Saturday, May 16, 2020

The (Virtual) Peripatetic Pesioner - Stage 18 of the "Tour de Relies" - Carlisle to Newcastleton by way of Birdoswald Roman Fort

Maps from Google Maps and all images from Street View.

88.4 km/55.1 mi.  -  65.5 km/40.7 mi.  =  22.9 km/14.3 mi (banked).

1.  Warwick Road, Carlisle

2.   Hadrian's Wall footpath and bridge over the River Eden

3.  Road sign on the A689

4.  Carlisle Road

5.  Carlisle Road (A689), Brampton

6.  The Scotch Arms on the A6071, Brampton

7.  The Swartle, Boothby

8.   Lanercost Bridge

9.  Lanercost Priory

10.  Lanercost Priory again

11.  Inside Lanercost Priory

12.  Re-enactors at Birdeswald Roman Fort, Hadrian's Wall

13.  South Gate, Birdeswald Roman Fort, Hadrian's Wall

14.  Hadrian's Wall path sign at Birdeswald

15.  Road sign at Bewcastle

16.  St. Cuthbert's Church, Bewcastle

17.   The English-Scottish border

18.  Road sign for the Scottish Borders

19.  Bridge over the Liddel Water, Newcastleton

20.  Blackburn Lodge, my virtual stay in Newcastleton