Monday, May 18, 2020

The (Virtual) Peripatetic Pensioner - Stage 19 of the "Tour de Rellies" - Newcastleton to Melrose

Maps from Google Maps and all images from Street View.

84.9 km/52.3 mi (banked). -  63.4 km./39.4 mi,  =  21.5 km/12.9 mi. (banked)

1.  The B6357

2.   The B6399 at Hermitage Water

3.  Further along the B6399

4.  Kirkstile, Hawick

5.  Borders Distillery on the A7, Hawick

6.  Wilton Hill Road (the A7) in Hawick

7.  The A7 in Groundiston Heights

8.   Back Row, Selkirk

9.  Market Place, Selkirk

10.  The Scottish Court, on the A7, Selkirk

11.   Ettrick Terrace, the A7, Selkirk

12.  The A7 Tweed Bridge over Ettrick Water

13.  Boleside Road

14.   The B6394 in Melrose

15.  Abbotsford, the home of Sir Walter Scott, Melrose

16.  Melrose Rugby Football Club, High Street, Melrose

17.  The Station Hotel, my virtual stay on  Dingleton Road, Melrose

18.  Melrose Abbey, Melrose

19.  Inside Melrose Abbey, Melrose