Friday, May 06, 2011

May 9-13

Contact me by e-mail at:

Those of you looking for information on the possible 2012 Easter trip to France and England for present grade 10 & 11 students, go to the trip blog at:

Things that are static -- not requiring regular change -- can be found at my website:

You will be glad to know that now I have a prep. block, I am once again updating my website.

This blogsite will have all of the changing material -- lesson plans and links to assignments. I will try to ensure that all assignments are posted here.If you see something underlined, it means that you can click on the item to have it appear. I will do this for all pdf documents, PowerPoints, videos, and even some music.

Social Studies 8

Mr. Nann's blog is at: Any of the work you did with him can be found here. If you are missing assignments, this is where to find them.

We only just started a new unit, so our next test is quite a long way off. We will test all of the Middle Ages material together -- so this will involve chapters 3, 4 & 5. I expect it will be about 3-4 weeks from now -- this is just an estimate.

You have a big research assignment that was just handed out. I will go over it in detail in classes this week. If you do not have the handouts. Click for them here: Part 1, Part 2. We will start having some class time for this next week -- when we've covered more background information in class.

Social Studies 11

We tested last week, so another unit test will not come your way for another couple of weeks. I will post a mark breakdown when we are a little closer to it.

  • Monday, May 9 - Take up sidebar, #1-3, p. 155, #1-5, p. 156 & #2-4, p. 158. Material from Canada; A Peoples’ History; Comfort & Fear. ("Material from Canada; A People’s History (“A Question of Equality,” “A Changing Face,”and “The Computer Moves In” and questions). If time, PowerPoint Post 1945 Canada. Read pp. 160-172. Do #2-6, p. 167, & #1-5, p. 172.
  • Tuesday, May 10 - Take up homework. Material from Canada; A People’s History("Time for Change" & "Maitres Chez Nous" - questions). PowerPoint material not completed. Read pp. 172-187. Do #1-4, p. 176, #2-4, p. 182, and 2-5, p. 187.
  • Wednesday, May 11 - Take up homework. Complete any PowerPoint material not completed from Post 1945 Canada. Watch "Vive le Quebec Libre," "October Crisis", the "Choice" - questions. Read pp. 191- 194. Do #1,2, 4 & 5, p. 194,
  • Thursday, May 12 - Take up homework. Complete any of the video material not covered on Wednesday. PowerPoint The Quiet and Not-So-Quiet Revolution. Read pp. 194-200 and do #1,34 & 5, p. 197 and 1, 2 & 4, p. 200.
  • Friday, May 13 - Take up #1,34 & 5, p. 197 and 1, 2 & 4, p. 200. Watch the following segments of Canada; A People's History: "October Crisis", the "Choice," - questions and "Night of the Long Knives" - questions. Finish PowerPoint - The Quiet and Not-So-Quiet Revolution. Be sure to see anything we are unable to complete in class. Assignment: 10 marks, due Monday. Why do many Quebecers want and independent Quebec? Why has this not come about?
History 12

The unit test on Topic #4 is moved to Monday, May 9 -- We will start the next unit before then, but this ensures that everything is definitely covered before we test. Expect the following mark breakdown: 75 multiple choice questions (1 mark each) - this is slightly more than indicated in last-week's blog, 5 map items (1 mark each) and 2 from a choice of 4 long answer questions (10 marks each). The total is, therefore, out of 100 marks.

Do not expect all work to be marked overnight. Today is my wife`s birthday and I have commitments elsewhere! Hopefully the test will be done, however.

Topic #4 Plan. Topic #4 Questions. Essay #3.
We need to establish the due date for Essay #3 this week - expect it to be in late May.

Topic #5 & 6 Plan. Topic #5 & 6 questions.