Once again, I've had to select walking routes as bicycle routes appear to be unavailable in Montenegro Thankfully Street View works for some roads in Montenegro, so some screen captures are available again.
Maps from Google Maps and all images from Street View.
109.6 km - 104 km = 5.6 km (banked)
1. The M8, just south of Pljevlja
2. The P10
3. Leaving the P10 for a path without Street View
4. Back on the P10
5. Manastir Dubočica
6. Inside Manastir Dubočica
7. Храм Светог великомученика Прокопија у Љутићима. orthodox church just off the P10
8. Leaving the P10 for another path without Street View
9. Back on the P10
10. Bijelo Polje on the P10
11. The E65 at Ribarevina
12. The Church of St. John in Zaton on the E65
13. The E65 at Poda
14. The E65 north of Berane
15. Hotel S, my virtual stay in Berane
16. Đurđevi stupovi, Serbian Orthodox Monastery in Berane
17. Inside the Monastery