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History 12
- Monday, April 1 - Easter Monday, No Classes in Session.
- Tuesday, April 2 - Britain in the 1920s (base notes) and the British Empire (base notes). Andrew Marrs presents an excellent series on The Making of Modern Britain. Watch episode 4 Having a Ball on the 1920's and episode 5 Little Britain on the 1930's.
- Wednesday, April 3 - Video: Boom & Bust (The USA in the 20s ). The USA in the 1920s (Base Notes) PowerPoint. An excellent treatment of the revolution in manufacturing efficiency that took place in 1920s America can be seen at Fordism 1920s USA; do watch this if you have the time.
- Thursday, April 4 - USA in the 1930s (base notes) PowerPoint -- we will also look at the video 20th Century History; Roosevelt and the New Deal (if available). Compare Keynsian and Chicago School economic theories. Watch two narrated PowerPoint presentations on Youtube: Melinda Klein's Interwar Years - segment 2 andsegment 3 deal with the USA in the 1930's. Also watch this excellent documentary on The Wall Street Crash of 1929 or1929;The Great Crash. How about an entertaining rap on how to deal with economic crashes? Watch Fear the Boom and Bust; A Hayek vs Keynes Rap Anthem.
- Friday, April 5 -Video: Roosevelt and the New Deal. US foreign policy between the wars (base notes) PowerPoint. Watch FDR & the New Deal on your own. Also, if you have some time, watch some newsreel films on Roosevelt and the New Deal. Watch historian David M. Kennedy in a discussion about Roosevelt and his policies. For an anti-New Deal view watch The Truth About Taxes - an interesting critical look at the New Deal that blames it for wasting money instead of building armaments.
Social Studies 8
Block 2 is working with Mr. Wong, my student teacher from UBC for the first part of the course. The plan below is for my Block 3 class. When Mr. Wong finishes, the plan will apply to both classes.
Block 2 can link to Mr. Wong's blog at: . Thursday and Friday's classes are the same as my block 3 lesson plan below.
Expect the next unit test this Thursday. Be sure to be making and using your flash cards every day to master vocabulary and names. Your test on Rome will include the following: 40 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 5 definition items (2 marks each) and 3 long answer questions (6 marks each). The total is, therefore, out of 68 marks. You can earn up to 5 bonus marks for submitting at least 25 correctly made flash cards (term or name only on the front and definition or why the person is important on the back) at the time of the exam. You may not hand these in late to earn marks; they must be submitted when you write the test.
Be sure to visit the BBC's Roman Empire pages. There is plenty of fascinating material to interest anyone interested in this ancient empire.
- Monday, April 1 - Easter Monday, No Classes in Session.
- Tuesday, April 2 - Video and Questions: Terry Jones The Barbarians; The End of the World. Explain why the Roman Empire collapsed. Give your reasons in point form lists under the headings "Social," "Political," "Economic," "Religious," "Military" and "Geographic."
- Wednesday, April 3 - Take up homework and create a master list. Video: The Roman Arena (sorry, not available online) and answer the following questions: 1) What happened at the Colosseum and other Roman Arenas? List the events that were staged. 2) Why do you suppose the Romans were so interested in "blood-sports?" Check out the BBC's animation of the Colosseum. Study for the unit test on Rome next class.
- Thursday, April 4 - Unit Test on the Rome unit. Read pp. 96 to 100. Do #1-7, p. 100.
- Friday, April 5 - Exam post-mortem. Take up #1-7, p. 200. Examine the Hosford Atlas, pp. 5-6 (Scan of page 5 available by clicking here, and click here for page 6). What made Constantinople an important trade crossroad (p. 5)? What evidence can you see on p. 6 that the Byzantines were great engineers and builders? Answer the questions posed on p. 7. Watch the video Engineering an Empire; The Byzantine Greeks, part 3, part 4. (If you want to see the other parts of this video, here are the links to the rest: part 1, part 2, part 5. If we have time, Mr. Benoy will explain how Byzantine engineers improved on what the Romans developed before them. Assignment - due Monday: Write a paragraph to a page explaining why Justinian has gone down in history as an important ruler. Be sure to mention his ambitions for the empire and his strengths and weaknesses as a ruler. When you conclude, be sure to say whether or not you think he was a great man. Why or why not? You might consider watching a segment from a video called The Dark Ages - segment 4 The Empire Strikes Back.