Sunday, January 25, 2009

January 26-30

Semester 1 classes are finished - let the exams begin!

Social Studies 11

Your exam is from 1-4 p.m. in the small gym on Tuesday, January 27. Some of you with IEPs are writing in an alternate location - mostly in room D106 and have been told of this on multiple occasions.

If you did not hand back your textbooks, be sure to give them to me in the gym outside the test between 12:30 and 12:50. If you were in class on Friday and failed to turn in a text, you received a bill then. Those who missed Friday will be billed as they arrive for their test.

If you still have work to submit, I am still prepared to mark it -- especially for you silly nits who will fail the course as a result of your procrastination. I cannot accept work past Tuesday, as it needs to be marked in time to get it on my report card submission - to be finalized on Thursday.

Comparative Civilizations 12

You wrote your final exam over the last two days of class. They are now all marked, as are any assignments submitted in hard copy or by e-mail on Friday.

I will post final marks on the window of my class, probably on Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning.

If you still have work to hand in, I will still mark it -- until Tuesday night.

History 12

Your test is from 1-4 p.m. in the small gym on Tuesday, January 27. This is the same location and the same time as Social Studies 11. Check with me immediately if you have decided to write the class-based exam instead of the provincial; at the moment only one person is doing so. I must ensure that I have sufficient exams present on Tuesday.

If you did not hand in your books on Friday, I will present you with a bill as you go into the gym -- unless I get them back before the test. Since so many students are handing in books at that time, you may well go into the exam with a bill, if I have not been able to check book numbers. See me after the test to ensure that the numbers were right and your bill has been torn up.

Some work still needs to come in from the odd procrastinator. Do it before Tuesday night or suffer the consequences.

To all my first semester students: I've enjoyed your company and will miss you. Good luck in semester 2.