. Complete watching The Valour & the Horror; Savage Christmas; Hong Kong 1941 and questions. The video assignment for this is due Tuesday. Begin:Shoah/Holocaust -PowerPoint. Video: on the Holocaust (Frontline; Memory of the Camps – Chapter 4. Available online at In sections on Youtube - Part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6). Prepare for the unit test on Wednesday.
  • Tuesday, November 30 - Complete any material not finished on Monday. Introduction to post-war Canada. PowerPoint Post 1945 Canada. Prepare for the unit test on Wednesday.
  • Wednesday, December 1 - Unit Test on Chapters 3-5. Read pp. 130-135. Do sidebar questions p. 133 & 134 & #1-4, p. 135.
  • Thursday, December 2 - Take up homework. PowerPoint Post 1945 Canada. Material from Canada; A Peoples’ History; Comfort & Fear. (Comfort & Fear, From Sea to Sea and Boom- questions). Read pp. 135-139. Do #1-5, p. 139.
  • Friday, December 3 - PowerPoint Post 1945 Canada. Material from Canada; A Peoples’ History; Comfort & Fear. (Seeing Red, On Guard for Thee and The Shadow of Nuclear War -questions). Read pp. 140-146. Do sidebar questions pp. 140, 141 #1-2, 143 #3, 145 & #1-6, p. 146. Watch some anti-communist American propaganda from the 1950's He May Be a Communist,The Red Menace, and the ever popular film used in schools --Communism.
History 12

Plan for Topic #4.

Questions for Topic #4.

Essay #3 - Due the last week of classes before Christmas.

Plan for Topics #5 & 6.

Questions for Topics #5 & 6.

The unit test on Topic #4 is on Monday, November 29. Expect the following mark breakdown: 70 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 5 map items (1 mark each) and 2 from a choice of 4 long answer questions (10 marks each). The total is, therefore, out of 95 marks.