Use this blog to see what is coming up each week. I will usually post it on Saturdays for the following week. If you are away, you can check up on what you are missing. There is no reason for you not to know what is happening. If you do not have an Internet connection, you certainly know someone who does. If too ill to work while away, be sure to attach a note from home to any overdue work when you hand it in and I will most likely waive any late deduction.
Sutherland has a license to access Discovery Education's United Streaming video collection. Students may download or stream videos from the collection by going to . Use the passcode posted in the classroom. I cannot post this online, but you can confirm the new number by looking at what is posted in the classroom.
- Monday, February 22 - This is a Professional Day. Work on your essay and questions.
- Tuesday, February 23 - Complete the last lesson - Total War; the German Experience - continued (Base notes).
- Wednesday, February 24 - The Paris Peace Conference PowerPoint. Base lecture notes. If time - AV material - The War to End All Wars - but note, the conference was held in Paris, not Versailles as the film indicates - this film is from a US perspective -- something I do not always present effectively in class (5 minutes), World War One: 1914-1918 Map - a multimedia summary of the war's main events. If you can manage the time, watch Secrets of the Dead; Killer Flu - which deals with the dangers of the flu pandemic that killed up to 30 million people at the end of the First World War.
Thursday, February 25 - The Guns of August. Sorry, this is unavailable on the Internet; at least I have not found it. - Friday, February 26 – Complete The Guns of August and do the first lecture from Topic #3 - The League of Nations (base notes). For a good treatment of the League's dealing with a major dispute, see ITV Schools' TV's The League of Nations and the Manchurian Dispute (20 minutes). There is much fascinating material at the League of Nations Homepage. M. Cliffe has a couple of online PowerPoints on the League: The League of Nations and Failures of the League.
- Monday, March 1 - Hand in Topic #2 questions and Essay #1 today. Unit Test for Topic #2. Pick up Topic #3 questions and plan if you have asked for print copies.
Comparative Civilizations 12
The Greece Package is due on Tuesday, February 23.
The Rome Package is due on Monday, March 15 - right after Spring Break. Expect a unit test on the Ancient World at this time.
- Monday, February 22 – Professional Day – work on packages.
- Tuesday, February 24 - Roman Architecture PowerPoint. Work on Rome Package.
- Wednesday, February 25 - Video The Roman Arena (sorry, not available on Internet stream). However, you could watch an alternative video: Colosseum; A Gladiator's Story. Work on Rome package.
- Thursday, February 26 - Roman Sculpture PowerPoint. Work on Rome Package.
- Friday, February 27 - Episode 10 of The Western Tradition - Roman Engineering, available at Work on Rome Package.
Social Studies 11
Note: We have the pleasure of working with Mr. St. Laurent, a student teacher from UBC, this term. He completed his short first practicum in the Fall and is now with us for his long practicum. If the short practicum is anything to go by, you are in luck having him work with you.
I still have over-all responsibility for the class, but Mr. St. Laurent will do most of the teaching for the next couple of months. There is no shortage of extra help available to you between the two of us!
Find Mr. St. Laurent's lesson plans at: .