Contact me by e-mail at:
So you just want to see photos of Sutherland activities? Click here to see my Picasa Albums.
I also have photos from the Honours Luncheon, May 30. I have been directed not to post these publicly. If you want to see them or would like a copy of one or more pictures, please see me personally.
Things that are static -- not requiring regular change -- can be found at my website:
All work was due on the last day of classes last week. I am currently only accepting late and bonus work from students who are below 50%. This must be submitted by Thursday morning to ensure that marks are applied.
History 12
Your final exam is on Tuesday, June 18, between 9 am and 11 am in the small gym. Be sure to bring your text books or you will be billed at the exam.
Social Studies 8
Your final exam is set for Tuesday, June 18 between 9 am and 10:30 am in the small gym. Bring your texts to the test where they will be collected before you start. If you do not bring them, you will receive a bill at that time.