Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The (Virtual) Peripatetic Pensioner - Stage 48 of the "Tour de Rellies" - Plymouth to Roscoff

 Maps from Google Maps and all images from Street View.

25.6 km/15.9 mi.  - 3.5 km/2.17 mi.  = 22.1 km/13.7 mi. (banked)

1.  Central Park Avenue, Plymouth

2.  The A386, Plymouth

3.  North Road, Plymouth

4.  Cecil Street

5.   Brittany Ferry Amorique

6.  Arriving at Roscoff

6.  Port de Bloscon, Roscoff

7.  Leaving the ferry port

8.  Rue de Plymouth

9.  Rue Jean d'Arc

10.  Roscoff Lighthouse

11.  Inside the Roscoff Lighthouse

12.  Hotel Armen le Triton, my virtual stay in Roscoff

13.  Rue Edouard Corbiere, with the Church of Our Lady of Croaz Batz

14.  Inside the Church

15.  Roscoff Harbour

16.  The Maison de Johnies et de l'oignon de Roscoff, these onion sellers sailed to Barry between the wars, then cycled to the Welsh valleys selling their wares

17.  Photo of some of the Johnies, inside the museum

18.  A bicycle on display in the museum