Friday, October 22, 2010

October 25-29

Contact me by e-mail at:

Things that are static -- not requiring regular change -- can be found at my website: However, I'm afraid I do not update this regularly. I spend most of my time keeping the blog up to date.

This blogsite will have all of the changing material -- lesson plans and links to assignments. I will try to ensure that all assignments are posted here. If you see something underlined, it means that you can click on the item to have it appear. I will do this for all pdf documents, PowerPoints, videos, and even some music.

Great news! Sutherland has renewed its license with Discovery Education Streaming services and all of the Discovery videos and video clips are once again available for student use. If you established an account in previous years, you can once again access it using your existing login name and password. If you do not yet have an account, get the code from the poster at the front of my classroom (sorry, I cannot post this online) and enroll. Use is free and students have copywright privileges; you can use chunks within your presentations legally.

My tutorial times are officially 3:10 to 3:30 on Mondays and Fridays, however I am available most days before school, at noon and after school. Drop by or make an appointment if you need guaranteed time. I will respond to e-mails within a day at worst.

Social Studies 8

The Rome Unit Test is this Monday. Be sure to be hand in your flash cards, in an envelope, at the start of the test. Late submissions will not receive bonus marks. Your test on Rome will include the following: 40 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 5 definition items (2 marks each) and 3 long answer questions (6 marks each). The total is, therefore, out of 68 marks. You can earn up to 5 bonus marks for submitting at least 25 correctly made flash cards (term or name only on the front and definition or why the person is important on the back) at the time of the exam. You may not hand these in late to earn marks; they must be submitted when you write the test.

We will quiz the Byzantine Empire and the Islamic World next week. This is a short unit.
  • Monday, October 25 - Unit Test on Ancient Rome. Read pp. 96 to 100. Do #1-7, p. 100.
  • Tuesday, October 26 - Take up homework. Examine Hosford Atlas, pp. 5-6. What made Constantinople an important trade crossroads (p. 5)? What evidence can you see on p. 6 that the Byzantines were great engineers and builders? Answer the questions posed on p. 7. Video: Engineering an Empire; the Byzantine Greeks, part 3, part 4. (If you want to see the other parts of this video, here are links to the rest: part 1, part 2, part 5). If there is time, Mr. Benoy will explain how Byzantine engineers improved on what the Romans developed before them. Assignment: Write a paragraph to a page explaining why Justinian has gone down in history as an important ruler. Be sure to mention his ambitions for the empire and his strengths and weaknesses as a ruler? When you conclude, be sure to indicate whether you think he was a great man and why or why not. 10 marks, due Wednesday.
  • Wednesday, October 27 - Hand in Justinian assignment. Video:Byzantium & do the questions for Byzantium; Part 2. Byzantine Empire Notes handout. Do the questions for homework.
  • Thursday, October 28 - Take up homework. Handout: The Conversion of Kievan Rus. Video: Ivan the Terrible. How did Ivan the Terrible earn his cruel reputation? Read pp. 100-103. Do #1-7, p. 103.
  • Friday, October 29 - Expect to have some pictures taken if you arrive in costume! Take up homework. Video: The World; A TV History and questions. Read pp. 103-107. Do #1-7, p. 107. If you are interested in learning much more about Islam and have a couple of hours to spare, watch Islam; Empire of Faith, part 1 andpart 2. This is really good and quite detailed. For a good, detailed, PBS documentary on the life of Muhammad, watch Muhammad; Legacy of a Prophet or watch the 1 1/2 hour cartoon treatment of his life: Muhammad - The Last Prophet.
Social Studies 11

The next unit test is probably in a week and a half to two weeks away. I will let you know, specifically, when I have a better idea of how long it will take us to cover the First World War.
There is a major research assignment starting now, theFamily History - Immigration Assignment (With additional options for International and First Nations students.) The due date for this work is not until right after the Christmas holidays, to allow plenty of time for research and discussion with family members.)

  • Monday, October 25 - Mr. Benoy: Take up homework from Friday. Complete PowerPoint material on the Alaskan Boundary Dispute from Canada and the Empire. Mr. Nann: Lecture on the Boer War. Reasons for Tension between French and English speaking Canadian populations. What kind of compromise policy would you come up with for Canadian participation in the Boer War. Mr. Benoy: PowerPoint material on the Boer war from Canada and the Empire PowerPoint.
  • Tuesday, October 26 - Begin background to World War I. (PowerPoint - the origins material in Canada and World War I). If time, filmstrip or video on the origins of the war. Read the sidebar on p. 23 & do #1-5. Watch, online, EAV's Origins of World War I - part 1 (9 minutes) and part 2 (8 minutes).
  • Wednesday, October 27 - Take up homework. Complete any material not covered last class on the origins of the war. Watch Blackadder's explanation of the war's origins. Begin PowerPoint on Canada & World War I. We will look at excepts from Canada; A People's History as we work through the PowerPoint. Read pp. 20-28. Do #1, 2, & 4, p. 24 & #1-4, p. 28 .
  • Thursday, October 28 - Mr. Benoy's slides on the Western Front battlefield graves. Take up homework Continue the PowerPoint and People's History segments. Read pp. 28-33. Do #1 & 3, p. 33. Also answer the questions in figure 2-8, 2-9, and 2-10.
  • Friday, October 29 - Take up homework. Complete any of the PowerPoint and People's History material. A Look at wartime propaganda. Posters (also click here for a Canadian exhibition from the Canadian War Museum), Postcards, Leaflets directed at the enemy, Film, and even music. Read this for a nice short treatment of First World War propaganda. An interesting World War I propaganda story is treated in the documentary The Crucified Soldier. If I can find time to show it in class, I will, but if not, you can watch it by linking from here. Read pp. 39-42. Do #1 & 3, p. 42. - We ran out of time for the assignment that I intended to give in this block. It will now be pushed forward to next week.
History 12

Plan for Topic #3.

Questions for Topic #3.

The test for Topic #3 will have the following mark breakdown: 50 multiple choice questions, 10 map items (1 mark each), 10 definitions (2 marks each), and 3 from 5 paragraph items (6 marks each). The total is, therefore, out of 98 marks.

Essay #2. Note: we will solidify the due date for this paper by the end of this week.