Saturday, January 19, 2008

January 21-25

This is the last week of classes.

All work must be submitted to ensure that it appears in student marks.

For those of you new to my blogsite, it is intended to work alongside my website at:

e-mail me at

Things that are static -- not requiring regular change -- will be posted on the website. This blogsite will have the changing material -- lesson plans and links to particular assignments. I will try to ensure that all assignments are made available on the Internet in this way. If something is underlined on the blog, it means that you can click on it to see a copy of the particular item -- this could be a pdf document, powerpoint, music or a video.

Use this blog to see what is coming up each week. I will usually post it on Saturdays for the following week. If you are away, you can check up on what you are missing. There really is no reason for you not to know what is happening. If you do not have an Internet connection, you certainly know someone who does.

If you can't read the PowerPoint material on your computer, download PowerPoint Viewer from Microsoft. It is free.Sutherland has a license to access Discovery Channel's United Streaming video collection. Students may download or stream videos from the collection by going to . Use the passcode posted in the classroom to register. If you have lost it, see me, or e-mail me, for this information. Students are licensed to include this content within their own creations.Social Studies 11.

Social Studies 11

We had our last in-class test on Friday. Chapter & 5 material will be included on the Provincial final exam, so be sure to complete all work thoroughly.

It is important to prepare for your Provincial Final Exam. Go to the Ministry website and look at the exam table of specifications, familiarize yourself with key exam terms, access past exams and answer keys, and look at the essay scoring criteria to see how your essays will be marked. See how subjective questions are marked by looking at the Provincial Exam marker training papers. This is a big file and will take a little time to download. Example answers are given and then the marks that they received.

Your exam is on Tuesday, January 29 in rooms B202 and B203 -- the double Math room, between 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm.

Your Geography textbook is also available online at . Though we will use some material from the other text, most will be from this e-text. Be aware that this text is now a few years old and many hyperlinks are broken. Rewriting is a massive job that I have not had time to take on yet.

I will collect Blue text-books and Geography textbooks on Friday. With three classes writing exams at the same time, it is impossible to collect books at the exams as historically a very large number of people forget to bring their books to the exam. We do not have a bookroom yet, so it will not be possible to check for misplaced books there. We cannot afford to be missing books heading into the new semester. Bills for lost texts will be handed out at the exam. If you do not have home access to the Internet, I will make an exception for you to hang on to the Geography text to complete homework. If you need this arrangement, you must see me individually.

This close to exam time, you should not be relying in text-book study in any case. Use flash cards, timelines, and point-form notes on concepts. Text-book reading is highly inefficient.

  • Monday, January 21 - Take up pp. 83-86. Do #1-3, p. 84, #1-4, p. 85 & 1-2, p. 86. Begin Chapter 4 PowerPoint. Read pp. 86- 93. Do #1-3, p. 87, #1-4, p. 89, #1-5, p. 91 and #1-5, p. 93.

  • Tuesday, January 22 - Take up homework. Video: History’s Harvest and do the viewing guide questions. If time we will look at more of the Chapter 4 PowerPoint. Read pp. 93-102. Do #1-6, p. 97 (but note "1997" in #3 should read "1973" and the typographical error in #5, where "grater" should read "greater"), #1-7, p. 102.

  • Wednesday, January 23 - Take up homework. Video: Resources & Conservation and questions. If time we will look at more of the Chapter 4 PowerPoint. You must watch any unfinished Chapter 4 PowerPoint on your own time, for homework. Read pp. 102-106. Do #1-6, p. 105 and Further Thought #1-4, p. 108.

  • Thursday, January 24 - Take up homework. Chapter 5 PowerPoint. If time, watch Doctor Hans Rosling's presentation Gapcast #5; Bangladesh Miracle. Read pp. 116-129. Do #1, p. 118, #1-3, p. 120, #1-5, p. 123, #1-3, p. 129.

  • Friday, January 25 - Watch the amazing Dr. Hans Rosling's presentation at the 2006 TED Conference - The Seemingly Impossible is Possible. Be sure to watch as many of his video Gapcasts as you have time for. We will look at those that block time allows for. Read pp. 129-132. Do #1-3, p. 130, #1-2, p. 131, and #1-4, p. 132.

Comparative Civilizations 12

The final examination in this course will be held on the last two days of class, instead of during exam week. This test is worth 15% of your course mark. Only the first part of the test is closed book. You may refer to your notebooks in answering all other material.

Final Exam, Day 1: Slide Identification (closed book). Expect 50 items. You are to identify the work, the artist and the period (100 marks - since not all items have all three parts, we will give bonus marks for any third part identified). The remaining part of day 1 is an essay question - choose 1 from among 4 options (24 marks - 6 for composition and 18 for content -- marked according to the provincial examinations English & History rubrics).

Final Exam, Day 2: 15 matching items (1 mark each), 10 identifying styles from written descriptions (10 marks), 80 multiple choice (80 marks), and two from 5 long answer questions (20 marks - 10 each).

The final examination is, therefore, out of 249 marks -- but this is scaled to 15% of your final course mark.

Your Grandeur & Obedience Package is due by 4:30 p.m. Monday. Your Light of Experience package is due by 4:30 p.m. on Friday.

I hope to be able to post final marks for you by Monday, January 28 - probably on the bulletin board outside my room.

  • Monday, January 21 - Frans Hals and the minor Dutch masters. Watch some episodes from Sister Wendy. Work on package. Hand in Grandeur & Obedience package by 4:30 p.m.

  • Tuesday, January 22 - Vermeer and Rembrandt. Work on Package. If you get the opportunity, the feature film The Girl With a Pearl Earing, is a nice evening's viewing. Watch Simon Schama's excellent documentary on Rembrandt.

  • Wednesday, January 23 - Christopher Wren. Work on Package. Watch the hour-long documentary Wren; the Man Who Built Britain.

  • Thursday, January 24 - Day 1 of the Final Exam.

  • Friday, January 25 - Day 2 of the Final Exam. Hand in the Light of Experience package by 4:30 p.m.

History 12

This unit is global in scope -- far more than previous units. I will tend to focus on one region or issue at a time, which will mean that we will jump around more in time order. We did a bit of this in the last unit, but expect far more from now on. It is, therefore, essential that you find a way to make sure that you get the chronology right. I strongly suggest that you create a time line, with years on one axis and a series of columns, labelled Europe, Asia, North America, and South America on the other axis. Put major events on this timeline in the appropriate location and time. This will help you see events graphically -- recognizing how they might influence other events, elsewhere in the world, in the Cold War era.

You must begin to prepare for the final examination, which is worth 40% of your over-all mark. Go to the Ministry of Education's History 12 website and access the following material: The exam table of specifications, the description of key verbs used on the exam, a description of the scoring criteria used in marking the exam, and, of course, familiarize yourself with the look of the exam itself -- the response booklet, sample and released examinations and answer keys. The best way to prepare for this exam is to actually write a previous exam

Even though you are not handing in the final group of questions for marking, it is essential that you complete them thoroughly. They are the best preparation I can give you for getting ready for this content on the final exam.

If you are not using your textbooks to study from, and I strongly suggest that you are beyond this by the end of this week (you should be using flashcards, timelines and point-form notes on concepts by this time), please hand them back to me on Friday. I will allow students to hang on to books until the test if absolutely necessary, and will collect books at the test room.