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History 12
You must be sure to visit The History Guide for excellent background material supporting this course.
We set the due date for Essay #1 (see the bottom of the Plan for Unit #1) for this week --any time up to Friday after school.
Our Topic #2 test was postponed to Tuesday, March 5. We will work into the next unit in the classes leading up to this. Be aware that material from these lessons will not be tested on the Topic #2 Unit Test. Be sure to pick up the plan for Topic #3 and Topic #3 Questions to see the work for the next unit, which we are starting this week.
Our Topic #2 test was postponed to Tuesday, March 5. We will work into the next unit in the classes leading up to this. Be aware that material from these lessons will not be tested on the Topic #2 Unit Test. Be sure to pick up the plan for Topic #3 and Topic #3 Questions to see the work for the next unit, which we are starting this week.
Topic #2 Plan.
Topic #3 Plan. Note: I goofed last week and did not do the League of Nations lesson but began with the following class. I will put this back in later in the unit and carry on with the Russian material now.
Topic #3 Questions.
Topic #3 Plan. Note: I goofed last week and did not do the League of Nations lesson but began with the following class. I will put this back in later in the unit and carry on with the Russian material now.
Topic #3 Questions.
- Monday, March 4 - Russia Before the Revolutions (PowerPoint) and the Russian Revolutions (base notes, PowerPoint). Be sure to look at the excellent resources at The History Guide's Russian Revolution Resources. Spartacus Schoolnet's Russian Revolutionaries page has links to great material. Scott Masters has a decent PowerPoint on the revolutions. If you are interested in finding out more about Lenin, try Lenin; Revolutionary (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4).
- Tuesday, March 5 - Unit Test, Topic #2.
- Wednesday, March 6 - The Russian Revolutions (base notes, PowerPoint). Be sure to look at the excellent resources at The History Guide's Russian Revolution Resources. Again, look at the Spartacus Schoolnet material referenced above and refer to Scott Master's PowerPoint. Watch The Russian Revolution (Part 1,Part 2 & Part 3). You might also have a look at World War I; The Russian Revolution (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4), which deals with the importance of the war in leading to the momentous events in Russia in 1917.
- Thursday, March 7 - The USSR From Lenin to Stalin (base notes, PowerPoint). You should consider watching the following biographical treatment: Stalin (Part 1and Part 2)
- Friday, March 8 - Complete From Lenin to Stalin (base notes, PowerPoint) and begin The Stalin Revolution; Collectivization and Industrialization (base notes, PowerPoint). If you have an hour and a half to spare this weekend, watch Stalin; Man of Steel.
Social Studies 8
We finished the Geography unit last week and now begin our study of History. The map skills that you used will come in handy again and we will make maps from time to time.
- Monday, March 4 - Test post-mortem -- look over exam results and what they mean. Sign out new texts (return old ones after the test). What is History? Why study it? PowerPoint. Introduction to History text and to SQ3R study method. Other ways to study History: flashcards , timelines - handout & introduction. See examples of the new Facebook timeline concept - but think carefully before loading personal material online -- anyone can access it and it and content may never disappear! Timeline assignment - personal/family/world - 10 marks, due Wednesday.
- Tuesday, March 5 - Time Line Field Trip. Introduction to the Greco-Roman world. Watch What the Romans Did For Us; Life of Luxury & What the Romans Did For Us; Ahead of Their Time. While watching the videos list Roman inventions that we need and use today. Read Patterns of Civilization, pp. 2-6. Do #1-6, p. 6.
- Wednesday, March 6 - Hand in timeline assignment. Take up #1-6, p. 6. Video - Roman City and questions.
- Thursday, March 7 - Take up the video questions on David Macauley's Roman City if we did not do so last class. Introduction to Classical Architecture -- how the Romans built and how this knowledge is the foundation of modern building today. PowerPoint on Roman Architecture -- from Mr. Benoy's Comparative Civilizations 12 course. If we have time, we will watch What the Romans Did for Us; Arteries of the Empire. Read the handout and do questions for homework. Also complete the Architecture Hunt assignment -- value: 10 marks and due next Monday. Are you interested in learning more about Roman engineering? Check out the BBC's animation on the Roman Colosseum.
- Friday, March 8 - Take up handout questions. Introduction to Ancient Religions (guest lesson segment by Miss Knapp): Watch Ancient Roman Religion. (On your own, watch this tongue-in-cheek account of Roman Religion. We will also watch two more short clips that examine Pagan influences on early Christianity: Mithras - Pagan Origins of Christianity andOsiris - Pagan Origins of Christianity. Be sure to list things that seem to be common to these pagan religions and Christianity. Read pp. 6-10. Do #1-6, p. 10 for homework. Don't forget to complete the Architecture Hunt assignment.