Saturday, January 29, 2011

January 31 - February 4

Contact me by e-mail at:

Things that are static -- not requiring regular change -- can be found at my website:, I'm afraid I do not update this regularly. I spend most of my time keeping the blog up to date.

This blogsite will have all of the changing material -- lesson plans and links to assignments. I will try to ensure that all assignments are posted here.If you see something underlined, it means that you can click on the item to have it appear. I will do this for all pdf documents, PowerPoints, videos, and even some music.

Social Studies 8

We will begin with a Geography unit. Expect a unit test at the end of this, worth around 75 marks. This will be in roughly 3 weeks. It will be based on map reading and the use of Canadian Oxford World Atlas (7th edition). We will also have a number of quizzes worth from 5-30 marks throughout the unit. You will not always be warned ahead of time about quizzes -- so it is important to keep up.

If you are struggling, be sure to see me outside of class for extra help!

You will need the following material for the Geography unit: a ruler, pens, pencils, and coloured pencils, erasers, whiteout, a portable computer storage device (USB key, with at least 1 GB of space on it -- which you can use in all of your other classes too), and lined paper.

Keep all of your material in order in either a section of a bigger binder, with work from other courses, or a smaller Social Studies binder. The choice is yours. You should also have section dividers to separate units. Keep all work to study from for the final exam at the end of the course. After unit tests, you can take this work out and leave it safe at home if you do not want to keep carrying it around -- just don't lose it.

National Geographic has some nice overview PowerPoints for this unit. See Map Elements and Map Skills.
  • Monday, January 31 - Introduction and Expectations. Course Outline. Texts assigned. Map Rules rubric. Canada Political Map Assignment (10 marks and due next class). I neglected to sign out atlasses to you yesterday. Most should have been able to find a good reference map as they are easy to locate, but to be fair, I will take maps on Wednesday without them being considered late. Sorry about the glitch.
  • Tuesday, February 1 - Complete the text book sign-out. Hand in map assignment. Mind Map (Explained in class and not for marks.) Block 1 - complete up to #15 on the Atlas worksheet.
  • Wednesday, February 2 - Country memorization game. Take up #1-15 on the Atlas Worksheet. Complete the rest of the questions for next class.
  • Thursday, February 3 - Take up homework (the Atlas worksheet) -- If your teacher collects it in class it will be marked out of 3 marks, based on completion. Do your best, even if you have errors you can still earn 3/3. Video -Types of Maps and Map Projections. Look at Geographical Essentials text, pp. 4-7 - "Map Outlines." The Basic ingredients of all maps - Outlines, Direction, Colour & Symbols (and a key or legend, Scale. If time - Mind Map of North Vancouver (10 minutes). See pages 56,57 & 58 in Geographical Essentials. Note: This class lost 15 minutes at the end because of report card distribution. The work previously set for homework will now be started on Friday. Scale Worksheet - complete to #8 for homework. If you have trouble grasping how scale works, get the basics from this BBC elementary school level site on the subject. A really nice advanced summary can be found at this National Resources Canada site.
  • Friday, February 4 - Warm-up activity - Countries list contest. Scale review -- look at pages 55-59 and 62 in Geographical Essentials. Scale Worksheet. Complete this for homework. If it is collected, it will be marked out of 3 for completion).

Social Studies 11

This class has the honour of working with our UBC student teacher, Mr. Nann. He will be with us for about half of the term and will begin work with this class on day 2. I will be in and out of the class, but I am always available for extra help, before school, at noon (except Wednesdays) and after school. Take advantage of the extra help available this semester!

Mr. Nann's blogsite is at:

For the rest of this week's material and until Mr. Nann completes his work with us, you need to go to his blogsite.

History 12

Our first unit is an introduction to History and the Writing of History.

Be aware, this is a lecture course. Because almost all students who sign up for this course are university or college bound, I have structured the course in this way to help you make the transition to post-secondary studies easier. Class work will be done entirely outside of class time. I will give you a plan at the start of each unit, which sets out a suggestion about when you should complete what. You may handle this differently if your personal timetable requires that you rearrange the work. However, the due dates are clearly set down. If they present problems for you, I need to know ahead of time and will likely arrange an extension, if the circumstances warrant doing so.

You must be sure to visit The History Guide for excellent background material supporting this course.

Expect to write your first quiz on or about Tuesday, January 8. There will likely be 15 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 10 definitions -- where I give you the definition and you give me the term or name (1 mark each), 5 definitions -- where I give you the term or name and you provide the definition or why the person is important (2 marks each), and one essay (worth 18 marks - with 6 for composition and 2x6 for content). The test will most likely be out of 53 marks.

All Topic #1 work is due by 4:30 p.m. on the day of the test. Essay #1 is due a couple of weeks later.

If you get the chance, take 76 minutes to watch a panel of historians talk about History's Value Today.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

January 24-28

Contact me by e-mail at:

Things that are static -- not requiring regular change -- can be found at my website:, I'm afraid I do not update this regularly. I spend most of my time keeping the blog up to date.

This blogsite will have all of the changing material -- lesson plans and links to assignments. I will try to ensure that all assignments are posted here.If you see something underlined, it means that you can click on the item to have it appear. I will do this for all pdf documents, PowerPoints, videos, and even some music.

Classes have finished for the semester, but marks are still being generated. The final due date for overdue assignments and bonus marks was set as last Friday for students with passing grades. Anyone who is currently failing can still hand in work -- but I will need it by Wednesday in order to process it in time to alter your mark. GET BUSY!!!

Thank you to all students for contributing to a really interesting semester. My grade 8s were among the best grade 8 classes I have ever taught. The 11s were also terrific. As for my 12s, thanks for sticking it out; I hope you take away with you the same love of History that has enriched my life.

Social Studies 8

Your exam is on Wednesday, January 26, between 11:15 and 12:45. The room numbers are D207 and D209 - depending on your block. Some students may write their tests in alternate settings, according to your IEP -- you know who you are and we have gone over locations with you on several occasions. Arrive early and bring your text book(s) or I shall have to present you with a bill during the test. We must get books back to teach next semester's classes.

Social Studies 11

Your exam is a provincial exam and it will be held in the small gym on Wednesday, January 26, between 1:00 and 4:00 p.m. Some students have alternate locations because of your IEPs and you should know who you are and where you are to go. Be sure to bring text books with you as I will have to get them back to use next semester. If you forget, I will have to present you with a bill at the exam.

History 12

Your final exam is a little more complicated than most. It is either a provincial exam or a class-based exam, depending on your choice. Some of you have the option of writing in an alternate setting, because of your IEPs. Most will go to the Library Computer Lab. Provincial exams are electronic format only. Class based exams are paper only -- yet another complication -- but the format and difficulty of the two tests is identical. The only difference is the value of the test; 20% for the class exam and 40% for the provincial.

BC universities take the best of your class mark or your blended (class +provincial exam) mark. Logically, those scoring above 60% and wanting to attend a BC university, should, therefore, choose the provincial exam as it has potential benefit in raising your mark, while not having a downside. If you are under 60%, going into the test, there is the possibility of failing the course if a disastrous exam result greatly reduces your mark. Think carefully about which exam to choose. For those writing the class exam, your final class grade will include the class final exam. Any student going into the exam with a mark under 50% should definitely write the provincial exam, as its greater weight means it gives you a better chance of passing if you get over 50% on it.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

January 17-21

Contact me by e-mail at:

Things that are static -- not requiring regular change -- can be found at my website:, I'm afraid I do not update this regularly. I spend most of my time keeping the blog up to date.

This blogsite will have all of the changing material -- lesson plans and links to assignments. I will try to ensure that all assignments are posted here.If you see something underlined, it means that you can click on the item to have it appear. I will do this for all pdf documents, PowerPoints, videos, and even some music.

Sutherland has renewed its license with Discovery Education Streaming services and all of the Discovery videos and video clips are available for student use. If you established an account in previous years, you can access it using your existing login name and password. If you do not yet have an account, get the code from the poster at the front of my classroom (sorry, I cannot post this online) and enroll. Use is free and students have copywright privileges; you can use chunks within your presentations legally.

My tutorial times are officially 3:10 to 3:30 on Mondays and Fridays, however I am available most days before school, at noon and after school. Drop by or make an appointment if you need guaranteed time. I will respond to e-mails within a day at worst.

Note: This is the last week of classes before final exams. Any missing work must come in before the final exam at the latest.

Social Studies 8

Block 3 students - be sure to get DPA (Daily Physical Activity) sheets in! Copies of the monthly forms are available here in Word andPDFformats.

We will test India/China/Japan all together in the last class - on Friday, January 21.

We will move quickly, studying this material in less depth. Expect 20 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 2 groups of 5 matching questions (10 marks total) and a choice of 2 from 3 long answer questions (6 marks each). The total value is, therefore, 42 marks and you can earn 3 bonus marks from 25 flash cards.
The Social Studies 8 Final Exam is on Wednesday, January 26 between 11:15-12:45. Block 1 is in Room D206, Block 3 is in Room D209.

  • Monday, January 17 - Make up #1-5, p. 123. WatchGenghis Khan. 1. How did Genghis Khan unify the Mongols? 2. Where did the Mongols expand after unification? 3. Why were the Mongols so successful. No specific new homework tonight. Be sure to review for the last unit test and final exam.
  • Tuesday, January 18 - Tuesday, January 19 - Watch watch this French documentary (with English narration); Eurasia; Le Reve Mongol. 1. How did Kublai Khan come to rule China? 2. What was needed before Kublai Khan could unify China under his rule? 3. How did ruling China change the Mongols of Kublai Khan? How did they try to maintain their culture? 4. What contact did Kublai Khan's China have with the outside world? 5. Why did the West become interested in China at this time? Read pp. 123-125. Do #1-7, p. 125.
  • Wednesday, January 19 - Make up #1-7, p. 125. Video: Shinto Part 1, Part 2. 1. What are Kami? 2. Would Shintoism appeal to non-Japanese people? Why or why not? 3. How is it that Buddhism and Shintoism can be practiced at the same time? Read pp. 126-130. Do #1-8, p. 130.
  • Thursday, January 20 - Take up #1-8, p. 130. Watch Ancient Warriors; The Samurai, part 1, part 2. 1. What were the Samurai? 2. How were the Samurai similar to Medieval European Knights? How were they different? Study for the Unit Test tomorrow and the final exam on Tuesday.
  • Friday, January 21 - Final Unit Test - India/China/Japan. Review for final exam on Wednesday.
Social Studies 11

The Geography textbook 21st Century World is available online. Just click on the title to access the table of contents.

With so little time left, there will be only one unit test in the Geography unit. It will cover chapters 1-3 and will be on Monday, January 17. Expect it to have 65 multiple choice questions and two from a choice of 10 long answer questions - valued at 6 marks each. The total is, therefore, out of 77 marks. 30 properly done flash cards will earn 5 bonus marks. We will not test chapters 4 & 5 -- but this material needs to be studied as it will be part of the material tested on the final examination.

You should be studying for the final exam at this time. Next week I will run an exam preparation class outside of school time. Expect it to run for about an hour to an hour and a half. We will look for an appropriate time slot this week.

It is essential that you are currently preparing to write the Provincial Final Exam. This is not a test that you can cram for with one or two days to go. You must become familiar with what to expect on the final exam and comfortable with the format of the test. Go to the ministry sites ( Frequently asked questions page, table of specifications, key verb list, &scoring criteria) to see how the exam is put together and look at past exams -- in fact you should write the sample test and look at the posted key to see how you do. To see how to approach the essay questions, look at this documentprovided to train markers of the exam. Link from my web pageon writing the SS11 final, and also see myPowerPoint on how to approach the test.

I am giving an optional extra class after school on Monday, at 3:15 p.m., on how to prepare for the Provincial Final Exam. We will go over the PowerPoint above and also look at a past sample exam and look at how to approach it. Expect this to last 1-2 hours - depending on student interest. You do not need to stay for the whole session.

Past provincial exams for all subjects can be found at: -- Exam keys too!

Please Note: I have planned this weeks classes knowing that each lesson is crammed full. If we do not complete something, there is no longer the option of carrying it over to the next class. It is up to you to make sure that you look at any unfinished material on your own.
  • Monday, January 17 - Unit Test on chapters 1-3. Read pp. 83-87. Do #1-3, p. 84, #1-4, p. 85, #1-2, p. 86 and #1-3, p. 87.
  • Tuesday, January 18 - Take up homework. PowerPoint for Chapter 4 - Note -- we will move very quickly through this. Be sure to scan the PowerPoint again, on your own time, in order to take good notes. Read pp. 88-93. Do #1-4, p. 89, #1-5, p. 91 and #1-5, p. 93.
  • Wednesday, January 19 - Take up #1-4, p. 89, #1-5, p. 91 and #1-5, p. 93. Video: History’s Harvest and do the viewing guide questions. If time we will look at more of theChapter 4 PowerPoint. Read pp. 93-106. Do #1-6, p. 97 (but note "1997" in #3 should read "1973" and the typographical error in #5, where "grater" should read "greater"), #1-7, p. 102, #1-6, p. 105 and Further Thought #1-4, p. 108. Be sure to investigate the CBC Archives material on the GMO debate. Identify arguments for and against producing genetically modified foods. SeeGenetically Modified Food; Panacea or Poison? for an anti-GMO presentation (54 minute documentary).
  • Thursday, January 20 - Take up homework. Complete the any unfinished material from last class.Chapter 5 PowerPoint. Read pp. 116-129. Do #1, p. 118, #1-3, p. 120, #1-5, p. 123, #1-3, p. 129.
  • Friday, January 21 - Take up #1, p. 118, #1-3, p. 120, #1-5, p. 123, #1-3, p. 129. Introduction: Worldmapper animation. Watch the amazing Dr. Hans Rosling's presentation at the 2006 TED Conference - The Seemingly Impossible is Possible. We will also complete the chapter 5 PowerPoint. Read pp. 130-132. Do #1-2, p. 131, #1-4, p. 132 and Further Thought #1-6, p. 132. If you liked Hans Rosling, try William McDonough's TED lecture.
History 12

Past provincial exams for all subjects can be found at: -- Exam keys too!

Plan for Topics #5 & 6.

Questions for Topics #5 & 6. These were due last Friday, but I will accept them without penalty on Monday, January 17.

There will not be a unit test on topics 5 & 6. However, expect significant weight on this material on the final exam. All marks must be finalized by Monday, so you know your mark going into the final exam. I intend to give everyone their mark going into the exam on Tuesday -- but it is still possible to increase this mark up until Wednesday of next week, if overdue material is submitted. Beyond this date I cannot guarantee marking the material in time for having to submit your class mark to Victoria.

  • Monday, January 17 - We will complete the Middle East from 1956 then move on to the Rise of Islamic Fundamentalism (base notes). The Irish documentary Whose Afraid of Islam is an interesting look at cultural struggles. Watch and listen to the songs of the Iranian Revolution: Example 1 - Tribute to Imam Khomeini (with English subtitles),Example 2, Example 3 -Khamenei is Our Leader (With a speech by the Iranian cleric at the start), Example 4 - Iranian song supporting Palestinians against Israel.
  • Tuesday, January 18 - We will watch BBC documentary that compares the rise of radical islamists and American neo-conservatives is The Power of Nightmares. If there was any material left from last class, we will complete it today.
  • Wednesday, January 19 - Southern Africa and the Fall of Apartheid (base notes). Watch Charlie Rose's interview with F.W. De Klerk, the Afrikaaner who brought an end to apartheid. How can white and black reconcile in South Africa? Watch Spear Cleansing (23 minutes, about Letlapa Mphalele, who ordered the killing of whites, and Ginn Fourie, who's daughter was killed on the order of Mphalele. Both are now friends and colleagues. A good historical treatment of the lives of human rights leaders Gandhi and Mandela is Together We Lit Up the Sky. Music was a powerful weapon in the anti-apartheid movement. Johnny Clegg, a white student of Zulu music and dance, wrote hugely popular music, often with a strongly propolitical bent. Watch some of the videos of anti-Apartheid activist and ethnomusicologist Johnny Clegg: Scatterlings of Africa, Asimbonanga (Nelson Mandela appears on stage with him in this clip), One Man, One Vote. For something a little different, try Nwampfundla. ...and in response, a revival of Boer nostalgia from when the Boers once fought against all odds in the Boer war - Delarey.
  • Thursday, January 20 - We will complete any lecture material that is unfinished and watch video material if there is any class time remaining -- probably drawn from the optional material above, unless I find something better during the week.
  • Friday, January 21 - Click here for the PowerPoint Presentation. Exam preparation.

Saturday, January 08, 2011

January 10-14

Contact me by e-mail at:

Things that are static -- not requiring regular change -- can be found at my website:, I'm afraid I do not update this regularly. I spend most of my time keeping the blog up to date.

This blogsite will have all of the changing material -- lesson plans and links to assignments. I will try to ensure that all assignments are posted here.If you see something underlined, it means that you can click on the item to have it appear. I will do this for all pdf documents, PowerPoints, videos, and even some music.

Sutherland has renewed its license with Discovery Education Streaming services and all of the Discovery videos and video clips are available for student use. If you established an account in previous years, you can access it using your existing login name and password. If you do not yet have an account, get the code from the poster at the front of my classroom (sorry, I cannot post this online) and enroll. Use is free and students have copywright privileges; you can use chunks within your presentations legally.

My tutorial times are officially 3:10 to 3:30 on Mondays and Fridays, however I am available most days before school, at noon and after school. Drop by or make an appointment if you need guaranteed time. I will respond to e-mails within a day at worst.

Social Studies 8

Block 3 students - be sure to get DPA (Daily Physical Activity) sheets in! Copies of the monthly forms are available here in Word and PDFformats.

We will test India/China/Japan all together in the last class - on Friday, January 21.
We will move quickly, studying this material in less depth. Expect 20 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 2 groups of 5 matching questions (10 marks total) and a choice of 2 from 3 long answer questions (6 marks each). The total value is, therefore, 42 marks and you can earn 3 bonus marks from 25 flash cards.

  • Monday, January 10 - Take up #1-7, p. 26. Watch the rest of What the Ancients did For Us; India - part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6. Read pp. 26-28, do #1-5, p. 28. Also read pp. 112-116 & Do #1-6, p. 116.
  • Tuesday, January 11 - Take up homework answers in class. Video on Akbar the Great - sorry, this is a video tape that is not available on the Internet. Why is Akbar considered one of the great figures in world history? If not in class -- or if you would like to learn more, watch Michael Wood's documentary: The Story of India, part 27, part 28. You might also consider watching this 30 minute summary of the Mughal Empire. Read pp. 28-31. Do #1-5, p. 31.
  • Wednesday, January 12 - Take up homework. WatchThree Teachings - an introduction to Chinese culture and its roots in Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. Why is it possible for people to believe in all three teachings at the same time? What do each of these belief systems focus on?Map Assignment: South and East Asia - 10 marks, due next class. Read pp. 31-36. Do #1-6, p. 36.
  • Thursday, January 13 - Hand in maps. Take up homework. Video -- sorry this is unavailable on the Internet - on Shih Huang Ti (the Chi'in First Emperor). 1. How was the emperor able to unify China? 2. Why is he generally seen as an evil figure in history? 3. What great building project did he create? 4. How did he try to become immortal? Watch this film, Shih Huang Di as a substitute or to learn more. Read pp. 117-121. Do #1-5, p. 121.
  • Friday, January 14 - Take up homework. Watch What the Ancients Did for Us; the Chinese part 1, part 2, part 3,part 4, part 5, part 6 (or watch in one part if you have Veoh installed on your computer). What great contributions did the Chinese give to the world. If we do not finish seeing this video, you are expected to do so for homework. Read pp. 121-123. Do #1-5, p. 123. Optional: Watch New Frontier; China During the T'ang Dynasty,part 1, part 2, part 3; also New Frontier; China During the Song Dynasty, part 1, part 2, part 3. A short amateur video on footbinding is also interesting.
Social Studies 11

The Geography textbook 21st Century World is available online. Just click on the title to access the table of contents.

With so little time left, there will be only one unit test in the Geography unit. It will cover chapters 1-3 and will be on Monday, January 17. Expect it to have 65 multiple choice questions and two from a choice of 10 long answer questions - valued at 6 marks each. The total is, therefore, out of 77 marks. 30 properly done flash cards will earn 5 bonus marks. We will not test chapters 4 & 5 -- but this material needs to be studied as it will be part of the material tested on the final examination.

You should be studying for the final exam at this time. Next week I will run an exam preparation class outside of school time. Expect it to run for about an hour to an hour and a half. We will look for an appropriate time slot this week.

It is essential that you are currently preparing to write the Provincial Final Exam. This is not a test that you can cram for with one or two days to go. You must become familiar with what to expect on the final exam and comfortable with the format of the test. Go to the ministry sites ( Frequently asked questions page, table of specifications, key verb list, &scoring criteria) to see how the exam is put together and look at past exams -- in fact you should write the sample test and look at the posted key to see how you do. To see how to approach the essay questions, look at this documentprovided to train markers of the exam. Link from my web page on writing the SS11 final, and also see myPowerPoint on how to approach the test.

  • Monday, January 10 - Take up #1 on p. 37. Look at the population pyramids for Japan and Nigeria and go over reasons why their shapes are so different. Video segmentandquestions on Shanghai, Changing China - Urbanization ). Look atGapcast #2 - Urbanization. Read pp. 42-45. Do #1-5, p. 45. Do the Further Thought assignment #1-5, p. 46.
  • Tuesday, January 11 - Take up homework. Stewart Brand's City Planet and questions. Read pp. 54-55. Do #1-4, pp. 55-56.
  • Wednesday, January 12 - Take up #1-4, pp. 55-56. Chapter 3 PowerPoint. Read pp. 57-61. Do #1-8, p. 61.
  • Thursday, January 13 - Take up homework. Watch Hans Rosling's Chimpanzees Know Better, to see how countries and populations are and are not different around the world. Ch. 3 PowerPoint - be sure to do so yourself for homework if we cannot do so in class. Read pp. 61-70. Do #1-5, p. 64 and #1-2, p. 70.
  • Friday, January 14 - Take up homework. WatchGwynne Dyer's Escaping From History, & do the following questions: 1) What are living conditions like in Mexico City? 2) Why are people abandoning the countryside? 3) What does Dyer believe must happen for the developing world to get their fair share of consumer goods? Read pp. 70-73. Do #1-8, p. 73 and 1, 2, 5 and 7, p. 74 in "Further Thought."
History 12

Plan for Topics #5 & 6.

Questions for Topics #5 & 6.

There will not be a unit test on topics 5 & 6. However, expect significant weight on this material on the final exam. You will submit work to #62 of the questions at the end of this week. All marks must be finalized by the last week of classes, so you know your mark going into the final exam.