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Social Studies 8
The Rome unit test is a little way off. Expect it around Wednesday, October 16. Be sure to be making and using your flash cards every day to master vocabulary and names. Your test on Rome will include the following: 40 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 5 definition items (2 marks each) and 3 long answer questions (6 marks each). The total is, therefore, out of 68 marks. You can earn up to 5 bonus marks for submitting at least 25 correctly made flash cards (term or name only on the front and definition or why the person is important on the back) at the time of the exam. You may not hand these in late to earn marks; they must be submitted when you write the test.
- Monday, October 7 - Take up handout questions. Introduction to Ancient Religions: Paganism, Judaism, Mystery Cults and Christianity. Watch Ancient Roman Religion. You might not get all the jokes, or you might find them cheesy, but the information about Roman religion is good and at 7:00 minutes, it is an easy review.) We will also watch two more short clips that examine Pagan influences on early Christianity: Mithras - Pagan Origins of Christianity and Osiris - Pagan Origins of Christianity. Be sure to list things that seem to be common to these pagan religions and Christianity. Read pp. 6-10. Do #1-6, p. 10 for homework.
- Tuesday, October 8 - Take up #1-6, p. 10. Watch The Western Tradition; Early Christianity (you may need to register to use this resource -- but this is American public television and they do not sell your contact information, so it is safe for you to do so) and do the questions. Assignment: Conversion to Christianity -- Imagine that you are a young Greek person living in the city of Rome. Write a letter to your parents in Athens explaining why you have decided to give up worshiping the old Greek Gods and become a Christian. You will have to find out something about both Ancient Greek religion and early Christianity to do this. The assignment will be marked out of 10 and will be marked on both content and composition. It is due next class. Note: When we deal with religion in this course it is not with the intention of supporting one religious view over another. What we want to do is to understand basic beliefs of each religion and know something about the impact that any particular religion has had on the world. We do this using an historical approach.
- Wednesday, October 9 - Hand in the Conversion to Christianity assignment. Introduction to Legions -- importance, organization (including a short video) and vulnerabilities. Video Legions of Rome (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) and questions. Read pp. 10-12. Do #1-6, p. 12. You might enjoy playing a small game from the BBC - Romans vs. Britons.
- Thursday, October 10 - Take up #1-6, p. 12. Look at the sidebar on p. 11. Video: Constantine and questions. Read pp. 12-16. Do #1-6, p. 16. Bring coloured pencils to next class for map work.
- Friday, October 11 - Take up #1-6, p. 16. Complete watching Constantine and the questions. Hosford Atlas, pp. 3 & 4. We will watch John Green's Crash Course episode -- The Fall of the Roman Empire. Also look at this video of the changing map of Europe during this time.Map Assignment: The "Barbarian Invasions." 10 marks. Due Monday.
Social Studies 11
Expect your unit test to be this Friday. We will begin the next unit before then, but leaving the test will allow for us to run into Tuesday's class if we need to and still allow anyone who wants to take extra time on the test to do so. Expect the mark breakdown to be as follows: 35 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 2 from 4 long answer questions (6 marks each), and one essay question on what should be done with the Canadian Senate (12 marks - 2 x 6). The total is, therefore, most likely to be out of 59 marks.
- Monday, October 7 - Take up homework. Examine the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - see PowerPoint; The Constitution. Summarize each of the key sections in your notes. Effect of passing the Charter on Canadian law -- all laws in Canada must conform unless passed using the notwithstanding clause or if they can withstand a challenge based on their being within reasonable limits. Read pp. 240-246. Do #1-3, p. 246, & sidebar #1, p. 244.
- Tuesday, October 7 - Take up #1-3, p. 246, & sidebar #1, p. 244. Complete any Constitutional material not completed Monday. Begin the new unit -- History. PowerPoint: Studying History. Read pp. 4-10. Do #1-3, p. 9 and the questions in figure 1-2, p. 6 and 1-5, p. 8. Assignment, due next class: Why should we study history? Answer in at least a half a page of writing and be sure to provide specific reasons with examples, not just vague generalities.
- Wednesday, October 8 - Take up #1-3, p. 9 and the questions in figure 1-2, p. 6 and 1-5, p. 8. Hand in the Why Study History assignment. Begin looking at late 19th century and early 20th century immigration to Canada -- push and pull factors. Laurier's Canada PowerPoint. Homework: Talk to someone who immigrated to Canada in their lifetime. What push & or pull factors brought them here? What difficulties have they faced in coming to a new land? Those of you who are immigrants, talk to yourself and to your parents/guardians about this.
- Thursday, October 9 - Take up homework - immigration push and pull factors. Look at the earliest film of Vancouver - shot in 1907 on a hand-cranked movie camera, bolted to the front of a streetcar while traveling along Granville, Hastings, Carrall, Cordova, Cambie and Robson Streets. 1) What kinds of traffic do you see? 2) Did anything about the traffic surprise you? 3) What else did you notice about Vancouver in 1907? Another interesting look back in time is City Reflections; Vancouver - a set of 1907 and 2007 photos of the same locations - with the 1907 pictures taken from the streetcar film. What do you know about immigration to BC before the First World War? Discuss the problems of immigration to Canada in the late 19th and early 20th century - including the 1907 Vancouver race riot. More of the PowerPoint on Laurier's Canada. Read the sidebar on pp. 10-11 of your text and explain why you would support or oppose the payment of compensation to families who paid the head tax to come to Canada. Read pp. 9-16. Do #1-3, p. 16. We will take up the homework on Monday.
- Friday, October 10 -Unit Test on the Legislative/Executive/Judicial/Provincial/Constitutional material.
History 12
We just had one unit test, so our next one is a way off still.
- Monday, October 7 - Russia Before the Revolutions (PowerPoint) and the Russian Revolutions (base notes, PowerPoint).
- Tuesday, October 8 - The Russian Revolutions (base notes). Be sure to look at the excellent resources at The History Guide's Russian Revolution Resources. Again, look at the Spartacus Schoolnet material referenced above and refer to Scott Master's PowerPoint. Watch The Russian Revolution (Part 1, Part 2 &Part 3). You might also have a look at World War I; The Russian Revolution (Part 1,Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4), which deals with the importance of the war in leading to the momentous events in Russia in 1917.
- Wednesday, October 9 - The USSR From Lenin to Stalin (base notes). You should consider watching the following biographical treatment: Stalin (Part 1 and Part 2)
- Thursday, October 10 - Complete From Lenin to Stalin (base notes) and begin The Stalin Revolution; Collectivization and Industrialization (base notes). If you have an hour and a half to spare this weekend, watch Stalin; Man of Steel.
- Friday, October 11 - The Great Purge (Base Notes) PowerPoint. If you have an hour and a half to spare, watch Stalin; Man of Steel. Another video option is Stalin and the Modernization of Russia, available on TeacherTube.
Social Studies 11 Honours
We finished Geography last Friday and are just starting the Government unit. Our next test is a way off. I will post when and the test composition as we get further into the unit.
- Monday, October 7 - Hand out textbooks. Take up #1-4, p. 6. Take up answers to What is Government. Discuss whether government is or is not necessary. Introduction to the three branches of government -- Legislative, Executive and Judicial. Read pp. 7-15. Do #1-5, p. 11 and #1-6, p. 15.
- Tuesday, October 8 - Take up #1-5, p. 11 and #1-6, p. 15. Introduction to ideologies. Origin of the Political Spectrum - see this version as a line, and this version as a quadrant -- showing where Canadian political parties could be found in 2011. To identify your own ideology, take the online Political Compass Quiz -- This is the only homework assigned for today. Why not listen to some ideological tunes. The Political Compass people have put together a links list to ideological music that you can click to from here. Look elsewhere around this site if you are interested in politics.
- Wednesday, October 9 - At the time of planning this week, it seems that this block will be lost for the Pole Blessing Ceremony. If the plan changes and we get a modified schedule instead, I will change the plan this week.
- Thursday, October 10 - Continue with the origins of ideologies looking at ideologies as shown on a left/right line and also look at showing them on a quadrant. Remember, any time you show a complex world in a graphic model, you are simplifying reality. Here is a handoutcovering this material for your notes. If you took the Political Compass quiz, you can now compare your personal ideological position with main viewpoints -- and with each other. The following reading is completely optional: For an interesting American article on the difference between Lefties and Righties, see Patricia Cohen's New York Times Article: "Across the Great Divide; Investigating Links Between Personality and Politics."
- Friday, October 11 - PowerPoint –“Ideologies” Video clip on ideologies - sorry, not available online. Other ways to show political spectrum. Ideologies Identification homework.