***Note: The plan below differs slightly from the handout I gave at the start of the unit.
- Monday Oct. 9 -- Eat Turkey (unless vegetarian). Thanksgiving Holiday.
- Tuesday Oct. 10 -- The Russian Revolutions.
- Wednesday Oct. 11 -- From Lenin to Stalin, War Communism and the NEP.
- Thursday Oct. 12 -- The Stalin Revolution.
- Friday Oct. 13 -- Catch-up block and AV material. A work block will only be possible if we are completely up to date on lecture material (which I think somewhat unlikely).
Comparative Civilizations 12
***Ancient World unit test will be on Thursday. 25 marks for slide identification (closed book), 25 multiple choice, 10 diagram feature identification, 5 definitions x 2 marks, and one essay from a wide selection (marked out of 24 - 1 x 6 composition and 3 x 6 for content). {all but part 1 is open notebook}. Test total 119 marks.
- Monday Oct. 9 -- Eat, sleep and be merry. Thanksgiving Holiday.
- Tuesday Oct. 10 -- Byzantine Icons. Work on Package.
- Wednesday Oct. 11 -- Byzantine Architecture. Work on Package.
- Thursday Oct. 12 -- Ancient World Unit Test. Rome & Byzantium unit due by 4:30 p.m. Islamic Civilization package assigned.
- Friday Oct. 13 -- Introduction to Islam. Video and handouts. work on package.
Social Studies 11
***Constitution and BC unit test is on Friday. 24 multiple choice. 8 definitions x2 marks. 3 Long Answer x6 marks. Test total 58 marks. (20 flashcards for 5 bonus marks).
- Monday Oct. 9 -- Relax, it is a holiday.
- Tuesday Oct. 10 -- Take up homework. Complete Constitution PowerPoint. AV on the Constitution. Examine p. 164 sidebar on The Lord's Day Act. Discuss the role of the Judiciary in interpreting the Charter. Read pp. 159-167. Do #1-2, p. 161, #1-2, & 6, p. 165, and #1-4, p. 167.
- Wednesday Oct. 11 -- Take up homework. Filmstrip Provincial Government. Read pp. 170-186. Do #1-2, sidebar, p. 176, #1-3, p. 178, #1-2 in the sidebar, p. 182 and t#1-8, p. 186.
- Thursday Oct. 12 -- Take up homework. Municipal government AV. Read pp. 186-196. Do #1-6, p. 196. Prepare for the unit test next class.
- Friday Oct. 13 -- Unit Test The Constitution and BC. Hand back Government texts and sign out History texts. Write a one paragraph to one page composition explaining why we should study history (value 10 marks, due Monday).