Friday, November 29, 2013

December 2 - 6

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This blog provides lesson plans for each week.  Look ahead to see where we are going.  Look back to see what you might have missed. All assignments are provided here.  If anything is underlined, click on it to bring up the document or, in the case of videos, link to an online version of what was scheduled for seeing in class or as enrichment.
So you just want to see photos of Sutherland activities? Click here to see my Picasa Albums. 

Things that are static -- not requiring regular change -- can be found at my website:
.  Admittedly, I do not update this site regularly, so there may be dead links.

Social Studies 8 

Our Medieval unit is coming to an end.  Expect a unit test The Tuesday after this one -- on December 10 -- even though we should finish the unit this Friday.  Writing on Tuesday allows you extra time if you need it by writing into lunch time.  

Expect 49 multiple choice questions (1 mark each) and 4 from a choice of 7 long answer questions (6 marks each).  The test total is out of 73 marks.  30 flash cards may earn up to 5 bonus marks.

 We watched two episodes of Terry Jones' Medieval Lives in class. If you want to see about the lives of other medieval people, here are links to other episodes: The MonkThe DamselThe MinstrelThe PhilosopherThe OutlawThe King. A terrific documentary about medieval life is Michael Woods' Christina; A Medieval Life. Be sure to watch this if you get the chance. It gives real insight into 14th Century peasant life. Mr. Benoy is particularly fond of this film as it describes medieval live in the English County in which he was born. We may or may not get a chance to work this into a class.

Interested in Medieval weapons? Watch Weapons that Made Britain; The Long SwordWeapons that Made Britain; the Lance and The Weapons that Made Britain; The Longbow, Weapons that Made Britain; the Shield. Watch Battlefield Britain; Hastings about the Norman conquest of Britain.

Interested in medieval lifestyles? Try Clarissa and the King's Cookbook to see how medieval royals ate. Also in the Inside the Medieval Mind series is Belief -- find out about their religious and supernatural beliefs -- with heavy stress being on the supernatural part. Try also Inside the Medieval Church; Power -- about how people were controlled. Try also Inside the Medieval World; Knowledge - what medieval people knew. Investigate life in England's greatest medieval city -- London -- in Filthy Cities; Medieval Londonnot a pretty place, but like the expanding great cities of the developing world today, a place of horror and opportunity.

We are beginning a Medieval Research Assignment. (Medieval Research Project. Part 1Part 2).  Note, the due date on the document is not correct; see below.  I have booked three library blocks (computer lab & print sources) on Thursday, November 14, Thursday, November 21 and Thursday, November 28. The assignment will be due by the end of the first week in December -- by December 6.

In addition to sources noted above, here are some additional links to sites useful for the various Medieval Research Assignments:

General:  Netserf has an excellent links page to all things medieval; If you are interested in medieval primary documents, you cannot do better than the Internet Medieval Sourcebook;  Another links page to all things medieval can be found at The Labyrinth, from Georgetown University;  Find Medieval literature at The Online Medieval and Classical Library;  If you are really interested in learning all about art and architecture from this time there is a terrific set of flashcards online at Gardner's Art Through the Ages online resource for chapter 18 - "The Age of Great Cathedrals; Gothic Art." 

Castles: An interesting treatment of Welsh castles can be found at Castle - a 47 minute video;  Lise Hull's Castles of Britain website is a good starting point for resources.  You might also link out from herCastelology links page;  Jeffrey L. Thomas' Castles of Wales site is awesome;  Battle Castle  is a docudrama series about Medieval Castle warfare.  Go to the series' website for heaps of background information; Ordinarily I do not recommend commercial sites geared to making money from their efforts, however Medieval-Castle.com has a wealth of good information geared to about the right reading and content level for this course and another site, Castles and Manor Houses has some pretty wonderful pictures, along with attempts to sell you castle stays.  Their links page is pretty good if you are thinking about staying in a special medieval location (talk it up with your parents!);  and now that you're really interested in castles, why not think about visiting some of the best?  See Travel guru Rick Steve's page - "Medieval Castle Experiences."
The Manor:  Medieval Manor - British Social History - Changing Lives - 1066-1984 (7 minute video);  Wharram Percy; Deserted Medieval Village (website); Rural Life - sources from the British Library that includes a slideshow; The Monk's Manor is a 45 minute video about archeologists digging up a Monastic manor;  History Learning Site's Medieval Manor Houseswebpage is an excellent resource;
The Church: Church, from the British Library,;Church & Crown(video) - a short treatment of the division of power between Kings and the Church;  Medieval Minds - another short video which discusses what Medieval peasants believed; from the same series, watchMonastic Life to see what it was like to live in such institutions;
Cathedrals: Building the Great Cathedrals is a one hour documentary; Try The Medieval Mind; How to Build a Cathedral for a one hour video on cathedral construction; The Gothic Cathedral; a Landmark in Engineering is a 26 minute video -- pretty advanced stuff though; Modern Marvels; Gothic Cathedrals is a 45 minute American made video;  Watch NOVA's Building the Great Cathedrals(5 minutes);  A wonderful summary of Romanesque and Gothic architecture can be found at A White Garment of Churches, from the "Art of the Western World" series;Find great images of Cathedrals at A Digital Archive of Architecture --Romanesque and Gothic pages.  Alison Stone's Medieval Architecture site will get you to drawings and photos of an incredible selection of churches in England and France and there is also a very helpful glossary.
The Crusades: Terry Jones' The Crusades; Pilgrims in Arms.  is the first film in his series of three documentaries, the others are JerusalemJihad, and Destruction.   A great documentary on the Crusades is The Crescent and the Cross, Part 1Part 2  (1 hour 30 minuteseach). Christianity; A History; The Crusades (Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4). 

Social Studies 11 

We just began the Post-War Canada unit, so the test is a little way off. I expect it to be on Wednesday, December  11 -- this will allow you extra time to write into lunch if you need to. I expect to finish the unit before this.

I expect the unit test to be roughly as follows: 43 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 5 definitions (2 marks each) and a choice of 3 from 5 choices (6 marks each). The test is, therefore, out of 71 marks. 30 flash cards are needed to earn 5 marks. 

***Here is a set of summary notes for the Social Studies 11 course -- excellent for use in studying for the final exam. 

  • Monday, December 2 - Take up sidebars p. 146 ; #1-4, p. 150, #1-3, p. 155 & #1-5, p, p. 156.  We are a bit behind on the videos and PowerPoint material.  I plan to look at some more of the PowerPoint today, then go onto more from the Canada; A People's History series (“A Question of Equality.”  and questions) -- all of which were originally scheduled last Friday. Read pp. 157-172. Do #2-4, p. 158, #2-6, p. 167, & #1-5, p. 172. 
  • Tuesday, December 3 - Take up #2-4, p. 158, #2-6, p. 167, & #1-5, p. 172. “A Changing Face,”and “The Computer Moves In” and questions, Complete any PowerPoint from Post-1945 Canada.   Material from Canada; A People’s History("Time for Change" & "Maitres Chez Nous" -questions). PowerPoint material not completed. Read pp. 172-187. Do #1-4, p. 176, #2-4, p. 182, and 2-5, p. 187.
  • Wednesday, December 4 - New PowerPoint,   The Quiet and Not-So-Quiet Revolution. Watch"Vive le Quebec Libre," "October Crisis", the "Choice" - questionsRead pp. 191- 194. Do #1,2, 4 & 5, p. 194.
  • Thursday, December 5 - Take up #1,2, 4 & 5, p. 194.  PowerPoint The Quiet and Not-So-Quiet RevolutionIf we get a chance to start it, we will begin the PowerPoint: "Land Claims and the Indian Act."  Read pp. 201-207. Do #1-5, p. 204 and 1-5, p. 206. Assignment: 10 marks, due Monday. Why do many Quebecers want an independent Quebec? Why has this not come about?
  • Friday, December 6 -  Take up homework. Continue or begin PowerPoint - "Land Claims and the Indian Act." Read pp. 208-216. Do the sidebar on p. 211 & #1-2, p. 213 and #2-6, p. 216.
History 12 

Some of you asked about providing links for the Cold War video series.   Be sure to watch as many of the CNN/BBC Cold War series as possible.  This is absolutely the best account of the Cold War on film. We saw the first episode and will see some in class, but cannot take the time to look at all of them.  Here are the links:

Episode 1 - Comrades; 1917-1945.
Episode 4 - Berlin; 1948-1949.
Episode 5 - Korea; 1950-1953.
Episode 6 - Reds; 1947-1953.
Episode 8 - Sputnik; 1949-1961.
Episode 9 - The Wall; 1958-1963.
Episode 10 Cuba; 1959-1962.
Episode 11 Vietnam; 1954-1968.
Episode 14 Red Spring; 1960s
Episode 15 China; 1949-1972.
Episode 16 Detente; 1969-1975.
Episode 18 Backyard; 1954-1990.
Episode 19 Freeze; 1977-1981.
Episode 21 Spies; 1944-1994.
Episode 22 Star Wars; 1981-1988.

Click here for the Essay #2 assignment sheet.  This is due Monday of this week.

Topic #4 Plan

Topic #4 Questions.

Topic #5 and 6 Questions.

Here it is at last -- the final essay, Essay #3 -- due at the end of the first week in January.

I can't really afford to lose another day to testing.  Since you will study the Cold War and beyond in preparing for the final exam, I will leave evaluation of this unit until this final test.  I really don't want to have to decide to axe either Islamic Fundamentalism or the end of Apartheid.

Note:  We changed the order of work a little by deleting the Korea video.  

Social Studies 11 Honours 

Expect your unit test on the the History material up to the end of World War II to be on Tuesday, December 3.  Expect the mark breakdown for the test to be as follows:  40 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 5 definitions or names (2 marks each) and 4 long answer questions (6 marks each) from a choice of 5. The total is, therefore, out of 74 marks. 5 bonus marks are available for a minimum of 25 flash cards. It is possible to earn 79/74.

It appears I've made rather a hash of the homework assignments.   I have adjusted readings and questions on Wednesday and after below, so if you checked them earlier in the week -- look again.

  • Monday, December 2 - Hand in Conscription Poster and Literature of War Assignments.   Lecture: The End of World War I and the Paris Peace Conference. Video Make Germany Pay (Part 1Part 2) Do board questions: 1) Who were the main participants in the Conference and what did they want? 2) What important powers were not invited to attend? 3) What were the key outcomes of the Conference? Do #1 sidebar, p. 44, 1. Explain how Canada’s role in the world was different in 1919 to 1914. 2. What limited the effectiveness of the League of Nations from its very start? Prepare for the unit test next class.
  • Tuesday, December 3 -  Unit Test on the History unit up to the end of World War I.
  • Wednesday, December 4 - Take up homework. Introduction to Post-War Canada. The Winnipeg General Strike. Lecture and video,On Strike! - with questions. If time, begin PowerPoint -Canada Between the Wars; 1919-1939. Read pp. 49-56.  Do #1-2, p. 51 and #1-3, p. 56.
  • Thursday, December 5 - Take up  sidebar questions, p. 57 & 59, #1-3, p. 61, #1-3, p. 65.   PowerPoint -Canada Between the Wars; 1919-1939.  Read pp. 57-65. Do sidebar questions, p. 57 and 59, #1-3, p. 61, #1-3, p. 65.
  • Friday, December 6 - Take up homework. Background to the Great Depression (including statistics) - Continue PowerPoint - Canada Between the Wars; 1919-1939. AV on the Depression - (From: Canada; A People’s History). Read pp.  66-72, sidebar.  Do #1-2, p. 67.  '#1-4, p. 72.   If you have time, read the Vancouver Sun article by Roger Bootle on the economic theory of John Maynard Keynes.