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Social Studies 8
We just finished Geography and began our first History unit. The next test is a couple of weeks away -- I will have to give it on Friday, March 14 -- that is the last day of classes before Spring Break. I know this is not ideal and it means that students will have to complete the test in class time, with at most 5 extra minutes during the break. I will adjust the length of the test from previous years to cut it down a little in size. The alternative is to write after Spring Break when you've had two weeks to forget everything; hence my decision. Your test on Rome will include the following: 40 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 3 out of 5 definition items (2 marks each) and 2 long answer questions (6 marks each). The total is, therefore, out of 58 marks. You can earn up to 5 bonus marks for submitting at least 25 correctly made flash cards (term or name only on the front and definition or why the person is important on the back) at the time of the exam. You may not hand these in late to earn marks; they must be submitted when you write the test.
- Monday, March 3 - Hand in timeline assignment. Introduction to the Greco-Roman world. Watch What the Romans Did For Us; Life of Luxury (Part 1, Part 2) & What the Romans Did For Us; Ahead of Their Time (Part 1, Part 2). While watching the videos list Roman inventions that we need and use today. Read Patterns of Civilization, pp. 2-6. Do #1-6, p. 6.
- Tuesday, March 4 - Take up #1-6, p. 6. Video - Roman City and questions. No specific homework. Be sure to work on making flash cards
- Wednesday, March 5 - Take up the video questions on David Macauley's Roman City if we did not do so last class. Introduction to Classical Architecture -- how the Romans built and how this knowledge is the foundation of modern building today. PowerPoint on Roman Architecture -- from Mr. Benoy's Comparative Civilizations 12 course. If we have time, we will watch What the Romans Did for Us; Arteries of the Empire (Part 1, Part 2). Read the handout and do questions for homework. Also complete the Architecture Hunt assignment -- value: 10 marks and due next Monday. Are you interested in learning more about Roman engineering? Check out the BBC's animation on the Roman Colosseum.
- Thursday, March 6 - Take up handout questions. Introduction to Ancient Religions: Paganism, Judaism, Mystery Cults and Christianity. Watch Ancient Roman Religion. You might not get all the jokes, or you might find them cheesy, but the information about Roman religion is good and at 7:00 minutes, it is an easy review.) We will also watch two more short clips that examine Pagan influences on early Christianity: Mithras - Pagan Origins of Christianity and Osiris - Pagan Origins of Christianity. Be sure to list things that seem to be common to these pagan religions and Christianity. Read pp. 6-10. Do #1-6, p. 10 for homework.
- Friday, March 7 - Take up #1-6, p. 10. Watch The Western Tradition; Early Christianity (you may need to register to use this resource -- but this is American public television and they do not sell your contact information, so it is safe for you to do so) and do the questions. Assignment: Conversion to Christianity -- Imagine that you are a young Greek person living in the city of Rome. Write a letter to your parents in Athens explaining why you have decided to give up worshiping the old Greek Gods and become a Christian. You will have to find out something about both Ancient Greek religion and early Christianity to do this. The assignment will be marked out of 10 and will be marked on both content and composition. It is due Tuesday -- note: this is a change from my original post. Your architecture assignment comes in on Monday, so I would rather not collect both assignments on the same day. Note: When we deal with religion in this course it is not with the intention of supporting one religious view over another. What we want to do is to understand basic beliefs of each religion and know something about the impact that any particular religion has had on the world. We do this using an historical approach.
Social Studies 11
Expect your next unit test to be Thursday, March 13. We will begin the next unit before then, but leaving the test will allow for us to run into Tuesday's class if we need to and still allow anyone who wants to take extra time on the test to do so. Expect the mark breakdown to be as follows: 35 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 2 from 4 long answer questions (6 marks each), and one essay question on what should be done with the Canadian Senate (12 marks - 2 x 6). The total is, therefore, most likely to be out of 59 marks. A minimum of 25 properly done flash cards will earn 5 bonus marks, which will be added to the test score.
- Monday, March 3 - Take up #1-6, p 196 (red book) and #2-4, p. 246 (blue book). Take up homework. Discuss Aboriginal self-government. Mayor Mussatto's PowerPoint on Municipal affairs. Complete this fact-finding Internet worksheet on local government to help prepare you for next Thursday's test - for next class.
- Tuesday, March 4 - Take up the fact-finding worksheet on municipal government. We will finish anything not completed on Tuesday and regarding Municipal government. Overview of the Judiciary - PowerPoint - go to the section on the Judiciary. Read pp. 270-275. Do #1-3, p. 275.
- Wednesday, March 5 - Take up homework, #1-3, p. 275. Complete PowerPoint material from last class Comparison of Adversarial vs. Inquisitorial court systems. Videos on the court system. Read pp. 277-288. Do #1-3, p. 280, & 1 & 4, p. 288. Please bring your red Government text to class next day -- along with your blue text.
- Thursday, March 6 - Take up #1-3, p. 280, and 1-4, p. 288. Complete the second video on our Court system. While watching the video, identify the positions of court officials and note the roles that they play. Introduce concept of Human rights – examine text p. 294. Students to list what they would expect fundamental rights to be in Canada - Think-Pair-Share. Use Government text p. 60 to list Schweitzer’s list of fundamental rights. Government text pp. 152-158. Read pp. 292-312. Do #1, p. 297, #2-3 sidebar p. 303, #1 & 3, p. 304, #3, p. 308 & #2, p. 312.
- Friday, March 7 - Take up homework. Examine the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - see PowerPoint; The Constitution. Summarize each of the key sections in your notes. Effect of passing the Charter on Canadian law -- all laws in Canada must conform unless passed using the notwithstanding clause or if they can withstand a challenge based on their being within reasonable limits.