Friday, December 13, 2013

December 16-20

Contact me by e-mail at: 

This blog provides lesson plans for each week.  Look ahead to see where we are going.  Look back to see what you might have missed. All assignments are provided here.  If anything is underlined, click on it to bring up the document or, in the case of videos, link to an online version of what was scheduled for seeing in class or as enrichment.
So you just want to see photos of Sutherland activities? Click here to see my Picasa Albums. 

Things that are static -- not requiring regular change -- can be found at my website:
.  Admittedly, I do not update this site regularly, so there may be dead links.

Click here for Santa's Breakfast Pictures, 2013.

Grade 12's recently attended their Winter Formal Dinner Dance.  Click here for pictures.

Click here for pictures of the Sr. Boys' basketball game vs Dover Bay.

Social Studies 8 

 Your Renaissance and Reformation quiz will be a very short one, this Thursday, December 19.  You must complete this test in class time.  No extra time will be available.  I expect the Renaissance and Reformation test will be as follows: 25 multiple choice questions (1 mark each) and a choice of two from four long answer questions (6 marks each). The total is, therefore, out of 37 marks. 30 properly-done flashcards are needed to earn 3 bonus marks. 

bonus assignment is now available to help you boost your mark before the final exam. Look at it and follow the instructions.   

  • Monday, December 16 - Take up #1-4, p. 147. Continue Romeo and Juliet video  (part 1part 2,).  Describe the renaissance world shown in the movie. How did the lives of upper middle class families then differ with the lives of the same kind of people today? Be sure to think about family relationships, work, interests and lifestyles. No specific homework today.  Why not work on flashcards for this unit?
  • Tuesday, December 17 - Complete the video.  Use the notes taken when you watched the film to write a paragraph comparing upper middle class life in the Renaissance with upper middle class life today.   Introduction to the Reformation. Video -The Protestant Reformation; Part 1and Part 2. While watching, answer the following: 1. Why did the Roman Catholic Church face criticism in the 14th century? 2. How did the Church deal with critics? 2. Why were ideas spreading quickly during Luther's life? 3. Why did Luther criticize the Church? 4. How did he escape punishment by the Church? 5. What other reformers brought change to Europe? What did they believe? Read pages 147-150. Do #1-5, p. 150. If you are interested in the reformation and have a little time, watch one or more of the following BBC documentaries (1 hour each) The Protestant Revolution; Part 1; The Politics of BeliefThe protestant Revolution; Part 2; The Godly FamilyThe Protestant Revolution; Part 3; A Reformation of the Mindand The Protestant Reformation; Part 4; No Rest for the Wicked.
  • Wednesday, December 18 - Hand in paragraph assignments.  Video: Christianity - A History; Part 5; the Reformation.1. How did the Reformation result in conflict in Europe? 2. How is the division of Christianity still evident in the world today? Read pp. 150-154. Do #1-6, p. 154.  Study for the test on the Renaissance and Reformation next class.
  • Thursday, December 19 - Unit Test on the Renaissance and Reformation.  Read pp. 18-22 and do #1-5, p. 22.  If there is time, we will watch John Green's Crash Course #2; the Indus Valley Civilization. If we do not have time, do watch this on your own.
  • Friday, December 20 - Take up homework.   Take up homework. Introduction to Indian civilization. Video: Legacy; Empire of the Spirit and questions

Social Studies 11 

Your first Geography unit test will not be until after Christmas, when we test chapters 1-3 together.  I need to minimize the time lost to testing so we can finish the curriculum in time. I know this is not ideal - but the alternative is to test chapter 1 on its own and then lose additional time after Christmas.  This is the best alternative.

Expect the mark breakdown to be as follows:  65 multiple choice questions and two from a choice of 10 long answer questions - valued at 6 marks each. The total is, therefore, out of 77 marks. 30 properly done flash cards will earn 5 bonus marks.

Even though it is getting a little long in the tooth, we will use our locally developed text book for the heart of the Geography unit (in fact the content was written about the same time as most of the material in the Blue text -- given that it takes about 2-3 years to get a book from the writing to the publishing stage).  The main advantage of the local text is that you can access it online at  21st Century World . Just click on the title to access the table of contents and go to what you want from there.

***Here is a set of summary notes for the Social Studies 11 course -- excellent for use in studying for the final exam. 

***Here is another, shorter, set of notes for the Social Studies 11 course.

***Here is a much more thorough webpage of review materials. 

Find another set of notes on the Counterpoints text at:

Be sure to look at past exam material to get comfortable with the format.  Go to

To see how to approach the essay questions, look at this document provided to train markers of the exam. Link from my web page on writing the SS11 final, and also see my PowerPoint on how to approach the test.
  • Monday, December 16 - Take up #1-4, p. 21.  I think we should complete the resto of An Inconvenient Truth and questions (part 1part 2part 3part 4,part 5part 6, part 7part 8part 9part 10).  Discuss the video -- Why is it sometimes seen as controversial? Read p. 22 and do the "Further Thought questions, #1-2, on p. 22. Optional: For an alternative view, see The Great Global Warming Swindle.  Interestingly every BC school was sent a free copy of this by an organization (hard to determine the parent organization) that felt it needed to combat Climate Change proponents. To make sense of this debate you could look into what respectable academic bodies say. Many countries have academies of science; investigate their views. The United Nations' Secretary General, Ban-Ki Moon recently traveled to the Arctic and he is on record as speaking on the subject during this trip. His view is representative of most of the world's nations on the topic. Also the 2007-2008 United Nations Human Development Report took as its over-arching theme Climate Change. You will find the report's accompanying video interesting (choose your download speed and language).
  • Tuesday, December 17 - Take up homework.  If we did not complete An Inconvenient Truth on Monday, we shall do so today.  We will go over your conclusions from the Al Gore film and then will  watch Climate of Doubt which deals with the Climate Change denial viewpoint.  While watching it, answer the following questions:  1.  What groups in society are most prominent in denying climate change?  2.  What are their reasons for doing so? Work on flashcards for chapter 1.
  • Wednesday, December 18 -  Watch Hans Rosling's 200 Years; 200 Countries; 4 MinutesBegin chapter 2 - PowerPointRead pp. 29-31. Do both #1-3 on p. 31.
  • Thursday, December 19 -  Take up #1-3 (both), p. 31. Video clip: The Seven Billionth.  Continue Ch. 2 PowerPoint - Population & Demographics.  If time we will watch Momentum 2011; Hans RoslingRead pp. 31-37. Do #1 on p. 37. Go to the US Census Bureau's International Database  (OK - this is a bit of a search.  Click on "International Data Base" on the top left hand side of the page.  On the new page, look on the left side and go into the "Report" drop down menu and select "Population Pyramid Graph."  Now select 2011 in the year menu and the countries you want, one at a time in "Select Country".)  Now and download and print a population pyramid for Nigeria in 2011. Do the same for Japan. Compare the shapes of these population pyramids. Suggest reasons why they are so different from one another.
  • Friday, December 20 -   Take up #1 on p. 37. Look at the population pyramids for Japan and Nigeria and go over reasons why their shapes are so different. PowerPoint - continued. Watch Hans Rosling's What Stops Population Growth if we have time.
History 12 

Be sure to watch all of the Cold War video series.  This is absolutely the best account of the Cold War on film. We saw the first episode and episode 7 and will see some in class, but cannot take the time to look at all of them.  Here are the links:

Episode 1 - Comrades; 1917-1945.
Episode 4 - Berlin; 1948-1949.
Episode 5 - Korea; 1950-1953.
Episode 6 - Reds; 1947-1953.
Episode 8 - Sputnik; 1949-1961.
Episode 9 - The Wall; 1958-1963.
Episode 10 Cuba; 1959-1962.
Episode 11 Vietnam; 1954-1968.
Episode 14 Red Spring; 1960s
Episode 15 China; 1949-1972.
Episode 16 Detente; 1969-1975.
Episode 18 Backyard; 1954-1990.
Episode 19 Freeze; 1977-1981.
Episode 21 Spies; 1944-1994.
Episode 22 Star Wars; 1981-1988.

Click here for the Essay #2 assignment sheet.  This is due Monday of this week.

Topic #5 and 6 Questions.

Here it is at last -- the final essay, Essay #3 -- due at the end of the first week in January.

I can't really afford to lose another day to testing.  Since you will study the Cold War and beyond in preparing for the final exam, I will leave evaluation of this unit until this final test.  I really don't want to have to decide to axe either Islamic Fundamentalism or the end of Apartheid.

  • Monday, December 16 - Complete the material on French De-Colonization (base notes - sorry, no PowerPoint). Indochina & Vietnam (base notes). 
  • Tuesday, December 17 -Complete Indochina & Vietnam (base notes). Watch the CNN Cold War Series Film Vietnam; 1954-1968. 
  • Wednesday, December 18 - The USA - From Truman to Johnson (base notesPowerPoint). Note: look at Britain's SchoolHistory's revision material for this topic. Look at Susan Pojer's PowerPoint on 1950's America. Watch Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I have a dream" speech (Long version; Short Version). See other Civil Rights videos at the PBS site - Eyes on the Prize. Link back for other material. 
  • Thursday, December 19 - The USA - From Nixon to Bush Sr. (base notesPowerPoint). 
  • Friday, December 20 -  The USA - From Clinton to Obama (PowerPoint).  I am quite sure we will have to finish this after Christmas.

Social Studies 11 Honours 

Oh dear -- it looks as though we won't get through the material we need to cover before the Christmas Break.  We will have to test after the holidays.  I'll set the examination date for the Interwar and WWII material for Thursday, January 9 -- though we will begin the next unit before then.  This should allow those of you with jet lag to recover.

The mark breakdown for the unit test is most likely to be as follows: 45 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 5 definitions (2 marks each) and 3 from a choice of 5 long answer questions (6 marks each). The total is, therefore, out of 73 marks. 5 bonus marks are available if you submit more than 25 flash cards done as required.

Friday, December 06, 2013

December 9-13

Contact me by e-mail at: 

This blog provides lesson plans for each week.  Look ahead to see where we are going.  Look back to see what you might have missed. All assignments are provided here.  If anything is underlined, click on it to bring up the document or, in the case of videos, link to an online version of what was scheduled for seeing in class or as enrichment.
So you just want to see photos of Sutherland activities? Click here to see my Picasa Albums. 

Things that are static -- not requiring regular change -- can be found at my website:
.  Admittedly, I do not update this site regularly, so there may be dead links.

Grade 12's recently attended their Winter Formal Dinner Dance.  Click here for pictures.

Click here for pictures of the Sr. Boys' basketball game vs Dover Bay.

Social Studies 8 

Your Medieval Research assignment ( Part 1Part 2) is due this week.  You can hand it in any day between Monday and Wednesday.  It will be late if it comes in after this time.

Your unit test will most likely be this Tuesday, December 10 -- even though we should finished the unit last Friday.  Writing on Tuesday allows you extra time if you need it by writing into lunch time.  

Expect 49 multiple choice questions (1 mark each) and 4 from a choice of 7 long answer questions (6 marks each).  The test total is out of 73 marks.  30 flash cards may earn up to 5 bonus marks.

  • Monday, December 9 -  Take up homework. Introduction to the Italian Renaissance. Watch: The Medici -- Godfathers of the Renaissance; Birth of a Dynasty1. How did the Medici come to dominate Florence? 2. How did they help bring about a flowering of interest in ancient learning and modern art and architecture? 3. What was the relationship between artists and patrons in Florence during the renaissance? 4. How did Brunelleschi change Western art? 5) How did Cosimo bring knowledge from the outside world to Florence? Read pp. 134-138. Do #1-7, p. 138. 
  • Tuesday, December 10 -   Unit test on chapters 3, 4 & 5.  
  • Wednesday, December 11 - Take up homework. Watch this video clip from James Burke's The Day the Universe Changed; Point of View.Questions: How did Brunelleschi and Alberti change the art of painting? Watch Sister Wendy 0n Renaissance artists. 1) Name at least one major work by each artist she deals with. 2) Explain why each artist is considered great.  Read pp. 139-143. do #1-5, p. 143.
  • Thursday, December 12 - Take up p. 143 homework. Watch Zeffireli's version of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet (part 1part 2,). Describe the renaissance world shown in the movie. How did the lives of upper middle class families then differ with the lives of the same kind of people today? Be sure to think about family relationships, work, interests and lifestyles. No homework today!  Read pp. 143-147. Do #1-4, p. 147. 
  • Friday, December 13 - Continue  Romeo and Juliet and note-taking. Assignment:  10 marks.  Use the notes taken when you watched the film to write a paragraph comparing upper middle class life in the Renaissance with upper middle class life today.  Due the class after we finish the video -- this might be today, but is more likely to be after Monday's class, on Tuesday, December 17. 
Social Studies 11 

We have nearly finished the last History unit.  Expect your unit test on everything from 1945 to the end to be  Wednesday, December  11 -- this will allow you extra time to write into lunch if you need to. I expect to finish the unit before this.

I expect the unit test to be roughly as follows: 43 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 5 definitions (2 marks each) and a choice of 3 from 5 choices (6 marks each). The test is, therefore, out of 71 marks. 30 flash cards are needed to earn 5 marks. 

  • Monday, December 9 - Continue PowerPoint "Land Claims and the Indian Act." Watch video segments from Canada; A People's History - the following episodes: Taking Back the Past and Land And Nations.  Complete these questions while doing so.  PowerPoint: Land Claims and the Indian ActStudy for the exam on Wednesday.
  • Tuesday, December 10 -  Complete the PowerPoint and any other material not finished.  If there is significant time left over, we will look at some more episodes from Canada; a People's History.  Work on the time line assignment.
  • Wednesday, December 11 - Exam on post 1945 Canada.
  • Thursday, December 12 - Exam post-mortem.  Begin PowerPoint for chapter 1. Read pp. 6-16 of The 21st Century World text -- paper or online. Do #1-5, p. 11, #1-9 p. 16 and #1-4 pp. 16-17.  Video sidebar (I do not require you to watch this, but highly recommend that you do so:  Tom Friedman's MIT address - The World is Flat 3.0.)
  • Friday, December 13 - Take up homework: #1-5, p. 11, #1-9 p. 16 and #1-4 pp. 16-17.  Complete the Chapter 1 PowerPoint if we did not do so on Thursday.  If time, begin watching Al Gore's seminal documentary An Inconvenient Truth and questions (part 1part 2part 3part 4,part 5part 6, part 7part 8part 9part 10) -- or buy it online (no I don't get a cut for advertising it and I really can't suggest checking Pirate Bay or an alternative)Read pp. 18-22. Do #1-4, p. 21.
History 12   

Click here for pictures from the Winter Formal Dinner Dance.

Be sure to watch all of the Cold War video series.  This is absolutely the best account of the Cold War on film. We saw the first episode and episode 7 and will see some in class, but cannot take the time to look at all of them.  Here are the links:

Episode 1 - Comrades; 1917-1945.
Episode 4 - Berlin; 1948-1949.
Episode 5 - Korea; 1950-1953.
Episode 6 - Reds; 1947-1953.
Episode 8 - Sputnik; 1949-1961.
Episode 9 - The Wall; 1958-1963.
Episode 10 Cuba; 1959-1962.
Episode 11 Vietnam; 1954-1968.
Episode 14 Red Spring; 1960s
Episode 15 China; 1949-1972.
Episode 16 Detente; 1969-1975.
Episode 18 Backyard; 1954-1990.
Episode 19 Freeze; 1977-1981.
Episode 21 Spies; 1944-1994.
Episode 22 Star Wars; 1981-1988.

Click here for the Essay #2 assignment sheet.  This is due Monday of this week.

Topic #5 and 6 Questions.

Here it is at last -- the final essay, Essay #3 -- due at the end of the first week in January.

I can't really afford to lose another day to testing.  Since you will study the Cold War and beyond in preparing for the final exam, I will leave evaluation of this unit until this final test.  I really don't want to have to decide to axe either Islamic Fundamentalism or the end of Apartheid.

  • Monday, December 9 - Watch video Mr. Kennedy & Mr. Khrushchev.   The Cuban Missile Crisis (base notes - sorry, no PowerPoint for this one). Be sure to watch CNN's Cold War; Episode 10; Cuba 1959-1962. Thirteen Days is a decent Hollywood treatment of the crisis, though it is a little loose in dealing with people and events -- not enough to worry about messing up your knowledge for the final exam though. 
  • Tuesday, December 10 - We will begin this class by watching watch Nuclear War; A Guide to Armageddon - this links to the first episode, go to the sidebar to link to the other segments. we will watch as much as possible of the Cold War series segment: Episode 12 Mutually Assured Destruction; MAD 1960-1972. If you have almost two hours available, get in the mood for Monday's lecture on nuclear war by viewing Threads, a British docudrama from the 1980s about a nuclear war -- banned from British TV at the time, it is a highly praised production that gives a frightening, but important view of what such a war might be like. Another outstanding film, also banned from television broadcast is The War Game, from the UK in 1965.  Watch it if you have the chance.   You might also look at Defcon 2 - Cuban Missile Crisis (Part 1part 2part 3, part 4part 5, part 6).
  • Wednesday, December 11 - Watch Robert McNamara's comments on nuclear war. Deterrence & Nuclear War (base notesPowerPoint
  • Thursday, December 12 - Complete material on Deterrence & Nuclear War. PowerPoint. Watch CNN's Cold War; M.A.D At home, watch the next video in the Cold War series dealing with nuclear weapons: The Cold War; Star Wars 1980-1988. Following up on the Nuclear War and Deterrence material -- You absolutely must see the CNN Cold War series film Star Wars. 
  • Friday, December 13 - Watch the first part of a video on Kwame Nkrumah -- which gives a 4 minute background to African decolonization.  British & French Decolonization in Africa & Asia (base notes - sorry, no PowerPoint). 
Social Studies 11 Honours  

Your next unit test is a way off.  We will complete World War II material in addition to the inter-war years.

As of Wednesday I've rejigged the rest of this week.  Somehow we have made much better time with the interwar material than I expected.

  • Monday, December 9 - Take up #1-2, p. 67 and #1-4, p. 72.  Continue PowerPoint - Canada Between the Wars; 1919-1939. AV on the Depression - (From: Canada; A People’s History) and do these questions. Read pp. 74-79. Do sidebar questions p. 76, 78 & 79 & #1-2, p. 79.
  • Tuesday, December 10 - Take up  sidebar questions p. 76, 78 & 79 & #1-2, p. 79.  AV on the Depression - (From: Canada; A People’s History -  answer Viewing Guide questions).  Read pp. 79-86.  Do #1-4, sidebar, p. 81 and #1-2, p. 86.
  • Wednesday, December 11 -  Take up homework.  Video King and Country (sorry, unavailable on the Internet) & questions Read pp. 86-98.  Do sidebars 4-16, p. 93, 4-17 &and 4-18, p. 95 and 4-19, p. 96.  Do #1-5, p. 98.  If you are interested and have the time, watch this British anti-war advertisement from the 1930s to understand the roots of appeasement. Watch the 20 minute 30's documentary: The European Arms Race 1935 - 1939 part 1 andpart 2. To see Nazi Germany, watch this largely unnarrated documentary, Nazi Germany Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5,Part 6Part 7Part 8 & Part 9.   Look at Hitler's art: Part 1Part 2. 
  • Thursday, December 12 - Take up homework.  Complete King and Country if we did not do so on Wednesday.   Introduction to World War II. Begin video series and questions; Episode I; Canada Remembers; Turning the Tide).  Read pp. 100-110. Do 1-4, p. 105, sidebar questions p. 106, 107, 110 & #1-3, p. 110.
  • Friday, December 13 -  Take up homework.  Read pp. 100-110. Finish material on Turning the Tide and questions. Begin The Liberators; D-Day to the Rhine and questions.  |Read pp. 111-115. Do #1-4, p. 115.