Friday, October 25, 2013

October 28 to November 1

Halloween 2013 -- Thanks to students for your support in the costume contest.  How on earth did I actually win?

Contact me by e-mail at: 

This blog provides lesson plans for each week.  Look ahead to see where we are going.  Look back to see what you might have missed. All assignments are provided here.  If anything is underlined, click on it to bring up the document or, in the case of videos, link to an online version of what was scheduled for seeing in class or as enrichment.
So you just want to see photos of Sutherland activities? Click here to see my Picasa Albums. 

Things that are static -- not requiring regular change -- can be found at my website:
.  Admittedly, I do not update this site regularly, so there may be dead links.

Social Studies 8 

Expect a unit test Friday, November 1 -- We will start the new unit before then, but writing on Friday allows you to continue into lunch break if you need more time. Expect the mark breakdown to be as follows: 30 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 5 definitions from a choice of 10 (2 marks each) and a choice of 3 from 5 long answer questions (6 marks each). The test is out of a total of 58 marks. 25 flash cards -- done as I require them -- will result in 5 bonus marks. It is possible to score 63/58 on this test! 

To help students who struggle with reading, I have adapted readings and questions from a simpler text for them. Only do this material if you have been asked by Mr. Benoy to do so. These students will not do the regular homework when this alternative is given. These alternate readings will always be indicated in green print below.

  • Monday, October 28 -  Take up #1-7, p. 107. The religious background to Islamic culture. Handouts . Video - John Green's Crash Course; Islam, the Quran, and the Five Pillars All Without a Flamewar.  PowerPoint on Islamic Architecture (from Mr. Benoy's Comparative Civilizations 12 class). Read pp. 107-110. Do #1-5, p. 110. Adapted reading & questions: Read "The Culture of the Moslems" pages 74-78 of World History IMake flash cards for the important terms on p. 74. Answer the What do you think? questions on p. 79. If you have the chance, go to the BBC's excellent web pages on Islam and explore. IslamiCity is another good web site for information on Muslim culture.  For a really, really bizarre but accurate History of early Islam (comined with a computer game background of FIFA 11 soccer), try John Green's Early Islamic History: The Miracle of Swindon Town #64.
  • Tuesday, October 29 - Take up #1-5, p. 110. Watch the video: What the Ancients Did for Us - The Islamic World and take notes on what exactly Islamic Civilization passed on to us. Complete PowerPoint on Islamic Architecture. Study for the test - be sure to make and use flash cards.  Read pp. 40-45. Do #1-6, p. 45. Adapted reading & questions: Read The German Kingdoms. Make flash cards for the important terms on p. 24 and also make flash cards for the names in #1 of the "Do You Remember These People and Events? section on p. 29. Do the "What Do You Think?" questions on p. 29. 
  • Wednesday, October 30 - Take up #1-6, p. 45. Video:Europe After the Fall of Rome; 476-1066 AD (sorry, not available online)Focus Questions: What happened to Britain after the Romans left? How did life change? How did Christian missionaries change the Germans? Who were the Vikings and how did their threat affect Western Europe? Handout:CharlemagneDo the questions on the handout for homework. Interested in watching a documentary on the Saxons? Try Barbarians; The Saxons. Interested in post-Roman Britain in the period called the Dark Ages? Find out why the whole concept of Dark Ages is "complete rubbish." See Britain AD (Episode 1Episode 2,Episode 3). Do note that this is not the generally accepted view of British history.
  • Thursday, October 31 -  Take up homework. Video: The Dark Ages; Part 8; The Greatest King . What made Charlemagne a great ruler? How did he keep tight control over his subjects? How did the Roman Catholic church help him? Why did his efforts eventually collapse? If you want to see the rest of this video, The Dark Ages, click here for the entire 1 1/2 hour show. Read pp. 45-48. Do #1-6, p. 48. Adapted reading & questions: Read The Growth of FeudalismMake flash cards for the important terms on p. 36 and do the "What Do You Think?" questions on p. 41. Also read Feudal Life in the CastleMake flash cards for the terms on p. 42 and answer the "What Do You Think?" questions on p. 47. Interested in the Franks? Watch Barbarians; the Franks. Interested in the Vikings? Why not watch the following as a bonus: Ancient Warriors: The Vikings or Barbarians; the VikingsFind out about the Viking discovery of North America by watching: The Vikings; Voyage to America.
  • Friday, November 1 - Unit Test - Byzantine and Islamic Civilizations.
Social Studies 11 

Expect your unit test  on the material from the start of the History unit to the end of World War I on Wednesday, October 30 -- Note, we will start the next unit on Tuesday.  Writing on Wednesday allows extra time on the test if students need it, by writing into lunch break.  Expect the mark breakdown for the test to be as follows:  40 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 5 definitions or names (2 marks each) and 4 long answer questions (6 marks each) from a choice of 5. The total is, therefore, out of 74 marks. 5 bonus marks are available for a minimum of 25 flash cards. It is possible to earn 79/74.

  • Monday, October 28 -  Take up homework. Video Clip fromCanada; A Peoples' History; Ordeal by Fire: A Painful Peace on the great influenza pandemic. Note pandemics are an ongoing concern and that they have had a huge influence on history. (Watch Patrick Blower's How Pandemics Spread if you get the chance. If there is time at the end of class I will show it, but I think time will run out before we can do so.) Discuss historical examples. Lecture: The End of World War I and the Paris Peace Conference. Video Make Germany Pay (Part 1Part 2) Do board questions: 1) Who were the main participants in the Conference and what did they want? 2) What important powers were not invited to attend? 3) What were the key outcomes of the Conference? Do #1 sidebar, p. 44, 1. Explain how Canada’s role in the world was different in 1919 to 1914. 2. What limited the effectiveness of the League of Nations from its very start? Prepare for the unit test next class.
  • Tuesday, October 29 - Take up #1-3, p. 56. Take up homework. Introduction to Post-War Canada. The Winnipeg General Strike. Lecture and video,On Strike! - with questions. If time, begin PowerPoint -Canada Between the Wars; 1919-1939. Read pp. 57-65. Do sidebar questions, p. 57 & 59, #1-3, p. 61, #1-3, p. 65.
  • Wednesday, October 30 - Unit Test on the History unit up to the end of World War I.
  • Thursday, October 31 -  Take up  sidebar questions, p. 57 & 59, #1-3, p. 61, #1-3, p. 65.   PowerPoint -Canada Between the Wars; 1919-1939.  Read pp.  66-67, sidebar.  Do #1-2, p. 67.
  • Friday, November 1 -  Take up homework. Background to the Great Depression (including statistics) - Continue PowerPoint - Canada Between the Wars; 1919-1939. AV on the Depression - (From: Canada; A People’s History). Read pp. 68-79. Do sidebar questions p. 71 & 72 & #1-4, p. 72, sidebar questions p. 76, 78 & 79 & #1-2, p. 79. If you have time, read the Vancouver Sun articleby Roger Bootle on the economic theory of John Maynard Keynes.
History 12  

It does not look possible to schedule our next test on a day when writing into lunch break will be possible since the prospective dates involve a day when we lose the class to Post-Secondary Liaison Day and the next possibility is Halloween -- a shortened block.  I will try to do the fairest thing possible.  You will have only class time to write the test, but I will scale the results of the exam so that it more closely parallel's our last test in outcomes.  This will involve leaving the test the same, but reducing the the number that it is out of.  Since most people were expecting the test and due date for the work to be in the first week of November, we will write the test this Friday (November 1), but you will not have to hand in your package of work until the following Monday (November 4).

Expect the exam to involve roughly the following:  50 multiple choice questions, 10 map items (1 mark each), 10 definitions (2 marks each), and 3 from 5 paragraph items (6 marks each). The total is, therefore, out of 98 marks.

Click here for the Topic #3 plan.

Click here for the Topic #3 questions.

Click here for the Essay #2 assignment sheet.  This will be due in late November. Hand in any time in the last week of the month.

Topic #4 Plan

Topic #4 Questions.

  • Monday, October 28 - Complete US foreign policy between the wars (base notesPowerPoint. Watch the video: The Road to War; The USA.
  • Tuesday, October 29 - Introductory music - Senyuu (one of the most famous Gunka - military songs - of the 1930s.  Complete Japan between the wars PowerPoint (base notes).  Watch The Road to War; Japan.
  • Wednesday, October 30 - Hitler & the Rise of the Nazis PowerPoint (base notes). Interested in getting into the mind of the Fuhrer? Watch Inside the Mind of Adolf Hitler, a bio-documentary based on a psychological profile of the German leader that was put together by US intelligence services during World War II. Interested in Nazi Germany? Watch The Story of the Third Reich (Part 1part 2, part 3part 4part 5part 6part 7part 8, part 9,part 10part 11part 12, part 13part 14part 15) - up to part 3 covers the period before the Second World War.
  • Thursday, October 31 - Complete Hitler & the Rise of the Nazis PowerPoint (base notes). Begin Hitler's Germany -PowerPoint (base notes), and AV - probably from the 20th Century History series - but unavailable online. Leni Riefenstahl was one of the 20th century's greatest film-makers -- and a Nazi. See Triumph des Willensand Olympia (on the 1936 Olympics). If you are interested in film-makers and have a few hours to spare, watchLeni Riefenstahl (Part 1Part 2 - each are 1 hour 34 minutes). This is an interesting look at a creative woman who was an ardent Nazi.
  • Friday, November 1 - Unit Test, Topic #3.  Pick up Topic #4 plan and questions.

Social Studies 11 Honours 

Quite a while ago we started work on an essay in the Geography unit.  I would like to set the due date for this paper now.  Please be prepared to submit it in mid-November.  It can come in any time in the week of November 18-23.

I expect the next unit test -- on the Legislative/Executive/Judicial Branches -- along with Provincial and Municipal material -- to be next Thursday or Friday.

  • Monday, October 28 -  Take up #1-4, p. 48 and #1-5 & 7 p. 54.  Introduction to the Executive Branch.  Go over the role of the Queen, Governor General, Prime Minister, and Cabinet.  Read "constitutional Monarchy" on pp. 222-224 of Counterpoints.  Also read "The Governor General" on p. 234.  Identify points for and against getting rid of the monarchy (Queen and Governor General).  Should Canada become a republic?  Why or why not?  Identify at least 3 reasons for and 3 reasons against doing so.  Look at theMonarchist League of Canada and Canadian Monarchist Onlinewebsites for arguments supporting the monarch.  See Citizens for a Canadian Republic for arguments against.  There has also been an active debate on this topic in Australia and New Zealand.  Web searches about their debates would also prove useful.
  • Tuesday, October 29 - Take up homework.  discuss the role of the P.M., Cabinet, and bureaucracy.  Watch Yes, Minister episode.  While watching, decide who really runs a government department -- the Minister?  or the Permanent Secretary (in Canada, the job is called the Deputy Minister)?  Read pp. 234-240.  Do #1-4, p. 240.  Assignment: value 5 marks.  Identify by name each member of the current federal (national) cabinet and be sure to give the name of each department.  This is an assignment -- not a homework check -- so accuracy is an important part of the mark.
  • Wednesday, October 30 - Take up #1-4, p. 240 and hand in the Cabinet assignment.  Discuss lobbying and pressure groups.  Look at the list of institutionalized groups on p. 259 of Counterpoints.  Click here for an online list of federal lobby groups -- interest groups and social movements.  Divide into groups with printed or online background information.  Each group should discuss how to make the public buy into supporting their position.  How should the argument be "spun" to maximize public support for this position?  After discussing as a group, each individual should now work on the Poster Assignment  please note; this is an individual assignment and not a group one as indicated on the online version of the assignment.  It is also due next class and not at the end of this block as the online version says.  Please do this on regular (8.5 x 11 inch, blank) paper.  The assignment is valued at 10 marks and is due Friday.  Also read pp. 258-267.  Do #1-2, p. 264 and #1-3, p. 267 of Counterpoints. 
  • Thursday, October 31 -  Take up #1-3, p. 178 (red text). Comparison of Provincial and Federal government set-ups.  Go over material from Friday's film.  Video & questions on Provincial and Municipal Government.  Video House Call; Having Your Say Through Your MLA -- which we began looking at earlier, but barely started and had no opportunity to finish (Given that this is a shortened block, we may not finish this today).  Read (red book) pp. 186-196. Do #1-6, p 196. Read (blue book) pp. 245-246. Do #2-4, p. 246.
  • Friday, November 1 -  Take up #1-6, p 196 (red book) and #2-4, p. 246 (blue book).  Complete anything unfinished from last block. Take up homework. Discuss Aboriginal self-government. Mayor Mussatto's PowerPoint on Municipal affairs.  Complete this fact-finding Internet worksheet on local government to help prepare you for Thursday's test - for next class.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

October 21-25

Contact me by e-mail at: 

This blog provides lesson plans for each week.  Look ahead to see where we are going.  Look back to see what you might have missed. All assignments are provided here.  If anything is underlined, click on it to bring up the document or, in the case of videos, link to an online version of what was scheduled for seeing in class or as enrichment.
So you just want to see photos of Sutherland activities? Click here to see my Picasa Albums. 

Things that are static -- not requiring regular change -- can be found at my website:
.  Admittedly, I do not update this site regularly, so there may be dead links.

Social Studies 8 

We just finished the Rome unit and are now entering a short unit on the Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire and Islamic Civilization.  Expect a unit test around Tuesday, October 29 or Friday, November 1 -- depending on our progress. Expect the mark breakdown to be as follows: 30 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 5 definitions from a choice of 10 (2 marks each) and a choice of 3 from 5 long answer questions (6 marks each). The test is out of a total of 58 marks. 25 flash cards -- done as I require them -- will result in 5 bonus marks. It is possible to score 63/58 on this test! 

  • Monday, October 21 - Take up #1-7, p. 100. Examine Hosford Atlas, pp. 5-6 (To see scans, click here for p. 5 & click here for p.6). What made Constantinople an important trade crossroads (p. 5)? What evidence can you see on p. 6 that the Byzantines were great engineers and builders? Video:Engineering an Empire; the Byzantine Greekspart 3,part 4. (If you want to see the other parts of this video, here are links to the rest: part 1part 2part 5).  Make more flashcards to study this unit.
  • Tuesday, October 22 - Take up homework. Video: Byzantium (Sorry, not available online); do the questions for Byzantium; Part 2Byzantine Empire Notes handout - do the questions at the end of the handout for homework.. 
  • Wednesday, October 23 - Take up the questions from the Byzantine Empire handout.  Handout, The Conversion of Kievan Rus.  Video: Ivan the Terrible.  How did Ivan the terrible earn his terrible reputation?  Read pp. 100-103.  Do #1-7, p. 103.
  • Thursday, October 24 -  Take up homework. Video: The World; A TV History and questions. Read pp. 103-107. Do #1-7, p. 107.Adapted reading & questions: Read "The Rise of the Moslem Empire, pages 68-72 of World History IMake flash cards for the important terms given on page 68. Answer the What do you think? questions on p. 73. If you are interested in learning much more about Islam and have a couple of hours to spare, watch Islam; Empire of Faith - Prophet Mohammed and the Rise of the Faith. This is really good and quite detailed. For a good, detailed, PBS documentary on the life of Muhammad, watch Muhammad; Legacy of a Prophet. If you would prefer a cartoon version of the same thing, watch Muhammad; The Last Prophet.
  • Friday, October 25 - Professional Day.  Classes are not in session.  Take the time to study for your exam on this unit next week.  You might also look at some of the supplemental material I have posted for this unit.
Social Studies 11 

Your unit test on the History material up to the end of World War I is coming soon.  I expect it to be on Wednesday, October 30 -- if we make the expected progress.  Expect the mark breakdown for the test to be as follows:  40 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 5 definitions or names (2 marks each) and 4 long answer questions (6 marks each) from a choice of 5. The total is, therefore, out of 74 marks. 5 bonus marks are available for a minimum of 25 flash cards. It is possible to earn 79/74.

  • Monday, October 21 - Mr. Benoy's slides on the Western Front battlefield graves. Take up homework Continue the PowerPoint and People's History segment (part 1) (While watching these segments you need to make notes on the following 3 areas: 1) Describe attitudes toward the war. 2) Describe conditions at the front. 3) What changes did the war bring? Use the Acronym SPERMG to generate classes of ideas -- S=Social, P=Political, E=Economic, R=Religious, G=Geographic). Read pp. 28-33. Do #1 and 3, p. 33. Also answer the questions in figure 2-8, 2-9, and 2-10.
  • Tuesday, October 22 - Take up homework. Complete any of the PowerPoint and People's History material (Watch  part 2 andpart 3.). A Look at wartime propaganda. Posters (also click here for a Canadian exhibition from the Canadian War Museum),PostcardsLeaflets directed at the enemy, Film, and even music. Read this for a nice short treatment of First World War propaganda. An interesting World War I propaganda story is treated in the documentary The Crucified Soldier. If I can find time to show it in class, I will, but if not, you can watch it by linking from here. Read pp. 34-42. Do #1-4, p. 39 and 1 & 3, p. 42. 
  • Wednesday, October 23 - Introductory music: Callin Doon the Line, and The Green Fields of France. Take up #1 and 3, p. 42. Video segment on the Conscription Crisis from Canada; A Peoples' History; Ordeal By Fire;  and handout. While watching the episode answer the following board questions: 1) Why was opposition to the war strongest in Quebec? PowerPoint: Was Conscription the Right Choice? Assignment: Create a poster favouring or opposing conscription in Canada (please restrict yourself to regular paper size). Be sure to employ both text and images. On the back, be sure to identify yourself and provide a short written description of what your intentions are with the poster -- why do you write say what you say on the poster and what do you intend the graphic elements to convey? 10 marks. Due next class. If you have time, look at In the Trenches (part 1 and part 2).
  • Thursday, October 24 - Hand in poster assignment.  Video -The 1917 Federal Election. Questions: 1. What key political issue divided Canadians in 1917. 2. What changes did Borden make to election laws before the next election? Video: The History of the Vote; Women's Right to Vote1. What arguments were made against women getting the vote? 2. How did Nellie McClung fight against these notions? 3. Why did some women get the vote in Federal elections in 1917? 4. How long did it take before all women had the same voting rights as men? Discuss whether our current voting rules are fair for all people. Literature of War Assignment.Handouts and library resources. 10 marks, due Wednesday. Read pp. 42-46. 1) Do you think that the the peace arrangement arrived at in 1919 was workable? Why or why not? 2) How serious was the flu epidemic of 1918-1920?
  • Friday, October 25 - Professional Day.  Classes are not in Session.  Take some time to study for the test next week.
History 12 

We will be completing Topic #3 soon -- I estimate your unit test to be sometime around Thursday, October 31.   Expect the breakdown of marks for the unit test to be roughly: 50 multiple choice questions, 10 map items (1 mark each), 10 definitions (2 marks each), and 3 from 5 paragraph items (6 marks each). The total is, therefore, out of 98 marks.

Click here for the Topic #3 plan.

Click here for the Topic #3 questions.

Click here for the Essay #2 assignment sheet.  This will be due in late November.

Social Studies 11 (Honours) 

The test on Ideologies/Parties and Elections is on Monday, October 21.  The mark breakdown is most likely to be as follows: 30 multiple choice question (1 mark each); 4 items to label on a diagram (1 mark each); 5 definitions - you write a sentence or two about each term or name (2 marks each); 2 long answer questions from a choice of 4 options (6 marks each). The test should, therefore, be out of about 66 marks. 25 properly done flash cards, if submitted in class at the start of the test, will earn 5 bonus marks on the test.  

Quite a while ago we started work on an essay in the Geography unit.  I would like to set the due date for this paper now.  Please be prepared to submit it in mid-November.  It can come in any time in the week of November 18-23.

  • Monday, October 21 - Unit Test - Ideologies/Parties/Elections.
  • Tuesday, October 22 - Exam post-mortem.  Begin Legislative Branch - focus on the House of Commons. Watch this Rick Mercer video introducing Canada's system of government (note that this was before our current Governor General was appointed.  Be sure to look at the Parliament of Canada website. Download, read and study from the Guide to the House of Commons. Read pp. 231-233 sidebar. Do #1-3 in the sidebar on p. 233. 
  • Wednesday, October 23 - Take up #1-3 in the sidebar on p. 233.   Reminder of the physical layout of Parliament.  Video:  Government in Canada; Citizenship in Action; Our National Parliament; the Inside Story (sorry, unavailable online) andquestions.  Discuss the job of a Member of Parliament -- within and outside the House of Commons.  Go online to read On the Job With a Member of Parliament.  Read pp. 226-231 and do #1-3, p. 231.
  • Thursday, October 24 - Take up #1-3, p. 231.  Pros and cons of the current Senate setup.  Intro video on Senate reform.  Watch Rick Mercer on the Mike Duffy Senate Scandal and on the Senate killing a bill passed by the House of Commons Also watch Marg Delahunty ambushing Mike Duffy. Senator Hugh Segal on what to do. Great Britain also has an appointed upper chamber.  Here is singer and activist Billy Bragg speaking about reform of the Senate.  Be sure to look at the Senate material at Mapleleafweb.   Please note:  there will be an essay question on what should be done with the Canadian Senate on the next unit test.  Read pp. 47-54 in the Red Government text.  Do #1-4, p. 48 and #1-5 and #7 on p. 54.  For homework you must also come up with a three-column table listing reasons to:  keep the Senate as it is, reform (change) it, or Abolish it entirely.
  • Friday, October 25 - Professional Day.  Why not use this time to work on the essay?

Saturday, October 12, 2013

October 14-18

Contact me by e-mail at: 

This blog provides lesson plans for each week.  Look ahead to see where we are going.  Look back to see what you might have missed. All assignments are provided here.  If anything is underlined, click on it to bring up the document or, in the case of videos, link to an online version of what was scheduled for seeing in class or as enrichment.
So you just want to see photos of Sutherland activities? Click here to see my Picasa Albums. 

Things that are static -- not requiring regular change -- can be found at my website:
.  Admittedly, I do not update this site regularly, so there may be dead links.

Social Studies 8 

We will write the Rome unit test this Friday. This will allow any people who want extra test-writing time to continue into lunch break if they need to.  Your test on Rome will include the following: 40 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 5 definition items (2 marks each) and 3 long answer questions (6 marks each). The total is, therefore, out of 68 marks. You can earn up to 5 bonus marks for submitting at least 25 correctly made flash cards (term or name only on the front and definition or why the person is important on the back) at the time of the exam. You may not hand these in late to earn marks; they must be submitted when you write the test.

  • Monday, October 14 - Give thanks for a day off and copious quantities of Turkey (or Tofurkey, if you are so inclined).
  • Tuesday, October 15 - Hand in map assignments.  Watch Terry Jones' Surprising History of Rome and questions.  For homework, be sure to make more flash cards and spend a little time reviewing them.
  • Wednesday, October 16 - I will hand out folder covers and progress reports.  Video Questions: Terry Jones'The Barbarians; The End of the World. Homework: Explain why the Roman Empire collapsed. Give your reasons in a point-form list. Be sure to mention Social, Political and Economic reasons.
  • Thursday, October 17 - Take up homework and create a master list. Video: The Roman Arena and questions (1. What happened at the Colosseum and other Roman arenas? List the events that were staged. 2. Why do you suppose the Romans were so interested in "blood-sports." Check out the BBC's animation on the Colosseum. Study for the Unit test on Rome on Monday.
  • Friday, October 18 - Unit Test on Ancient Rome.  Read pp. 96-100.  Do #1-7, p. 100.
Social Studies 11 

We just had a unit test and will not be testing until we complete the World War I History material -- in about two weeks.  Expect an exact date and mark breakdown to be posted on next week's blog.
  • Monday, October 14 - Gorge on Turkey or less meaty alternatives.  
  • Tuesday, October 15 - Take up #1-3, p. 16.  Discuss the head tax and the issue of compensation. Video - Komagata Maru - sorry, unavailable online. Board questions - 1) What did the Canadian public think of Indian immigration in 1914? 2) How did government try to restrict Indian immigration? 3) What world event pushed news of the Komogata Maru into the background in the summer of 1914? Do the "Looking Back" questions #1, 2, 6 and 7 on p. 19. Excellent material on early immigration to Canada can be found at the Library and Archives of Canada site's Immigration page - see further pages too.
  • Wednesday, October 16 - Take up homework. Canada and the Empire PowerPointRead pp. 20-24. Do #1,2, & 4 p. 24 and the cartoon interpretation on p. 23 - Be sure to do #1-5 "Applying the Skill." Watch EA's Origins of World War Ipart 1 & part 2.
  • Thursday, October 17 - Take up #1,2, & 4 p. 24 and the cartoon interpretation on p. 23.  Complete PowerPoint material from Canada and the EmpireWatch, online, EAV's Origins of World War I -part 1 (9 minutes) and part 2 (8 minutes). List the causes of World War I for homework.
  • Friday, October 18 - Take up homework. Complete any material not covered last class on the origins of the war. Watch Blackadder's explanation of the war's origins. Begin PowerPoint on Canada & World War IWe will look at excepts from Canada; A People's History as we work through the PowerPoint (While watching these segments you need to make notes on the following 3 areas: 1) Describe attitudes toward the war. 2) Describe conditions at the front. 3) What changes did the war bring? Use the Acronym SPERMG to generate classes of ideas -- S=Social, P=Political, E=Economic, R=Religious.  
History 12 

We just had one unit test, so our next one is a couple of weeks away.  Expect roughly the following breakdown of marks on it:  50 multiple choice items (1 mark each), 10 map items (1 mark each), 10 definitions (2 marks each) and 3 from a choice of 5 long answer questions (6 marks each).  The total is, therefore, most likely to be out of 98 marks.

Essay #1 has now been submitted.  Check below for a link to the choice of topics for Essay #2.

Click here for the Topic #3 plan.

Click here for the Topic #3 questions.

Click here for the Essay #2 assignment sheet.

  • Monday, October 14 - Turkey (Tofurkey?) Day.  No classes.
  • Tuesday, October 15 - Soviet Foreign Policy Between the Wars (Base NotesPowerPoint.  If time -- and if available, watch The Road to War; The Soviet Union. Sorry, It seems to be unavailable on the Internet.  If it is not available, we will get a head start on Thursday's material, with The Road to War; Italy.
  • Wednesday, October 16 -  Italy and Fascism (Base Notes,PowerPoint). If you have time, watch Fascism in Colour; Mussolini in Power (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5) - with early colour and colourized footage.
  • Thursday, October 17 - Introductory video, Berlin in the 1920s.  Video:  Make Germany Pay.  Germany, France and Britain in the 1920s (base notes).  I expect we will only cover Germany and, perhaps, France in the time available.
  • Friday, October 18 - Complete any material not finished Thursday.   Britain in the 1920s (base notes) and the British Empire (base notes). Andrew Marrs presents an excellent series on The Making of Modern Britain.  Watch episode 4 Having a Ball (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4., Part 5, Part 6) on the 1920's and episode 5 Little Britain (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6) on the 1930's. 
Social Studies 11 (Honours) 

We are part way through our Government unit on Ideologies/Parties/Elections.  Expect the unit test to probably be on Monday, October 21. The mark breakdown is most likely to be as follows: 30 multiple choice question (1 mark each); 4 items to label on a diagram (1 mark each); 5 definitions - you write a sentence or two about each term or name (2 marks each); 2 long answer questions from a choice of 4 options (6 marks each). The test should, therefore, be out of about 66 marks. 25 properly done flash cards, if submitted in class at the start of the test, will earn 5 bonus marks on the test.