Saturday, November 20, 2010

November 22-26

Contact me by e-mail at:

Things that are static -- not requiring regular change -- can be found at my website:, I'm afraid I do not update this regularly. I spend most of my time keeping the blog up to date.

This blogsite will have all of the changing material -- lesson plans and links to assignments. I will try to ensure that all assignments are posted here.If you see something underlined, it means that you can click on the item to have it appear. I will do this for all pdf documents, PowerPoints, videos, and even some music.

Sutherland has renewed its license with Discovery Education Streaming services and all of the Discovery videos and video clips are available for student use. If you established an account in previous years, you can access it using your existing login name and password. If you do not yet have an account, get the code from the poster at the front of my classroom (sorry, I cannot post this online) and enroll. Use is free and students have copywright privileges; you can use chunks within your presentations legally.

My tutorial times are officially 3:10 to 3:30 on Mondays and Fridays, however I am available most days before school, at noon and after school. Drop by or make an appointment if you need guaranteed time. I will respond to e-mails within a day at worst.
Click here for pictures of the Grad Dinner Dance.

Social Studies 8

The next exam will not be for more than another week. This one will include all of the medieval material from the textbook. I will post details about the exam when we are a little closer to it.

Medieval Research Project. Part 1. Part 2.

  • Monday, November 22 - Take up #1-6, p. 69. Video: David Macauley's Cathedral and questions.
  • Tuesday, November 23 - Video: Illuminations; Treasures of the Middle Ages. Questions (will be posted on the 2nd screen in class): 1. Who wrote medieval books? 2. What were books written on before the Middle Ages? What were medieval books written on? 3. How were medieval books like modern comic books? 4. What kinds of illustrations were found in medieval books? 5. What was a “Book of Hours?” How was it a display of wealth? 6. What kinds of non-religious books were produced in the late Middle Ages? From Old English to Modern English - including the following video examples: Lord’s Prayer in Old English, "The General Prologue" tothe Canterbury Tales in Middle English, and this version in modern English. If we have time we will watch a few short samples from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales in modern English: "The Host's Speech"from "the General Prologue," the start of the "Pardoner's Tale," "the Sermon" from "the Pardoner's Tale," and "Chanticleer Escapes" from the Nun's Priest's Tale." Work on your research project.
  • Wednesday, November 24 - Library research block. Report to the classroom and we will go to the library from there.
  • Thursday, November 25 - Library research block. Report to the classroom and we will go to the library from there.
  • Friday, November 26 - Introduction to the Crusades. Watch Terry Jones' The Crusades; Pilgrims in Arms. Questions: 1) What started the First Crusade? 2) What did crusader knights hope to gain? 3) Why did peasants join the crusade? 4) Why were Jews persecuted in Medieval Europe? 5) How did the "Peoples' Crusade" end? 6) What was the relationship between the crusaders and the Byzantines? Read pp. 69-74. Do #1-6, p. 74. We will not get a chance to watch his following two documentaries, but if you can, be sure to watch them yourself: Jerusalem, Jihad, andDestruction. I'd love to screen all of these in class, but they take too long. A great documentary on the Crusades is The Crescent and the Cross (1 hour 30 minutes).
Social Studies 11

The next unit test is still another week away -- probably a week Tuesday. The mark breakdown is most likely to be as follows: 45 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 5 definitions (2 marks each) and 3 from a choice of 5 long answer questions (6 marks each). The total is, therefore, out of 73 marks. 5 bonus marks are available if you submit more than 25 flash cards done as required.

There is a major research assignment underway, the Family History - Immigration Assignment (With additional options for International and First Nations students. Click here to get a sample pedigree sheet. ) The due date for this work is not until right after the Christmas holidays, to allow plenty of time for research and discussion with family members.

History 12

Plan for Topic #4.

Questions for Topic #4.

Essay #3 - Due the last week of classes before Christmas.

Plan for Topics #5 & 6.

Questions for Topics #5 & 6.

Our Unit test was originally scheduled to be this week, but with the grad event and shortened days for parent/teacher interviews, we agreed to put off the exam until next Monday and begin the next unit this week.

  • Monday, November 22 - Shoah/the Holocaust (base notes). If you were not in my grade 11 classes last year, or even if you were, it is well-worth watching Frontline's Memories of the Camps video.
  • Tuesday, November 23 - Complete the lecture from last class: Shoah/the Holocaust (base notes). Watch The World At War; Genocide (part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5.)
  • Wednesday, November 24 - Complete any Holocaust material, and begin the Cold War unit. Watch: The Cold War; Comrades 1917-1945 (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5). This is an outstanding documentary series on the Cold War and you should watch as many episodes as you have time to see. Be sure to pick up the plan for the next unit and the question set today.
  • Thursday, November 25 - Introduction to the Cold War (Base notes). Watch Churchill's "Iron Curtain Speech." Be sure to read" Lecture 14; The Origins of the Cold War" from The History Guide. Do watch more of CNN's Cold War video series. The History 12 Provincial exam and the class exam is heavily wighted toward the Cold War material and these videos are outstanding. Episode 2 Iron Curtain (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5)
  • Friday, November 26 - Complete any material left over from last class. Video: Cold War Confrontation from the 20th Century History series (sorry, it seems to be unavailable online). Try to Watch CNN's Cold War: Episode 3 Marshall Plan; 1947-1952 (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5); Episode 4 Berlin 1948-1949 (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5).