Thursday, June 09, 2011

June 13 - 16

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Things that are static -- not requiring regular change -- can be found at my website:

This blogsite will have all of the changing material -- lesson plans and links to assignments. I will try to ensure that all assignments are posted here.If you see something underlined, it means that you can click on the item to have it appear. I will do this for all pdf documents, PowerPoints, videos, and even some music.

Social Studies 8

Expect an exam on the Renaissance and Reformation on Wednesday (Note, this is a change from the original weekend post -- I've agreed to put off the test for one day because work is due and tests are happening in other classes on Tuesday). This will be a shorter test than the last one. I expect it to include: 10 fill in the blanks -- where I show you an image and you tell me its name or who created it; 25 multiple choice questions; 10 matching questions; and 2 from a choice of 4 long answer questions. The total is, therefore, out of 58 marks, so 30 properly done flashcards will earn 5 bonus marks.
  • Monday, June 13 - Take up #1-5, p. 150. Hand in Romeo & Juliet Assignment. Video:Christianity - A History; Part 5; the Reformation. 1. How did the Reformation result in conflict in Europe? 2. How is the division of Christianity still evident in the world today? Read pp. 150-154. Do #1-6, p. 154.
  • Tuesday, June 14 - Take up homework. How to write exams. Tips on what to do when writing the exam -- how to handle various kinds of questions. Bonus opportunity. Complete missing work.
  • Wednesday, June 15 - Test on Renaissance and Reformation. Do some preparation for the final exam. Do make up and bonus work.
  • Thursday, June 16 - Complete missing work or go on to bonus opportunities. Material can be handed in until just before the exam.
Social Studies 11

Provincial exams are just around the corner. Now is a good time to begin preparing. See my Social Studies 11 Website for course material and PowerPoints. Link from here to my Study Skills Page. See the Provincial Exam Essay Marking Guide to see how essay questions are assessed on the exam.

Past provincial exams for all subjects can be found at: -- Exam keys too!

I will set up a time or two during the exam period when I will give an exam preparation class or two. Preview the PowerPoint on preparing for the Social Studies 11 provincial exam first. Check the blog for times and place.

Expect a test on chapters 4 & 5 on Thursday. The mark breakdown will be as follows: 40 multiple choice questions (1 mark each) and 1 long answer question, from a large selection (6 marks). the test total is, therefore, out of 46 marks. You can earn 3 bonus marks with 20 decently done flash cards.
  • Monday, June 13 - Take up #1-4, p. 89, #1-5, p. 91 and #1-5, p. 93. Video: History’s Harvest and do the viewing guide questions. If time we will look at more of theChapter 4 PowerPoint. Read pp. 93-106. Do #1-6, p. 97 (but note "1997" in #3 should read "1973" and the typographical error in #5, where "grater" should read "greater"), #1-7, p. 102, #1-6, p. 105 and Further Thought #1-4, p. 108. Be sure to investigate the CBC Archives material on the GMO debate. Identify arguments for and against producing genetically modified foods. SeeGenetically Modified Food; Panacea or Poison? for an anti-GMO presentation (54 minute documentary).
  • Tuesday, June 14 - Take up homework. Complete the any unfinished material from last class.Chapter 5 PowerPoint. Read pp. 116-129. Do #1, p. 118, #1-3, p. 120, #1-5, p. 123, #1-3, p. 129.
  • Wednesday, June 15 - Take up #1, p. 118, #1-3, p. 120, #1-5, p. 123, #1-3, p. 129. Introduction: Worldmapper animation. Watch the amazing Dr. Hans Rosling's presentation at the 2006 TED Conference - The Seemingly Impossible is Possible. We will also complete the chapter 5 PowerPoint. Read pp. 130-132. Do #1-2, p. 131, #1-4, p. 132 and Further Thought #1-6, p. 132. If you liked Hans Rosling, try William McDonough's TED lecture.
  • Thursday, June 16 - Take up homework. Test on chapters 4 & 5.
History 12

Essay #3 and the questions from Topic 4 & 6 are now overdue. It is essential that you complete the rest of the questions too. 40% of the final exam is Cold War material, so this work is hugely important. I just cannot wait to collect it as I have to give you your final class mark at the end of this week! There is no time to assess it. If you have any work missing, it must come in this week. I will take it later, but do so grudgingly and it may not be marked in time to include in your final mark sent to Victoria. Anything handed in this week will be included in your mark.

  • Monday, June 13 -The Middle East Since 1956 (base notes). If you have the time, watch the History Channel's Battlefield Detectives; Israel's Six Day War (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5), and also Modern Warfare: Yom Kippur War (1973). If you are interested in Israel's Weapons of Mass Destruction, watch the BBC's Correspondence: Israel's Secret Weapon. See the situation from the Palestinian perspective in the BBC's Clash of the Worlds; Palestine . Look at modern attitudes in the region through music videos with the following:Yallah ya Nasrallah (an anti-Arab Jewish song with English subtitles, , Moon Erhabo (Anti-Israeli Rap), and watch this short documentary on Palestinian Hip Hop -- oddly popular with Israeli youth, Hadag Nahash -- the Sticker Song (with English subtitles).
  • Tuesday, June 14 - We will complete the Middle East from 1956 then move on to the Rise of Islamic Fundamentalism (base notes). The Irish documentary Whose Afraid of Islam is an interesting look at cultural struggles. Lube music video set to scenes from 9ya rota (9th Company Russian film of Afghan war) -- you might also listen to the title track. Watch and listen to the songs of the Iranian Revolution: Example 1 - Tribute to Imam Khomeini (with English subtitles),Example 2, Example 3 -Khamenei is Our Leader (With a speech by the Iranian cleric at the start), Example 4 - Iranian song supporting Palestinians against Israel. If you can manage it, be sure to watch a BBC documentary that compares the rise of radical Islamists and American Neo-Conservatives is The Power of Nightmares. If there was any material left from last class, we will complete it today.
  • Tuesday, June 15 - Southern Africa and the Fall of Apartheid (base notes). Watch Charlie Rose's interview with F.W. De Klerk, the Afrikaaner who brought an end to apartheid. How can white and black reconcile in South Africa? Watch Spear Cleansing (23 minutes, about Letlapa Mphalele, who ordered the killing of whites, and Ginn Fourie, who's daughter was killed on the order of Mphalele. Both are now friends and colleagues. A good historical treatment of the lives of human rights leaders Gandhi and Mandela is Together We Lit Up the Sky. Music was a powerful weapon in the anti-apartheid movement. Johnny Clegg, a white student of Zulu music and dance, wrote hugely popular music, often with a strongly propolitical bent. Watch some of the videos of anti-Apartheid activist and ethnomusicologist Johnny Clegg: Scatterlings of Africa, Asimbonanga (Nelson Mandela appears on stage with him in this clip), One Man, One Vote. For something a little different, try Nwampfundla. ...and in response, a revival of Boer nostalgia from when the Boers once fought against all odds in the Boer war - Delarey.
  • Wednesday, June 15 - We will complete any lecture material that is unfinished and watch video material if there is any class time remaining -- probably drawn from the optional material above, unless I find something better during the week.
  • Thursday, June 16 - Click here for the PowerPoint Presentation. Exam preparation.
I will set up a time or two during the exam schedule when there will be some exam preparation and practice. Check the blog for times and place.