Once again, I've had to select walking routes as bicycle routes appear to be unavailable in Bosnia & Herzegovina. While I can map my route in Bosnia, even larger roads do not appear to be available in Street View, so I can only grab pictures of specific sites that are photographed separately.
Maps from Google Maps and all images from Street View.
97.1 km - 90.3 = 30.8 km (banked)
1. Vodeni park Ribica, Vitez
2. Džamija Kaćuni, on the R442
3. Rakovica Mosque
4. University of Serajevo
5. Avaz Twist Tower, Serajevo
6. National Museum of Bosnia and Hercegovina, Serajevo
7. ICAR Canned Beef Monument, Serajevo
8. Ali Pasha Mosque, Serajevo
9. Vjecna Vatra WWII war memorial, Serajevo
10. Inside the War Child Museum, Serajevo
11. The Old Orthodox Church, Serajevo
13. The Halvat Hotel, my virtual stay in Serajevo
14. The White Fortress, Serajevo
17. The Latin Bridge, over the Miljacka River, Serajevo
18. Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque, Serajevo
19. Sarajevo Museum 1878 – 1918, Serajevo