Saturday, January 11, 2014

January 13-17

Contact me by e-mail at: 

This blog provides lesson plans for each week.  Look ahead to see where we are going.  Look back to see what you might have missed. All assignments are provided here.  If anything is underlined, click on it to bring up the document or, in the case of videos, link to an online version of what was scheduled for seeing in class or as enrichment.
So you just want to see photos of Sutherland activities? Click here to see my Picasa Albums. 

Things that are static -- not requiring regular change -- can be found at my website:
.  Admittedly, I do not update this site regularly, so there may be dead links.

Click here for Santa's Breakfast Pictures, 2013.

Grade 12's recently attended their Winter Formal Dinner Dance.  Click here for pictures.

Click here for pictures of the Sr. Boys' basketball game vs Dover Bay.

Social Studies 8 

Your final exam in Social Studies 8 is Wednesday, January 22 in Block 1 -- at 8:30 a.m. The block ends at 11:20 and you must complete it in the time allowed -- unless you have special provisions through an IEP. Some of you are writing in alternate locations because of IEP provisions.  You have all been informed of where you should go. 

bonus assignment is  available to help you boost your mark before the final exam. Look at it and follow the instructions.   You need to hand this work in on or by the Friday of this week to ensure that it is taken into account in your final class mark.

Your final lexam will have 100 multiple choice questions. 1 paragraph question worth 12 marks (from a choice of 2 items) and one longer answer question worth 18 marks from a selection of 9 topics.  The total value is, therefore 130 marks, but the real value is 20% of your final grade in Social Studies 8.

 Expect your next test to be next Tuesday, January 21 - the last regular day of classes.  Because this is first block in the day, you may only have 5 additional minutes to complete the test when the block ends.  Expect 20 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 2 groups of 5 matching questions (10 marks total) and a choice of 2 from 3 long answer questions (6 marks each). The total value is, therefore, 42 marks and you can earn 3 bonus marks from 25 flash cards.

  • Monday, January 13 - Take up #1-6, p.36. Take up homework. Watch What the Ancients Did for Us; the Chinese.   What great contributions did the Chinese give to the world.  Read pp. 117-121. Do #1-5, p. 121.
  • Tuesday, January 14 - Take up #1-5, p. 121.  Watch The Secret History of Genghis Khan1. How did Genghis Khan unify the Mongols? 2. Where did the Mongols expand after unification? 3. Why were the Mongols so successful. Read pp. 121-123. Do #1-5, p. 123.
  • Wednesday, January 15 - Take up #1-5, p. 123.  Watch Kublai Khan; The Building of the Mongol Empire. 1. How did Kublai Khan come to rule China?   2.  How did being part of the Mongol empire lead to contact with the wider world?  Map Assignment:  South and East Asia.  10 marks, due next class. Read pp. 123-125. Do #1-7, p. 125. 
  • Thursday, January 16 - Hand in the map assignment. Take up #1-7, p. 125. Video: Shinto Part 1Part 2. 1. What are Kami? 2. Would Shintoism appeal to non-Japanese people? Why or why not? 3. How is it that Buddhism and Shintoism can be practiced at the same time? Read pp. 126-130. Do #1-8, p. 130. 
  • Friday, January 17 - Curriculum Implementation Day.  No classes in session.  Use this time to study!
Social Studies 11 

We will test chapters 1-3 together, on Wednesday to allow extra test writing time if you need it.  We will start chapter 4 before then, but this material will not be on Wednesday's test.

Expect the mark breakdown to be as follows:  65 multiple choice questions and two from a choice of 10 long answer questions - valued at 6 marks each. The total is, therefore, out of 77 marks. 30 properly done flash cards will earn 5 bonus marks.

Even though it is getting a little long in the tooth, we will use our locally developed text book for the heart of the Geography unit (in fact the content was written about the same time as most of the material in the Blue text -- given that it takes about 2-3 years to get a book from the writing to the publishing stage).  The main advantage of the local text is that you can access it online at  21st Century World . Just click on the title to access the table of contents and go to what you want from there.

***Here is a set of summary notes for the Social Studies 11 course -- excellent for use in studying for the final exam. 

***Here is another, shorter, set of notes for the Social Studies 11 course.

***Here is a much more thorough webpage of review materials. 

Find another set of notes on the Counterpoints text at:

Be sure to look at past exam material to get comfortable with the format.  Go to

To see how to approach the essay questions, look at this document provided to train markers of the exam. Link from my web page on writing the SS11 final, and also see my PowerPoint on how to approach the test.

  • Monday, January 13 - Take up #1-3, p. 84, #1-4, p. 85, #1-2, p. 86 and #1-3, p. 87.   PowerPoint for Chapter 4 - Note -- we will move very quickly through this. Be sure to scan the PowerPoint again, on your own time, in order to take good notes.  Read pp. 88-93. Do #1-4, p. 89, #1-5, p. 91 and #1-5, p. 93.
  • Tuesday, January 14 - Take up #1-4, p. 89, #1-5, p. 91 and #1-5, p. 93.  Video: History’s Harvest (Part 1,Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5) and do the viewing guide questions. If time we will look at more of theChapter 4 PowerPoint. Read pp. 93-106. Do #1-6, p. 97 (but note "1997" in #3 should read "1973" and the typographical error in #5, where "grater" should read "greater"), #1-7, p. 102, #1-6, p. 105 and Further Thought #1-4, p. 108. Be sure to investigate the CBC Archives material on the GMO debate. Identify arguments for and against producing genetically modified foods. Study for the test next class.
  • Wednesday, January 15 - Unit Test on chapters 1-3.
  • Thursday, January 16 -  Take up #1-6, p. 97, #1-7, p. 102 and #1-6, p. 105. Complete any remaining Chapter 4 PowerPoint.  Watch Gwynne Dyer being interviewed about his book Climate Wars on the effects of Climate Change on world conflict.  While watching, take notes on 1) Why is climate change likely to lead to conflict? and 2) Why is climate change more dangerous than most people realize?  Worldmapper animation. Oops I had the wrong pages here until this edit.  Read pp. 114-123.  Do #1, p. 118, #1-4, p. 119,, #1-3, p. 120, #1-5, p. 123. 
  • Friday, January 17 -  Curriculum Implementation Day.  No classes in session.  Use this time to study!
History 12 

Be sure to watch all of the Cold War video series.  This is absolutely the best account of the Cold War on film. We saw the first episode and episode 7 and will see some in class, but cannot take the time to look at all of them.  Here are the links:

Episode 1 - Comrades; 1917-1945.
Episode 4 - Berlin; 1948-1949.
Episode 5 - Korea; 1950-1953.
Episode 6 - Reds; 1947-1953.
Episode 8 - Sputnik; 1949-1961.
Episode 9 - The Wall; 1958-1963.
Episode 10 Cuba; 1959-1962.
Episode 11 Vietnam; 1954-1968.
Episode 14 Red Spring; 1960s
Episode 15 China; 1949-1972.
Episode 16 Detente; 1969-1975.
Episode 18 Backyard; 1954-1990.
Episode 19 Freeze; 1977-1981.
Episode 21 Spies; 1944-1994.
Episode 22 Star Wars; 1981-1988.

Topic #5 and 6 Questions.

Here is the final essay, Essay #3 -- due at the end of the first week in January.

I can't really afford to lose another day to testing.  Since you will study the Cold War and beyond in preparing for the final exam, I will leave evaluation of this unit until this final test.  I really don't want to have to decide to axe either Islamic Fundamentalism or the end of Apartheid.

  • Monday, January 13 -  Maoist and post-Maoist China (base notes , PowerPoint and China after Mao base notesPowerPoint).  At home, watch the History Channel video Mao Declassified, which deals with the Cultural Revolution. Music videos give an interesting insight into Maoist culture. Watch Song of Dragon River.
  • Tuesday, January 14 -  Complete material on China.  If there is time remaining, we will start Wednesday's material.
  • Wednesday, January 15 - The Middle East Since 1956 (base notes - and PowerPoints: The Middle East From 1956-1979 and The Middle East Since 1979). If you have the time, watch the History Channel's Battlefield Detectives; Israel's Six Day War (part 1part 2part 3part 4part 5), and also Modern Warfare: Yom Kippur War (1973). If you are interested in Israel's Weapons of Mass Destruction, watch the BBC's Correspondence: Israel's Secret Weapon. See the situation from the Palestinian perspective in the BBC's Clash of the Worlds; Palestine . Look at modern attitudes in the region through music videos with the following:Yallah ya Nasrallah (an anti-Arab Jewish song with English subtitles, Moon Erhabo (Anti-Israeli Rap).
  • Thursday, January 16 - Complete material on Middle East history.  New Material -- we begin, as usual, with some appropriate music --  Baharanand Khomeini O Imamand finally, some Iranian pop music with a background of photos and advertising of the period just before the revolution.  Lecture: Rise of Islamic Fundamentalism (base notes, PowerPoint - The Islamic Revival and World Politics ).  If we finish the lecture material early, we will look at one of the following documentaries:  Iranian Revolution 1979 (5 minutes - a film sympathetic to the Shah of Iran), and/or this clip from the American documentary Crisis in Iran.  This clip from LinkTV translates a report from Iranian TV during the Arab Spring in 2012, comparing events in Egypt with Iran in 1979 -- the comparison is more starling when one realizes that after this report, the Islamic Brotherhood went on to win Egypt's first free elections.  When you get time, consider watching the three hour documentary Iran and the West. As this class is a general introduction to rising Islamic fundamentalism, sometimes referred to as Islamism, why not watch the Irish documentary Whose Afraid of Islam (part 1part 2)an interesting look at cultural struggles.
  • Friday, January 17 -  Curriculum Implementation Day.  No classes in session.  Use this time to study!
Social Studies 11 (Honours) 

We are in the final run to the end of the year now.  I am not sure we will have time to test the final unit -- if we do it will likely be the last day of classes before the final exam.  If not -- you need to study this material anyway  to prepare for the final exam.

  • Monday, January 13 - Take up sidebar questions pp. 140, 141 #1-2, 143 #3, 145 and #1-6, p. 146.  Material from Canada; A Peoples’ History; Comfort & Fear. ("First Tremors" "A Prairie Storm" & "The Fight for Medicare" - questions).   PowerPoint Post 1945 Canada.  Read pp. 146-150. Do sidebar p. 146 ; #1-4, p. 150.
  • Tuesday, January 14 - Take up sidebar p. 146. "Material from Canada; A People’s History “A Question of Equality,” “A Changing Face,”and “The Computer Moves In” and questionsPowerPoint Post 1945 Canada. If we do not finish the PowerPoint in class, be sure to do so for homework.  Read pp. 150-156.  Do#1-3, p. 155 & #1-5, p, p. 156.
Please Note:  If you checked the rest of the week's material earlier, it has been updated and should be checked again.  We are a bit further ahead than I initially expected.
  • Wednesday, January 15 - Take up  #1-3, p. 155 & #1-5, p, p. 156.  Complete Post-1945 Canada  PowerPoint material. Begin The Quiet and the Not-So-Quiet Revolution PowerPoint material.  Read pp. 157-172. Do #2-4, p. 158, #2-6, p. 167, & #1-5, p. 172. 
  • Thursday, January 16 -  Take up #2-4, p. 158, #2-6, p. 167, & #1-5, p. 172.    Material from Canada; A People’s History("Time for Change" & "Maitres Chez Nous" -questions). PowerPoint material not completed. Read pp. 172-187. Do #1-4, p. 176, #2-4, p. 182, and 2-5, p. 187.
  • Friday, January 17 - Curriculum Implementation Day.  No classes in session.  Use this time to study!