Saturday, April 06, 2013

April 8 - 12

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History 12 

Note: We put off the unit test until Friday -- so will begin the next unit early.  The end point for Topic #3 is Japan between the wars.  Essay #2 is also pushed back, to a week next Monday.

Topic #4's plan is now posted -- with the changes to the Topic #3 and Essay #2 dates duly noted.

Social Studies 8 

Block 2 is working with Mr. Wong, my student teacher from UBC for the first part of the course.  The plan below is for my Block 3 class.  When Mr. Wong finishes, the plan will apply to both classes.  I expect to be getting this class back around Monday or Tuesday next week.

We are now in a very short unit -- just skimming two topics -- the Byzantine Empire and Islamic Civilization.  Expect a quiz next Monday.

Expect the mark breakdown to be as follows: 30 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 5 definitions from a choice of 10 (2 marks each) and a choice of 3 from 5 long answer questions (6 marks each). The test is out of a total of 58 marks. 25 flash cards -- done as I require them -- will result in 5 bonus marks. It is possible to score 63/58 on this test!

To help students who struggle with reading, I have adapted readings and questions from a simpler text for them. Only do this material if you have been asked by Mr. Benoy to do so. These students will not do the regular homework when this alternative is given.