This is the last week of classes.All work must be submitted to ensure that it appears in student marks.Check out my new website at From now on, I will post assignments at this location. The weekplans will still appear on this blog.Sutherland has a license to access Discovery Channel's United Streaming video collection. Students may download or stream videos from the collection by going to History 12The Final Exam is on Monday, January 29. Be sure to set aside time to study for this in addition to other work. Regular review is essential to success. Go to on my website for tips on preparing for the provincial exam .We are obviously a little behind the original published schedule. Questions 43-89 may be handed in up to Wednesday, January 24. The optional Glossary assignment, assigned as a bonus opportunity at the start of the year, must also come in this week. I cannot guarantee being able to process marking handed in later than this because marks must be submitted to Victoria.- Monday, January 22 - Complete China Since the Revolution. Begin The Middle East Since the 1956 War.
- Tuesday, January 23 - The Middle East Since the 1956 War.
- Wednesday, January 24 - The Islamic Revival.
- Thursday, January 25 - Complete The Islamic Revival. Begin South Africa and Apartheid.
- Friday, January 26 - Complete South Africa and Apartheid. Preparing to Write the Final Exam.
Comparative Civilizations 12
The final two packages, Grandeur & Obedience and The Light of Experience are due on Friday of this week.
The Final Examination in this course will be during Thursday and Friday's classes. Day 1 will include image identification ( 50 images -- identify the work, the creator and the period @ 1 mark each. This is out of 100, so getting a third element is a bonus opportunity) and an essay question (choose one of four options. 30 marks -- 6 for composition and 24 for content). Day 2 will include 15 matching items (1 mark each), 10 items where you give the name of a style that matches a given definition (1 mark each), 80 multiple choice (1 mark each), and two of five long answer questions that may involve some sketching (10 marks each). The total value of day 1 is 130 marks; Day 2 is 125 marks; the grand total is 255 marks -- this will account for 15% of your over-all mark in this course. All of the examination, except image identification is open notebook.
- Monday, January 22 - Carravaggio & Gentilleschi. Sister Wendy on Carravaggio. The Light of Experience package assigned and filmstrip shown.
- Tuesday, January 23 - Hals and the minor Dutch masters. Video: Art of the Western World; Realms of Light (access online at
- Wednesday, January 24 - Vermeer and Rembrandt. Sister Wendy segment. Complete video from Tuesday.
- Thursday, January 25 - Day 1 of the Final Exam. Slide Identification and Essay.
- Friday, January 26 - Day 2 of the Final Exam. Matching, Style Identification, Multiple Choice and Long Answer questions.
Social Studies 11
Your Provincial Final Exam is on Monday, January 29. It is essential that you set aside time to study for it, while working separately on regular course work. Go to on my website for tips on preparing for the provincial final exam.
Andrew Shakespeare has kindly agreed to download and host all of the Ministry online Social Studies 11 Exam prep tutorials. This will allow for larger numbers of students to view the tutorials at a time that is convenient for them. The tutorials can be accessed at
Note: The Geography textbook - The 21st Century World is available on the school server and is also accessible on the Internet at -- be aware, the text is now several years old and hyperlinks do not always work. I am preparing to revise and update the work, but have not had time to do so yet. PowerPoint material supporting the Geography unit is also available on the school server, but not yet on the Internet.
The Unit Test for chapters 3 & 4 will be on Tuesday. This exam includes 55 multiple choice items (1 mark each) and four of eight long answer questions (6 marks each) for a total of 79 marks. 30 flash cards may earn 5 bonus marks.
The chapter 5 quiz will be on Friday and will include 15 multiple choice questions (1 mark each) and three of four long answer questions (6 marks each), for a total of 39 marks. 15 flash cards may earn 3 bonus marks.
- Monday, January 22 - Take up #1-7, p. 102, #1-6, p. 105. #1, p. 109. Exam Preparation and Exam Writing. Begin Ch. 5 PowerPoint. Prepare for the Unit Test on chapters 4 & 5 on Tuesday.
- Tuesday, January 23 - Unit Test, chapters 4 & 5. Read pp. 116-120. Do #1, p. 118, #1-4, p. 118, & #1-3, p. 120.
- Wednesday, January 24 - Take up homework. Complete PowerPoint. Read pp. 120-129. Do #1-5, p. 123, and #1-3, p. 129.
- Thursday, January 25 - Take up homework. Video: The Fragile Mountains. Note: This is an old film from the late 1980’s but the content is still relevant. Read pp. 129-132. Do #1-3, p. 130, #1-2, p. 131, #1-4, p. 132, and Further Thought #1-6, p. 132.
- Friday, January 26 - Take up homework. Quiz on Chapter 5. Preparing for the Final Exam.