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This blog provides lesson plans for each week. Look ahead to see where we are going. Look back to see what you might have missed. All assignments are provided here. If anything is underlined, click on it to bring up the document or, in the case of videos, link to an online version of what was scheduled for seeing in class or as enrichment.
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Social Studies 8
We will write the Rome unit test this Friday. This will allow any people who want extra test-writing time to continue into lunch break if they need to. Your test on Rome will include the following: 40 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 5 definition items (2 marks each) and 3 long answer questions (6 marks each). The total is, therefore, out of 68 marks. You can earn up to 5 bonus marks for submitting at least 25 correctly made flash cards (term or name only on the front and definition or why the person is important on the back) at the time of the exam. You may not hand these in late to earn marks; they must be submitted when you write the test.
- Monday, October 14 - Give thanks for a day off and copious quantities of Turkey (or Tofurkey, if you are so inclined).
- Tuesday, October 15 - Hand in map assignments. Watch Terry Jones' Surprising History of Rome and questions. For homework, be sure to make more flash cards and spend a little time reviewing them.
- Wednesday, October 16 - I will hand out folder covers and progress reports. Video & Questions: Terry Jones'The Barbarians; The End of the World. Homework: Explain why the Roman Empire collapsed. Give your reasons in a point-form list. Be sure to mention Social, Political and Economic reasons.
- Thursday, October 17 - Take up homework and create a master list. Video: The Roman Arena and questions (1. What happened at the Colosseum and other Roman arenas? List the events that were staged. 2. Why do you suppose the Romans were so interested in "blood-sports." Check out the BBC's animation on the Colosseum. Study for the Unit test on Rome on Monday.
- Friday, October 18 - Unit Test on Ancient Rome. Read pp. 96-100. Do #1-7, p. 100.
Social Studies 11
We just had a unit test and will not be testing until we complete the World War I History material -- in about two weeks. Expect an exact date and mark breakdown to be posted on next week's blog.
- Monday, October 14 - Gorge on Turkey or less meaty alternatives.
- Tuesday, October 15 - Take up #1-3, p. 16. Discuss the head tax and the issue of compensation. Video - Komagata Maru - sorry, unavailable online. Board questions - 1) What did the Canadian public think of Indian immigration in 1914? 2) How did government try to restrict Indian immigration? 3) What world event pushed news of the Komogata Maru into the background in the summer of 1914? Do the "Looking Back" questions #1, 2, 6 and 7 on p. 19. Excellent material on early immigration to Canada can be found at the Library and Archives of Canada site's Immigration page - see further pages too.
- Wednesday, October 16 - Take up homework. Canada and the Empire PowerPoint. Read pp. 20-24. Do #1,2, & 4 p. 24 and the cartoon interpretation on p. 23 - Be sure to do #1-5 "Applying the Skill." Watch EA's Origins of World War I, part 1 & part 2.
- Thursday, October 17 - Take up #1,2, & 4 p. 24 and the cartoon interpretation on p. 23. Complete PowerPoint material from Canada and the Empire. Watch, online, EAV's Origins of World War I -part 1 (9 minutes) and part 2 (8 minutes). List the causes of World War I for homework.
- Friday, October 18 - Take up homework. Complete any material not covered last class on the origins of the war. Watch Blackadder's explanation of the war's origins. Begin PowerPoint on Canada & World War I. We will look at excepts from Canada; A People's History as we work through the PowerPoint (While watching these segments you need to make notes on the following 3 areas: 1) Describe attitudes toward the war. 2) Describe conditions at the front. 3) What changes did the war bring? Use the Acronym SPERMG to generate classes of ideas -- S=Social, P=Political, E=Economic, R=Religious.
History 12
We just had one unit test, so our next one is a couple of weeks away. Expect roughly the following breakdown of marks on it: 50 multiple choice items (1 mark each), 10 map items (1 mark each), 10 definitions (2 marks each) and 3 from a choice of 5 long answer questions (6 marks each). The total is, therefore, most likely to be out of 98 marks.
Essay #1 has now been submitted. Check below for a link to the choice of topics for Essay #2.
Click here for the Topic #3 plan.
Click here for the Topic #3 questions.
Click here for the Essay #2 assignment sheet.
- Monday, October 14 - Turkey (Tofurkey?) Day. No classes.
- Tuesday, October 15 - Soviet Foreign Policy Between the Wars (Base Notes) PowerPoint. If time -- and if available, watch The Road to War; The Soviet Union. Sorry, It seems to be unavailable on the Internet. If it is not available, we will get a head start on Thursday's material, with The Road to War; Italy.
- Wednesday, October 16 - Italy and Fascism (Base Notes,PowerPoint). If you have time, watch Fascism in Colour; Mussolini in Power (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5) - with early colour and colourized footage.
- Thursday, October 17 - Introductory video, Berlin in the 1920s. Video: Make Germany Pay. Germany, France and Britain in the 1920s (base notes). I expect we will only cover Germany and, perhaps, France in the time available.
- Friday, October 18 - Complete any material not finished Thursday. Britain in the 1920s (base notes) and the British Empire (base notes). Andrew Marrs presents an excellent series on The Making of Modern Britain. Watch episode 4 Having a Ball (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4., Part 5, Part 6) on the 1920's and episode 5 Little Britain (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6) on the 1930's.
Social Studies 11 (Honours)
We are part way through our Government unit on Ideologies/Parties/Elections. Expect the unit test to probably be on Monday, October 21. The mark breakdown is most likely to be as follows: 30 multiple choice question (1 mark each); 4 items to label on a diagram (1 mark each); 5 definitions - you write a sentence or two about each term or name (2 marks each); 2 long answer questions from a choice of 4 options (6 marks each). The test should, therefore, be out of about 66 marks. 25 properly done flash cards, if submitted in class at the start of the test, will earn 5 bonus marks on the test.
- Monday, October 14 - Protein load today. Come back prepared to work tomorrow.
- Tuesday, October 15 - Video: The Canadian Electoral System Simplified. Lecture/discussion - Ideologies and Political Parties PowerPoint. Watch these political party ads from the last Federal election. Why do you think they take these approaches? What are they trying to appeal to? Do you think they work. We will look at them in class if there is time. If not, please watch them and answer the questions as part of your homework tonight. Read pp. 249-258. Do #1-5, p. 253 and sidebar #1-3, p. 257. For homework you earlier did an online quiz to determine your ideology. Which political party comes closest to your views? You might try some more tests -- mostly American - to see where you stand.
- Wednesday, October 16 - Take up #1-5, p. 253 and sidebar #1-3, p. 257. Review of party positions on the political spectrum, what parties currently stand for, and names of party leaders. Introduction to political party organizations. As part of your homework, you must go to Elections Canada's pages entitled I Can Vote, with information for young voters. Answer these questions. Read pp. 109-115 in the Red Government text and answer questions 1-3 &; 5, p. 115. Optional: Click here to get a list of all of the political parties, with links to their web-pages.
- Thursday, October 17 - Take up I Can Vote and #1-3 & 5, p. 115. Elections handout. Elections in Canada – The first-by-the-post system. (If time; proportional representation too). Read Government pp. 88-97. Do #4, p. 97. Research Canadian federal political parties. Which party would you support in the next federal election? Why? About a half page or so of writing is needed to adequately answer this question. Value: 10 marks, due Friday (next class). Find political party information at Elections Canada's registered political parties page. Watch this video account of the problems with first past the post elections.
- Friday, October 18 - Take up #4, p. 97. Elections lesson – day 2. Various voting systems. BCSTVanimation. Assignment: What electoral system do you feel is best? Why? (due Thursday, September 19. About 1 page). If you need more information, why not watch the following (all) short videos on voting systems: First Past the Post and Problems With First Past the Post, Multi-Member Proportional Representation , you might also look at Closed Party List -- which describes the most common form of Proportional Representation. See also Supplementary Member, Alternative Vote Explained, Preferential Voting (otherwise known as STV - single transferable vote - single member constituency), Try also Proportional Representation vs First Past the Post . Just for fun, look at this account of how American Presidential elections work. If you want to read more about electoral reform, try these sites: Simon Fraser University's Electoral Reform page - with excellent summaries of various systems, Britain's Electoral Reform Society, Voting Counts; Electoral Reform for Canada from the Law Commission of Canada, Californians for Electoral Reform, MacLeans Magazine's articles on electoral reform, and Alternative Voting Systems -- a fairly extensive description of many ways votes can be held. If you want to see how all of the countries of the world vote, click here.