Saturday, October 14, 2006

October 16-20

History 12

Continue work on Essay #2

  • Monday - October 16 -- Fascist Italy.
  • Tuesday - October 17 -- USA in the 1920s. If time - "Boom and Bust" video.
  • Wednesday - October 18 -- USA in the 1930s. If time, "FDR and the New Deal" video.
  • Thursday - October 19 -- US Foreign Policy in the 1930s.
  • Friday - October 20 -- Professional Day. Work on questions and Essay #2.

Comparative Civilizations 12

  • Monday - October 16 -- Islamic Architecture.
  • Tuesday - October 17 -- Islamic Decorative Arts.
  • Wednesday - October 18 -- Video on Islam. Islamic Civilization Package is due next Monday.
  • Thursday - October 19 -- Begin Frozen World package. Kenneth Clark, Civilisation text assigned. Hand in Islam package on Monday in class.
  • Friday - October 20 -- Professional Day.

Social Studies 11

*Large Family History assignment distributed this week. This will not be due for well over a month, but you must get a prompt start on it. This is not the kind of assignment that can be completed last minute and it will require that you do considerable research about your family's background, interviewing parents and others.

  • Monday - October 16 -- Hand in "Why Study History" composition. Introduction to the study of history. Introduction to the "Family History Assignment. Read pp. 1-5 in the text book and do the handout questions.
  • Tuesday - October 17 -- Take up homework. Filmstrip The Opening of the Canadian West episode 2 and questions. Read pp. 6-15. Do #1-3, p. 10 and 1-4, p. 15.
  • Wednesday - October 18 -- Take up homework. The Laurier Boom. Filmstrips on Immigration - The Shaws of Midnapore and The Ukrainians. For each filmstrip, answer the following questions: 1) Why did this group decide to come to Canada? What pushed them out of their old homes or pulled them here? 2) How did this group of immigrants fit into Canadian society at the time? How did other Canadians treat them? Read pp. 15-20 and do #1-6, p. 20.
  • Thursday - October 19 -- Take up homework. Two more filmstrips, Dekasegi - using the same questions as Thurday - and Toronto the Good, with new questions provided in a handout. Read pp. 20-24 and do #1-2, p. 24.
  • Friday - October 20 -- Professional Day.