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This blog provides lesson plans for each week. Look ahead to see where we are going. Look back to see what you might have missed. All assignments are provided here. If anything is underlined, click on it to bring up the document or, in the case of videos, link to an online version of what was scheduled for seeing in class or as enrichment.
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Things that are static -- not requiring regular change -- can be found at my website: Admittedly, I do not update this site regularly, so there may be dead links.
Social Studies 8
We are now in a rather long unit -- the Middle Ages -- and we will not test again for a few weeks. I will post information about the next test when we are a week or two away from it.
To help students who struggle with reading, I have adapted readings and questions from a simpler text for them. Only do this material if you have been asked by Mr. Benoy to do so. These students will not do the regular homework when this alternative is given. If you find reading the text impossibly difficult, see Mr. Benoy to discuss the issue. The alternative is not as detailed and content will be missed by those using it. However, it is better than not understanding a thing!
We watched two episodes of Terry Jones' Medieval Lives in class. If you want to see about the lives of other medieval people, here are links to other episodes: The Monk, The Damsel, The Minstrel, The Philosopher, The Outlaw, The King. A terrific documentary about medieval life is Michael Woods' Christina; A Medieval Life. Be sure to watch this if you get the chance. It gives real insight into 14th Century peasant life. Mr. Benoy is particularly fond of this film as it describes medieval live in the English County in which he was born. We may or may not get a chance to work this into a class.
Interested in Medieval weapons? Watch Weapons that Made Britain; The Long Sword, Weapons that Made Britain; the Lance and The Weapons that Made Britain; The Longbow, Weapons that Made Britain; the Shield. Watch Battlefield Britain; Hastings about the Norman conquest of Britain.
Interested in medieval lifestyles? Try Clarissa and the King's Cookbook to see how medieval royals ate. Also in the Inside the Medieval Mind series is Belief -- find out about their religious and supernatural beliefs -- with heavy stress being on the supernatural part. Try also Inside the Medieval Church; Power -- about how people were controlled. Try also Inside the Medieval World; Knowledge - what medieval people knew. Investigate life in England's greatest medieval city -- London -- in Filthy Cities; Medieval London- not a pretty place, but like the expanding great cities of the developing world today, a place of horror and opportunity.
- Monday, November 4 - Take up #1-6, p. 48 (or alternate work). Take up #1-6, p. 48. Watch Ancient Warriors: The Vikings. Answer the following questions: 1) Why were the Vikings feared by all of Christian Europe? 2) What made the Viking Longship a particularly effective weapon for its time? 3) Where does our knowledge of the Vikings come from? Handout Viking Women. How does this account of Viking life differ from the video? Can you explain the difference? Origins of feudalism: Hosford Atlas pp. 13-16. Handout reading for homework: Feudalism and Medieval Life. Do the questions on the handout.
- Tuesday, November 5 - Take up homework. Video clip:Feudalism in Europe. Video: Medieval Lives: The Knight. How did medieval knights really live and act? Handout: A Feudal Contract. Read pp. 49-52. Do #1-5, p. 52. Alternative reading: "Feudal Life on the Manor."Make flash cards for the terms on p. 48 and do the What Do You Think questions on p. 53.
- Wednesday, November 6 - Take up #1-5, p. 52 or alternative work.Sidebar, p. 50 of Patterns of Civilization 1. video: Medieval Lives;The Peasant . What was life like for Medieval peasants? How much control did they have on their lives? What was work like? What did they eat? How might a peasant improve his life? Read pp. 52-56. Do #1-7, p. 56.
- Thursday, November 7 - Take up homework: #1-7, p. 56 or alternative. Handout: Analyzing a Primary Source - a serf's contract. PowerPoint: Monasticism. Introduction to Medieval Research Assignment. (Medieval Research Project. Part 1. Part 2).I have booked three library blocks (computer lab & print sources) on dates that should be set by next week. The assignment will be due in the first week of December -- by Friday, December 6. Homework: Watch Terry Jones' The Damsel. Answer the following three questions: 1) Were women in the Middle Ages really as helpless as literature and Hollywood would have us believe? Explain. 2) How did women's roles change during the Middle Ages? 3) What was the attitude of the Church toward women -- especially at the end of the Middle Ages?
- Friday, November 8 - Remembrance Day material -Benoys at War. Take up p. 56 homework. Monasticism clip from the video: Connections; Faith in Numbers - Part 1, from 3:35 to 10:00. How Castles developed - Examples from Mr. Benoy's Castle slides. For fun, watch The Worst Jobs in History; The Dark Ages (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5,Part 6) and The Worst Jobs in History; the Middle Ages (Part 1,Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6).
Social Studies 11
Our last test was very recent, so our next unit test is a distance away. It will include the interwar years and World War II.
Note: Next Monday is the Remembrance Day Holiday.
- Monday, November 4 - Take up sidebar questions p. 71 & 72 & #1-4, p. 72, sidebar questions p. 76, 78 & 79 & #1-2, p. 79. Introductory video clip on the Great Depression. Continue PowerPoint - Canada Between the Wars; 1919-1939. AV on the Depression - (From: Canada; A People’s History - answer Viewing Guide questions). Read pp. 79-86. Do On the Internet, watch The Crash of 1929.
- Tuesday, November 5 - Take up sidebar #1-4, p. 81, sidebar questions p. 82 & #3-4, p. 85 & #1-3, p. 86. Watch Canada; A People’s History; Hard Times and do the viewing guide questions. If time we will continue with the PowerPoint on the interwar years. This is a rare night without additional homework assigned. Make flash cards for this unit. On the Internet, watch The Crash of 1929.
- Wednesday, November 6 - Watch Canada; A People’s History; Hard Times and do the viewing guide questions. If time we will continue with the PowerPoint on the interwar years. Do sidebars 4-16, p. 93, 4-17 & 4-18, p. 95 & 4-19, p. 96.
- Thursday, November 7 - Watch Fight of the Century; Keynes vs Hayek; Round 2 -- on Keynsian and Supply Side Economics and today's economic crisis. Take up sidebars 4-16, p. 93, 4-17 & 4-18, p. 95 & 4-19, p. 96. Complete PowerPoint - Canada Between the Wars; 1919-1939. If time, watch more segments of Canada; A People's History; Hard Times. Read pp. 92-98. Do #1-5, p. 98.
- Friday, November 8 - Remembrance Day material -Benoys at War. Take up homework. Video King & Country (sorry, unavailable on the Internet) & questions. Read pp. 100-110. Do 1-4, p. 105, sidebar questions p. 106, 107, 110 & #1-3, p. 110. If you are interested and have the time, watch this British anti-war advertisement from the 1930s to understand the roots of appeasement. Watch the 20 minute 30's documentary: The European Arms Race 1935 - 1939 part 1 andpart 2. To see Nazi Germany, watch this largely unnarrated documentary, Nazi Germany Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5,Part 6, Part 7, Part 8 & Part 9. Look at Hitler's art: Part 1, Part 2.
History 12
Topic #4 is now underway. Essay #2 is also underway.
Click here for the Essay #2 assignment sheet. This will be due in late November. Hand in any time in the last week of the month.
Topic #4 Plan.
Topic #4 Questions.
Topic #4 Plan.
Topic #4 Questions.
We have a few disruptions to our regular schedule this week, so the plan is already a bit off.
Note: Next Monday is the Remembrance Day Holiday.
- Monday, November 4 - No Class today. Post-Secondary Liaison is scheduled for this block.
- Tuesday, November 5 - I originally thought the Police visit was today. I was wrong. Expect it tomorrow. Exam post-mortem complete the material we started on Thursday: Hitler's Germany -PowerPoint (base notes). If time, watch The Road to War; Germany video.
- Wednesday, November 6 - We lost at least 30 minutes today to a visit from Zhivka Ivanovka, our Police Liaison Officer and also Youth Workers from the North Shore Neighbourhood House. Lecture: Appeasement (base notes) - on PowerPoint.
- Thursday, November 7 - The Spanish Civil War (PowerPoint,base notes). Be sure to listen to some of the music of the Spanish Civil War - written at the time and inspired later. If you are interested in the Spanish Civil War and have the time, there is a good British documentary from Granada Television, The Spanish Civil War; Prelude to Tragedy Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6. Each are about 53 minutes in length.
- Friday, November 8 - Remembrance Day material -Benoys at War. Complete any Spanish Civil War material. Watch a video from the Road to War Series -- Germany, or France (not available online), or Italy.
Social Studies 11 Honours.
Quite a while ago we started work on an essay in the Geography unit; we set the due date last week. Please be prepared to submit it in mid-November. It can come in any time in the week of November 18-23.
I expect the next unit test -- on the Legislative/Executive/Judicial Branches -- along with Provincial and Municipal material -- next Tuesday. This is a bit beyond what I thought last week. Expect the mark breakdown to be as follows: 35 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 2 from 4 long answer questions (6 marks each), and one essay question on what should be done with the Canadian Senate (12 marks - 2 x 6). The total is, therefore, most likely to be out of 59 marks.
Note: Next Monday is the Remembrance Day Holiday.
- Monday, November 4 - Take up the fact-finding worksheet on municipal government. Quick mention of the likelyhood/possibility or aboriginal self-government in the future. Overview of the Judiciary - PowerPoint - go to the section on the Judiciary. Read pp. 270-275. Do #1-3, p. 275.
- Tuesday, November 5 - Take up homework, #1-3, p. 275. Complete PowerPoint material from last class Comparison of Adversarial vs. Inquisitorial court systems. Video on the court system (sorry, unavailable online). Read pp. 277-288. Do #1-3, p. 280, & 1 & 4, p. 288. Please bring your red Government text to class next day -- along with your blue text. If you get the chance, please preview the following short videos on BC Courts: Courts of BC Overview, Courts of BC the Supreme Court, Courts of BC Provincial Court, British Columbia Court of Appeal and BC Small Claims Court; Court Processes.
- Wednesday, November 6 - Take up #1-3, p. 280, and 1 & 4, p. 288. Complete the second video on our Court system. While watching the video, identify the positions of court officials and note the roles that they play. Introduce concept of Human rights – examine text p. 294. Students to list what they would expect fundamental rights to be in Canada - Think-Pair-Share. Use Government text p. 60 to list Schweitzer’s list of fundamental rights. Government text pp. 152-158. Read pp. 292-312. Do #1, p. 297, #2-3 sidebar p. 303, #1 & 3, p. 304, #3, p. 308 & #2, p. 312.
- Thursday, November 7 - Take up homework. Examine the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - see PowerPoint; The Constitution. Summarize each of the key sections in your notes. Effect of passing the Charter on Canadian law -- all laws in Canada must conform unless passed using the notwithstanding clause or if they can withstand a challenge based on their being within reasonable limits. Read pp. 240-246. Do #1-3, p. 246, & sidebar #1, p. 244.
- Friday, November 8 - Remembrance Day material -Benoys at War. Take up homework. Complete any remaining material on the Constitution. Begin the new unit -- History. PowerPoint: Studying History. Read pp. 4-10. Do #1-3, p. 9 and the questions in figure 1-2, p. 6 and 1-5, p. 8 - complete for Wednesday. Assignment, due Wednesday: Why should we study history? Answer in at least a half a page of writing and be sure to provide specific reasons with examples, not just vague generalities. Be sure to study for the unit test on Tuesday.