Saturday, April 05, 2014

April 7-11

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This blog provides lesson plans for each week.  Look ahead to see where we are going.  Look back to see what you might have missed. All assignments are provided here.  If anything is underlined, click on it to bring up the document or, in the case of videos, link to an online version of what was scheduled for seeing in class or as enrichment.  
So you just want to see photos of Sutherland activities? Click here to see my Picasa Albums. 

Things that are static -- not requiring regular change -- can be found at my website:  Admittedly, I do not update this site regularly, so there may be dead links.

I take a few photos around the school, if you are interested, click here to see my Public Picassa photo albums.  Recent albums include the Centennnial Theater and Sutherland concerts of the Asahikawa High School Wind Orchestra, the Senior Girls' soccer games vs Howe Sound and Carson, the Junior Girls vs Windsor, and the Junior Boys' rugby game vs Seycove.

Social Studies 8 

We wrote the Rome Unit Test just before spring break.  Anyone who has not done so must come in after school to do so or the zero registered for you will remain in place. The Byzantine & E. Orthodox/Islamic Civilizations unit is a short one.  Expect our test on this unit to be on Wednesday, April 9.  Expect the mark breakdown to be as follows: 30 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 5 definitions from a choice of 10 (2 marks each) and a choice of 3 from 5 long answer questions (6 marks each). The test is out of a total of 58 marks. 25 flash cards -- done as I require them -- will result in 5 bonus marks. It is possible to score 63/58 on this test! 

  • Monday, April 7 - Take up #1-5, p. 110.  Watch the video: What the Ancients Did for Us - The Islamic World and take notes on what exactly Islamic Civilization passed on to us. Complete PowerPoint on Islamic Architecture. Study for the test - be sure to make and use flash cards.  Read pp. 40-45. Do #1-6, p. 45. 
  • Tuesday, April 8 - Take up #1-6, p. 45.  Video Questions: Terry Jones'The Barbarians; The End of the World.  No homework today.  Study for the unit test tomorrow and be sure to bring flash cards to earn bonus marks on the test.
  • Wednesday, April 9 - Unit Test on Byzantine and Islamic Civilizations.  If you need extra time, you may write into lunch break.  Bring reading to class in case you finish early -- or preview material on the early middle ages in your text book.
  • Thursday, April 10 - Exam post-mortem.  Video:Europe After the Fall of Rome; 476-1066 AD (sorry, not available online)Focus Questions: What happened to Britain after the Romans left? How did life change? How did Christian missionaries change the Germans? Who were the Vikings and how did their threat affect Western Europe? Handout:CharlemagneDo the questions on the handout for homework. Interested in watching a documentary on the Saxons? Try Barbarians; The Saxons. Interested in post-Roman Britain in the period called the Dark Ages? Find out why the whole concept of Dark Ages is "complete rubbish." See Britain AD (Episode 1Episode 2,Episode 3). Do note that this is not the generally accepted view of British history.
  • Friday, April 11 - Take up homework. Video: The Dark Ages; Part 8; The Greatest King . What made Charlemagne a great ruler? How did he keep tight control over his subjects? How did the Roman Catholic church help him? Why did his efforts eventually collapse? If you want to see the rest of this video, The Dark Ages, click here for the entire 1 1/2 hour show. Read pp. 45-48. Do #1-6, p. 48.   Interested in the Franks? Watch Barbarians; the Franks. Interested in the Vikings? Why not watch the following as a bonus: Ancient Warriors: The Vikings or Barbarians; the VikingsFind out about the Viking discovery of North America by watching: The Vikings; Voyage to America.
Social Studies 11 

We wrote our last unit test on Thursday, before Spring Break.  If you have not written this test, be sure to get it out of the way quickly to get rid of the zero in your current mark.  Expect your next unit test, on everything up to the end of World War I, to be around Monday, April 14 -- though we may finish the unit before this time.   Expect the mark breakdown for the test to be as follows:  40 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 5 definitions or names (2 marks each) and 4 long answer questions (6 marks each) from a choice of 5. The total is, therefore, out of 74 marks. 5 bonus marks are available for a minimum of 25 flash cards. It is possible to earn 79/74.

  • Monday, April 7 - Introductory music, Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag and The Recruiting Sergeant. I will also play a Frightful First World War segment: Trench Lice and Food in World War I.  Take up #1 and 3, p. 33 and the questions in figure 2-8, 2-9, and 2-10. Take up homework. Complete any of the PowerPoint and People's History material (Watch  part 2 andpart 3.). If we have time, we will look at wartime propaganda; if we don't get to this, be sure to look at these Posters (also click here for a Canadian exhibition from the Canadian War Museum),PostcardsLeaflets directed at the enemy, Film, and even music. Read this for a nice short treatment of First World War propaganda. An interesting World War I propaganda story is treated in the documentary The Crucified Soldier. II doubt that we can find time to show it in class, so if not, you can watch it by linking from here.  This is purely optional though.  Read pp. 34-42. Do #1-4, p. 39 and 1 & 3, p. 42.  
  • Tuesday, April 8 - Introductory music: Callin Doon the Line, and The Green Fields of France. Take up #1 and 3, p. 42. Video segment on the Conscription Crisis from Canada; A Peoples' History; Ordeal By Fire;  and handout. While watching the episode answer the following board questions: 1) Why was opposition to the war strongest in Quebec? PowerPoint: Was Conscription the Right Choice? Assignment: Create a poster favouring or opposing conscription in Canada (please restrict yourself to regular paper size). Be sure to employ both text and images. On the back, be sure to identify yourself and provide a short written description of what your intentions are with the poster -- why do you write say what you say on the poster and what do you intend the graphic elements to convey? 10 marks. Due next class. If you have time, look at In the Trenches (part 1 and part 2).
  • Wednesday, April 9 -  Hand in poster assignment.  Video -The 1917 Federal Election. Questions: 1. What key political issue divided Canadians in 1917. 2. What changes did Borden make to election laws before the next election? Video: The History of the Vote; Women's Right to Vote1. What arguments were made against women getting the vote? 2. How did Nellie McClung fight against these notions? 3. Why did some women get the vote in Federal elections in 1917? 4. How long did it take before all women had the same voting rights as men? Discuss whether our current voting rules are fair for all people. Literature of War Assignment.Handouts and library resources. 10 marks, due Friday, April 11. Read pp. 42-46. 1) Do you think that the the peace arrangement arrived at in 1919 was workable? Why or why not? 2) How serious was the flu epidemic of 1918-1920?
  • Thursday, April 10 - Introductory Music:  CraonneHanging on the Old Barbed Wire, and Verdun; They Shall Not Pass; If time, I'll also show some colourized French footage of WWI -- mostly Verdun, with music in the background.  Video Clip fromCanada; A Peoples' History; Ordeal by Fire: A Painful Peace on the great influenza pandemic. Note pandemics are an ongoing concern and that they have had a huge influence on history. (Watch Patrick Blower's How Pandemics Spread if you get the chance. If there is time at the end of class I will show it, but I think time will run out before we can do so.) Discuss historical examples. Lecture: The End of World War I and the Paris Peace Conference. Video Make Germany Pay (Part 1Part 2) Do board questions: 1) Who were the main participants in the Conference and what did they want? 2) What important powers were not invited to attend? 3) What were the key outcomes of the Conference? Do #1 sidebar, p. 44, 1. Explain how Canada’s role in the world was different in 1919 to 1914. 2. What limited the effectiveness of the League of Nations from its very start? Prepare for the unit test next class.
  • Friday, April 11 -  Take up #1-3, p. 56. Take up homework. Introduction to Post-War Canada. The Winnipeg General Strike. Lecture and video,On Strike! - with questions. If time, begin PowerPoint -Canada Between the Wars; 1919-1939. Read pp. 57-65. Do sidebar questions, p. 57 & 59, #1-3, p. 61, #1-3, p. 65.