Friday, January 04, 2013

January 7-11

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So you just want to see photos of Sutherland activities? Click here to see my Picasa Albums. 

Things that are static -- not requiring regular change -- can be found at my website: 

Comparative Civilizations 12 

Hero as Artist package.  This came in during the last week before Christmas.  If handed in Monday after the break a one day deduction will be taken.

Reformation; Protest and Communication package.  This will be due two days after we get back in January -- ie. Wednesday, January 9.  (Note, this is a very short unit.)

Mannerism package -- assigned this week.  This will be finished this week but can be handed in on Monday of next week, without penalty.

If you get the chance, find out a little more about the Reformation.  Why not watch some good documentaries.  Here are a few suggestions:  Christianity - A History; Part 5; the Reformation for a quick look at the changes it brought.  For a really detailed account of the Reformation, look at this series of films:  (1 hour each) The Protestant Revolution; Part 1; The Politics of Belief,The protestant Revolution; Part 2; The Godly FamilyThe Protestant Revolution; Part 3; A Reformation of the Mindand The Protestant Reformation; Part 4; No Rest for the Wicked.  Short and informative, but a little more schoolish, try: The Protestant Reformation; Part 1and Part 2.

History 12 

Topic #5 and 6 Plan. -- note, to ensure we have enough classes to complete course content, we will run units 5 and 6 into one -- "The Cold War" and we will not waste a block for a unit test as this material will form a significant part of the final exam that we write at the end of the course in any case.  These questions will also be submitted in two parts.  Questions #1-62 will come in at the end of the first week in January (marked out of 35) and the remainder are due on the last day of classes (marked out of 15).

Topic #5 and 6 questions

Episode 1 - Comrades; 1917-1945.

Episode 4 - Berlin; 1948-1949.

Episode 5 - Korea; 1950-1953.
Episode 6 - Reds; 1947-1953.
Episode 8 - Sputnik; 1949-1961.
Episode 9 - The Wall; 1958-1963.
Episode 10 Cuba; 1959-1962.
Episode 11 Vietnam; 1954-1968.
Episode 14 Red Spring; 1960s.
Episode 15 China; 1949-1972.
Episode 16 Detente; 1969-1975.
Episode 18 Backyard; 1954-1990.
Episode 19 Freeze; 1977-1981.
Episode 21 Spies; 1944-1994.
Episode 22 Star Wars; 1981-1988.

Essay #3.  It is due a week before the end of the semester -- note, this is a week later than indicated on the assignment sheet -- bonus time because I have been tardy in posting it.

Social Studies 11 

Even though it is getting a little long in the tooth, we will use our locally developed text book for the heart of the Geography unit (in fact the content was written about the same time as most of the material in the Blue text -- given that it takes about 2-3 years to get a book from the writing to the publishing stage).  The main advantage of the local text is that you can access it online at  21st Century World . Just click on the title to access the table of contents and go to what you want from there.

Note that we will test chapters 1-3 of the Geography unit together, about January.

***Here is a set of summary notes for the Social Studies 11 course -- excellent for use in studying for the final exam. 

***Here is another, shorter, set of notes for the Social Studies 11 course.

***Here is a much more thorough webpage of review materials. 

Find another set of notes on the Counterpoints text at:

Be sure to look at past exam material to get comfortable with the format.  Go to

  • Monday, January 7 - Go over conclusions re. Gore's  An Inconvenient Truth and  Climate of Doubt.  Begin chapter 2 - PowerPointRead pp. 29-31. Do both #1-3 on p. 31.
  • Tuesday, January 8 -  Take up #1-3 (both), p. 31. Video clip: The Seven Billionth.  Continue Ch. 2 PowerPoint - Population & Demographics.  If time we will watch Momentum 2011; Hans Rosling.Read pp. 31-37. Do #1 on p. 37. Go to the US Census Bureau's International Database  (OK - this is a bit of a search.  Click on "International Data Base" on the top left hand side of the page.  On the new page, look on the left side and go into the "Report" drop down menu and select "Population Pyramid Graph."  Now select 2011 in the year menu and the countries you want, one at a time in "Select Country".)  Now and download and print a population pyramid for Nigeria in 2011. Do the same for Japan. Compare the shapes of these population pyramids. Suggest reasons why they are so different from one another.
  • Wednesday, January 9 - Take up #1 on p. 37. Look at the population pyramids for Japan and Nigeria and go over reasons why their shapes are so different. PowerPoint - continued. Watch Hans Rosling's What Stops Population GrowthDoom and gloom video. Read pp. 37-41. Do #1-6, p. 39 , #1-6, pp. 41-42. I highly recommend that you read pp. 322-328 in your blue Counterpoints text -- material on the Demographic Transition model always appears on the final exam and will be prominent on your chapters 1-3 unit test.  Sidebar: Doom and gloom text atDieOff.Org - read p. 15, an excerpt from William Catton's Overshoot; The Ecological Base of Revolutionary Change. Read a brief synopsis of Boserup's ideas from York University. Julian Simon was another writer who felt population growth is a good thing. Part of his book Population Matters: People, Resources, Environment, and Immigration is available online.
  • Thursday, January 10 - Take up Video segment and questions on Shanghai, Changing China - Urbanization ). Look at Gapcast #2 - Urbanization. Read pp. 42-45. Do #1-5, p. 45. Do the Further Thought assignment #1-5, p. 46.  Read pp. 368-375 in your blue Counterpoints text.  Do #1-4, p.372 & #1, p.375.
  • Friday, January 11 - Take up #1-5, p. 45 and Further Thought #1-5, p. 46. and #-14, p. 370 & #1, P. 375 in Counterpoints.  Stewart Brand's City Planet and questions.  Read pp. 54-55.  Do #1-4, pp. 55-56.