Friday, March 30, 2012

April 2-6

Contact me by e-mail at:

Things that are static -- not requiring regular change -- can be found at my website:

Notice to Parents: During the current labour dispute, only grade 12 marks were to be provided on report cards. Written comments were proscribed. This does not mean that we were not reporting marks to students and parents regularly.

If you want an update regarding marks or other information you need only e-mail me at the address above. I am happy to give a full account that goes well beyond what a report card provides.

Further Notice to Graduates and Parents: I regret to inform you that I am withdrawing from voluntary activities until further notice. My reasons are two-fold, relating to the current labour dispute and concerns for my personal health. I cannot legally say much more than this to students, but would be more than willing to explain my concerns to parents if they e-mail me. The 86% Club will not meet for the remainder of this year (fortunately we have covered the most important material in earlier meetings) and Mr. Benoy is no longer co-chairing the Sutherland Scholarship Committee, nor is he sitting as a member of the committee. Please direct any scholarship questions to Principal McGowan and the Sutherland Administration. I will still help any graduating students who ask me for individual help.

This blogsite will have all of the changing material -- lesson plans and links to assignments. I will try to ensure that all assignments are posted here.If you see something underlined, it means that you can click on the item to have it appear. I will do this for all pdf documents, PowerPoints, videos, and even some music.

Course outlines are posted in the material for the first class this semester - go to the Monday, January 30 posting.

Social Studies 8

The Rome unit test will be on Monday, April 2 -- to allow you the weekend to study. We will start the next unit on Friday -- Byzantine & Islamic Civilizations.

Be sure to be making and using your flash cards every day to master vocabulary and names. Your test on Rome will include the following: 40 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 5 definition items (2 marks each) and 3 long answer questions (6 marks each). The total is, therefore, out of 68 marks. You can earn up to 5 bonus marks for submitting at least 25 correctly made flash cards (term or name only on the front and definition or why the person is important on the back) at the time of the exam. You may not hand these in late to earn marks; they must be submitted when you write the test.

A quiz on the Byzantine, Eastern Orthodox and Islamic Civilizations will take place on Wednesday, April 11.
Expect the mark breakdown to be as follows: 30 multiple choice questions (1 mark each), 5 definitions from a choice of 10 (2 marks each) and a choice of 3 from 5 long answer questions (6 marks each). The test is out of a total of 58 marks. 25 flash cards -- done as I require them -- will result in 5 bonus marks. It is possible to score 63/58 on this test!

To help students who struggle with reading, I have adapted readings and questions from a simpler text for them. Only do this material if you have been asked by Mr. Benoy to do so. These students will not do the regular homework when this alternative is given.

Social Studies 11

  • Monday, April 2 - Take up homework from Friday. Complete PowerPoint material from Canada and the Empire. Watch, online, EAV's Origins of World War I - part 1 (9 minutes) and part 2 (8 minutes). List the causes of World War I for homework.
  • Tuesday, April 3 - Take up homework. Complete any material not covered last class on the origins of the war. Watch Blackadder's explanation of the war's origins. Begin PowerPoint on Canada & World War I. We will look at excepts from Canada; A People's History as we work through the PowerPoint (While watching these segments you need to make notes on the following 3 areas: 1) Describe attitudes toward the war. 2) Describe conditions at the front. 3) What changes did the war bring? Use the Acronym SPERMG to generate classes of ideas -- S=Social, P=Political, E=Economic, R=Religious, G=Geographic). Read pp. 24-28. Do #1-4, p. 28 .
  • Wednesday, April 4 - Mr. Benoy's slides on the Western Front battlefield graves. Take up homework Continue the PowerPoint and People's History segments (While watching these segments you need to make notes on the following 3 areas: 1) Describe attitudes toward the war. 2) Describe conditions at the front. 3) What changes did the war bring? Use the Acronym SPERMG to generate classes of ideas -- S=Social, P=Political, E=Economic, R=Religious, G=Geographic). Read pp. 28-33. Do #1 & 3, p. 33. Also answer the questions in figure 2-8, 2-9, and 2-10.
  • Thursday, April 5 - Take up homework. Complete any of the PowerPoint and People's History material. A Look at wartime propaganda. Posters (also click here for a Canadian exhibition from the Canadian War Museum), Postcards, Leaflets directed at the enemy, Film, and even music. Read this for a nice short treatment of First World War propaganda. An interesting World War I propaganda story is treated in the documentary The Crucified Soldier. If I can find time to show it in class, I will, but if not, you can watch it by linking from here. Read pp. 34-42. Do #1-4, p. 39 and 1 & 3, p. 42.
  • Friday, April 6 - Good Friday Holiday.