Sunday, September 30, 2012

October 1-5

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Comparative Civilizations 12 

Click here for the Rome and Byzantium package.

The unit test for the Ancient World unit is coming soon.  Expect it to be around Wednesday, October 10.  The mark breakdown for the unit test is as follows: 25 slide identification items, 25 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 10 name the part on a diagram (1 mark each), 5 definitions (2 marks each), 1 essay (24 marks - 1 x 6 for composition and 3 x 6 for content). The total is, therefore, out of 94 marks. - there is a bonus possibility on the slide identification portion; there are three components for you to identify -- the creator, the name of the work, and the period that the work was completed in. Since the creator is often unknown in ancient works -- this part will be given as a bonus. Each component is worth 1/2 mark.

History 12 

Clearly, we are behind schedule.  At this point I expect we will probably test on Wednesday, October 3.  Expect the breakdown of marks to be roughly as follows: 60 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 10 map items (1 mark each), 5 definitions (2 marks each) and 2 long answer questions (10 marks each). The total is, therefore, out of roughly 100 marks.

Social Studies 11 

Our next unit test will be on the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Branches of government.  I expect it to be on Thursday, October 11 -- this will allow students in both blocks to take extra time if they need. it.  We will probably begin the next unit before this time.  The mark breakdown should be roughly as follows: 35 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 2 from 4 long answer questions (6 marks each), and one essay question on what should be done with the Canadian Senate (12 marks - 2 x 6). The total is, therefore, most likely to be out of 59 marks. Create and use flashcards now to master terms and names. This not only helps you with subject content, but it ensures that you know what test questions are asking. At least 25 flash flash cards are needed to earn the 5 bonus marks. 

Please be aware, there will also be a take home test on Friday, October 12 on municipal government.  This is due to be handed in on Monday, October 15.

  • Monday, October 1 -  Take up #1-2, p. 264. Do #1-3, p. 267. Hand in the poster assignment.  Overview of the Judiciary - PowerPoint - go to the section on the Judiciary. Read pp. 270-275. Do #1-3, p. 275.
  • Tuesday, October 2 -  Hand in poster assignment. Take up homework, #1-3, p. 275. Complete PowerPoint material from last class Comparison of Adversarial vs. Inquisitorial court systems. Read pp. 277-288. Do #1-3, p. 280, & 1 & 4, p. 288. Please bring your red Government text to class next day -- along with your blue text.
  • Wednesday, October 3 -  Take up #1-3, p. 280, & 1 & 4, p. 288. Complete the second video on our Court system. While watching the video, identify the positions of court officials and note the roles that they play. Introduce concept of Human rights – examine text p. 294. Students to list what they would expect fundamental rights to be in Canada - Think-Pair-Share. Use Government text p. 60 to listSchweitzer’s list of fundamental rights. Government text pp. 152-158. Read pp. 292-312. Do #1, p. 297, #2-3 sidebar p. 303, #1 & 3, p. 304, #3, p. 308 & #2, p. 312.
  • Thursday, October 4 -  Take up homework. Examine the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - see PowerPoint; The Constitution. Summarize each of the key sections in your notes. Effect of passing the Charter on Canadian law -- all laws in Canada must conform unless passed using the notwithstanding clause or if they can withstand a challenge based on their being within reasonable limits. Read pp. 240-246. Do #1-3, p. 246, & sidebar #1, p. 244.
  • Friday, October 5 -  Take up homework. Comparison of BC Provincial and Federal systems of Government. Video BC's Government HouseWatch this video on the work of an MLA --Having Your Say Through Your MLAWhile doing so, do the following: 1) note the tasks that an MLA is expected to do, and 2) List similarities and differences between the setup of the Provincial Legislature and the Federal Parliament. Download and read Welcome to the House to fill in any gaps and to better understand the workings of provincial government. You might also like to look at other brochures and documents from this website. Government (red) texts. Read pp. 170-178. Do #1-3, p. 178 for Monday.